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This does not affect Patreon activity at all. So no worries about that everything will keep proceeding as normal.

I feel like I need to address the twitter situation or at least just share my thoughts so here we go:

I don't think Twitter is gonna shut down, at least not overnight haha. There is gonna be a lot of major hiccups and Musky Husky will probably get bored of it once he has ruined it. I still think twitter is gonna be around for a while so I'll keep posting there as usual. 

However it is true that 

1) Twitter is probably gonna get more and more unpleasant.

2) I reiterate that is important that we support and invest in social media platforms that are not tied to big souless corporations or manchild billionares. 

So far there seem to be 4 big alternatives I see people bring up a lot; Pillowfort, Inkblot, Cohost and Itaku. I have no informaton on Cohost and Itaku so I cannot vouch for them personally but they seem cool. Right now I'm mostly banking on pillowfort and I'll tell you why down below but first:

Places where you can find me:

-Pillowfort: I hesitate to call this my main gallery because there is still not a lot of people there, but I'm slowly posting my old art and it's nice so far.

-Twitter: I'll keep using twitter as I've been doing since the tumblr purge.

-FurAffinity: I guess FA is still there. I post like once or twice a month.

-Tumblr: I'll be posting cropped/censored versions of my art in there with links to pillowfort.

--- A bit of a personal rant on social media you def don't need to read:

Tumblr was an amazing platform for artists you guys, especially for those artists that depend on commissions and/or Patreon. There was no stupid algorithm, we could post almost anything there and it had/has great systems for art:

The like and reblog system essetially gives every post you publish an evergreen existence as it can spread so easily between people when you post it but also whenever you decide to reblog it again on your own blog. Twitter killed this on their site with the algorythm. 

Tagging stuff means that your art was gonna be seen by the many, many eyeballs of the particular fandom you were drawing for.

The key for this great simbiotic relationship was the fact that Tumblr was/is not only a place for artists but for everyone.

Sure, technically DA and FA can also be used by anyone, but there is nothing else to do there unless seeing art is all you want to do. People spend hours browsing tumblr for whatever reason and chances are they're gonna see your art if you share some circles. This means more likes, more follows, more supporters, more reach, you get it.

DA is a nono nowadays, not only they were fooling around with NFT stuff but now they fully support AI art (deviantart of all people!!) and FA is ok I guess but the page is old as balls! still feels very 2000s and I'm no furry artist so people like me do not thrive there (which is to be expected).

So this is why I support Pillowfort myself as it seems to be the most similar to tumblr where all types of people can be around and not only artists or people super into art (bless you all). Cohost seem to have a similar vibe as well I'm def gonna keep my eyes on them

I see Inkblot as a hopeful replacemente for Deviantart personally and maybe Itaku as well as they both seem to be geared more towards artists.

But anyway! I have no idea what the future of art in social media holds but I'm sure we'll see it through together and we'll thrive on a fair and healthy platform eventually. I'm incredibly grateful for all of you for your support so I can continue to create my silly fantasy porn art. If I have any piece of mind regarding this situation is because of you, so thank you from the bottom of my heart <3

This does not affect Patreon activity at all. So no worries about that everything will keep proceeding as normal.



Just curious, why is mastodon/some other fediverse app not on this list? No algorithm, tags, allows nsfw, likes and retweets a la Tumblr and Twitter. Also doesn't suffer from the instability Tumblr et al were suffering from last night, as it's a distributed platform. Also, no ads or corporate accounts.

Eppy NWS

Mastodon is very very twitter-ey. It doesn't have the algorithms or "can be bought by a rich asshole" problems... but it does have the "Sharing Art feels like a kludge" problems. Pillowfort and Itaku feel like they have much better "upload, curate, stage, share your art" tools

Eppy NWS

In America around 2011, there were some financial rules passed that made it so that Banks couldn't charge vendors the same rates for debit transactions as it did for credit card transactions. Thus, several banks "Teased" starting to charge 'free' accounts for debit cards. It was a cynical move that made a bunch of people (including me) go "What does this bank I have been with for 20 years actually do for me that I like, and can I get that somewhere else" and a bunch of them left for Credit Unions for their "Main Banking (IE, the place where they would deposit their paycheck and where most bill-pay would draw-from). Ultimately, the banks backed down, but I feel like they were still happy that a bunch of the "deadbeat" account holders left to go to smaller Credit Unions (at least until they realized that people who went to smaller credit unions saw their lower loan rates and refinanced away from banks). This feels a lot like that. Do I think twitter is going to die? No. Do I think there is a MASSIVE diaspora happening that's basically going to mean people diversify across several different sites and a lot of specialization like in every other industry? Yes.