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Loree is the best at this Halloween tradition!

Looks like the booze is helping her to losen up a bit.




Legit question, has anyone ever gone to a Halloween event that had bobbing for apples? I have never seen it in real life and yet it's practically in every halloween special


Costume also loosening up looks like


Loose Kitty is best kitty

Rex the Raccoon

My family set up an apple bobbing game once, but that’s because I wanted to try after seeing it in so much media.


Can we get this as a YCH? I'd love to see more characters like this? so much potential

Rex the Raccoon

Since I was a kid, I barely remembered if I liked it or not. Maybe I did, but I’m not sure. I’m sorry if I’m not very helpful.


That’s okay. I looked it up. Allegedly it was a European tradition that people would write names of their desired person on apples and throw them in a giant bin to see if it was destined to happen. And also fertility and harvest celebrations because ancient people are kooky