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Loyalty. It seems like there’s no such thing anymore. And it’s not even so far as cheating. But if there’s a problem we speak about it and not just speak to her friends about it. I get the bouncing ideas, opinions, feelings off of friends or the ones you trust the most. But I feel like there are issues/problems/intimate things that stays between partners, and if you do talk to friends/family about issues/problems you for sure should be telling your partner. And 100% giving heads up to your partner if you shared intimate conversations to family/friends.


The most unrealistic expectation was for me to change to fit her "perfect man" mold. She knew who I was and what I was about well before entering into a relationship. And when I didn't change to suit her, she bailed. But before she decided to bail she treated me horribly and I always felt like I had to walk on eggshells.