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I need to get back in YouTube’s good graces because they’re showing all the signs of being about to remove my channel… any ideas hahah



Find another platform. Unfortunately YouTube has the right to kick anyone off they want for whatever reason they want. Been trying to message you on snap can you have a look when you can a chance

Howard D. Glockzin

Youtube, like any social media platform, looks for key words and phrases, which may be trigger words. They will remove your posts and/or content if they find too many of those. Careful with language, even though your content is for adults, and you make that very clear, youtube promotes themselves as family friendly. People are turned off with Ebonics too. Just saying. Yes, I know people are biased. I have no problem, because I know you are expressing your perspective on these issues your way Chloe. As far as I am concerned, keep doing what you are doing.