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Thanks for believing in us these past 3 years. Without you guys and gals, AFS would not be a thing. Your support is forever appreciated. 

Here's to many more years to come!




No no no...Thank you 🤘🤘👏👏👏


Thank you guys too! Have met some amazing friends and have had opportunities to talk to my heroes that I never would have otherwise.


Much as I'd love to spout some Oscar Wilde-like wordplay, I'm just gonna say it from the heart: AFS fuckin' rules 😁


Been an off and on subscriber, but Finally locked in as a topguy and couldn't be happier!


Proud to be the 28th Top Guy, couldn’t imagine my fandom Without AFS and my friends I made along the way. Cheers!


Hey guys. I am very happy to hear that you are already turning 3. Congratulations and wish your content to prosper for many more years to come!


Thank you for everything you do for us if it wasn't for AFS I wouldn't have the family that I have now


Happy Bday!! You know, not to generate pity responses, AFS has helped me through several valleys of my life. Few years ago, my dad passed away…I needed an escape and AFS was there to provide me that. After my dad passed away, I had several back to back eye surgeries to help with my existing glaucoma issues…AFS was there 24/7 to keep me from going insane for being partial blind during recovery process. When I’m bored at work doing routine work, AFS was there to help pass the time. While I’m an enhancement month by month guy, I give AFS 5* for their work, effort, content and enguiniety. Consider me the Barry Horowitz of AFS, I’m a small contributor to the major community. Thank You again.


Thanks for all of the hard work put in by all. It is appreciated


Great bang for your buck! 👍👍👍