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Last week on 3:16 day we discussed “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and his run in 1999. I saw a lot of great feedback online did you as well?

Let’s get into it Jim - one of the most iconic builds & events in the World Wrestling Federation’s history and really the reason it turned the tide in the war between the WWF & WCW…

WrestleMania XIV.

We’re coming off No Way Out as we covered last month and it’s crazy to see this…but the night after Raw is preempted for the Dog Show. How much does this get into Vince’s crawl?

Is this something everyone was worried - could it lose momentum?

While you’re not on TV you’re doing internet audio shows - the precursor to podcasts so to speak - and you’re on discussing Mike Tyson and the negotiations with him…

You had this to say: “I think anytime you’re dealing with a big money contract, there’s always some tense moments, but from the beginning Mike indicated that he was a life-long WWF fan, had always been intrigued by the genre, and was certainly very willing to listen to opportunities for a position at Wrestlemania. So from that standpoint, the negotiations were not as challenging as one might perceive, because Mike’s a fan”

Did anything change with Mike when him & Don King stopped doing business together?

One of the great angles that’s really forgotten is on that taped Raw that was moved to Saturday from Dallas - Rocky comes out and presents to Kama, Mark Henry & D’Lo Brown Rolexes while he presents Faarooq with a life-sized poster of Rocky with the IC title. Was this the Rock just getting into his prime on being entertaining?

From the Torch:

“Jim Ross introduced Dok Hendrix as guest ring announcer, citing his years in Dallas, Tex. as a main event wrestler. Hendrix came out to his intro music when he was “Freebird” Michael Hayes, “Badstreet U.S.A.” He didn’t get much of a response, though. He got on the mic and said, “Let’s bring out our next match.” Kane came out and squashed Dok. Dok hit Kane three times with his boot, but Kane gave him a chokeslam and tombstone for a quick win. Bearer got on the mic and said, “This Freebird is grounded.” Ross asked if anybody can stop Kane and then called for help for Dok in the ring…”

Doot doot doot really loved being in the ring back then didn’t he?

Also on that show you would interview Steve Austin and he would discuss stunning Chyna “as soon as you step through the ropes, your ass belongs to me.” When you look back at the build of Austin - Michaels - with the limitations of Michaels physically - it took some good creative work to keep the heat going with other people involved like Chyna & Tyson didn’t it?

Steve would finish the interview by taking your cowboy hat and putting it on - what was your relationship like with Steve at this point?

Did Steve know he was on the cusp of being THE GUY?

An interesting situation arises with Ahmed Johnson - and according to the reports - was asked to do a clean job to Kurrgan’s claw at the Raw tapings. He refuses - leaves and didn’t show up at the next Raw tapings. Did you talk with Ahmed that day? Was this something that was just mounting up to this point? What do you remember of all this?

Was this a blessing getting out of what was reported as 5 year deal?

Also at the tapings it’s reported that Luna & Sunny got into a scuffle backstage. The story is that Luna threw Sunny’s gear out of her locker room and got some punches in. This was building the last couple of weeks from some comments that Sunny had made to her. Jim - did you ever expect you would have Luna beating up Sunny something you would have to deal with?

Was Sunny a handful at this point?

It’s also reported that John Tenta had impressed with his dark matches and he would be returning to the company. We know that in a few months he would join the Oddities as Golga…but was there something you think could’ve been done more with Tenta? Did you see him as a possible top level heel again?

The split of the Legion of Doom takes place at the February 23rd Raw where they lose it on each other after a loss to the New Age Outlaws and they get into a shoving match and roll around in the ring.

Looking back - could either of them had survived as singles - or did they need to go away to be able to come back with a new coat of paint as Bruce would say?

From the Torch

A segment aired from Shawn Michaels’s home in San Antonio, Tex. with Hunter, Chyna, and presumably Michaels’s real-life girlfriend (who has supposedly “added more stability to his life” in recent months). They were playing pool in his rec room. Michaels said the rumors of DX seeking legal action against Steve Austin for giving Chyna the Stunner were untrue because DX believes in policing their own. Hunter said the WWF was looking for ratings. “If you want ratings, the next four weeks should be something,” Hunter said. “If all hell breaking loose is your idea of must-see TV, we’re going to set the Nielsen Ratings on fire.” Michaels said that DX plans to wreak havoc in the WWF between now and Wrestlemania and that next week on Raw live in Cleveland would be a good place to start. He said not only would Owen Hart and Austin be there, but he heard Mike Tyson would be, too. Michaels also said he would defend against Austin at Wrestlemania. “I guarantee it,” he added.

I mean this is kind of a shoot isn’t it? When ratings are brought up on TV and people today discuss them about how the fans shouldn’t care about them…YOU’RE BRINGING THEM UP ON TV! Isn’t this the fault of when they started talking about ratings back then?

From the Torch

They went to a promo with Goldust imitating his father. They showed clips of Dusty Rhodes in the polka dots during his WWF days. He said he was 25 time world champion. “I beat Ric Flair 25,000 times in a row, had a legendary feud with Terry Funk who always whipped my ass so I don’t want to talk about that right now.” He added, “I’m so proud of my son, come straight from my loins, you understand baby.” He used all of Dusty’s catch-phrases. In the arena, Dusty’s “Common Man” music played which Dusty used to come to the ring to in his WWF days. Dustin walked out wearing polka dots and a stuffed shirt. Ross said that earlier a WWF official talked to the real Dream and “he had a good laugh with us about this situation”…

So I’m assuming that’s Bruce that talked with Dusty? Why was this something you were told to mention?

What did you think of this gimmick?

The Torch continues…

Bradshaw pinned “American Dream” Goldust. Dustin did all of Dusty’s mannerisms from the bionic elbow to the crotch-grabbing. He had markings on his arm like Dusty. Ross mocked the polka dots as “another bit of marketing genius.” Bradshaw no-sold Dream’s bionic elbow. Dustin said, “Listen here, son, you know who I am? I’m a legend, the only true Texan in here. I’m the Babe Ruth of professional wrestling. I’m gonna come back in there, so you better let me start beatin’ you up.” When Bradshaw gave Dustin a boot to the face, Dustin did a mock blading motion to his forehead. Ross and Lawler said Dusty has a good sense of humor and would be having a laugh over this. Lawler said, “He’s always been a friend to me. He’s only stabbed me in the front.” Bradshaw flattened Dustin with a lariat for the pin…

This…just feels mean on both ends. Are we glad we moved past this point?

At the Raw in Cleveland - and in what is a surprise twist - Mike Tyson joins DX. Was this always the plan or something that had to be done because of Shawn’s injury?

This is one of those angles where you look back and go - the creative was clicking in the top program with the top babyface, top heel and top outside star and we’re on the right track - right?

The angle itself is great - Michaels comes out to interrupt Tyson - they act like they’re going to fight - Michaels pokes Tyson in the chest - Tyson shoves him back and Michaels pulls his shirt off to reveal a DX shirt. You would even say on commentary, “This wasn’t the SportsCenter moment I was looking for.”

It’s a massive success where the rating draws a 4.5 for the quarter hour - and ties Nitro for the first time in a long time for a quarter hour. But coming right off of that angle - we got a Steve Blackman vs. Kama match. Not the right thing to come off that was it?

Also on that Raw we have another rebranding of Jeff Jarrett - this time in his old Double J get up and now we also have Tennessee Lee - you needed to get Jarrett out of the NWA - was this a step in the right direction for Jarrett and what did you think of Robert Fuller coming to the WWF?

On this show there was the angle where Kane would choke slam Mark Eaton and give him a tombstone before a coffin appeared on the stage and a lightning bolt hit the coffin and the Undertaker would come back to life and…after some talk of eternal damnation and souls - we have a match at WrestleMania between Undertaker and Kane. We will be diving more into the Evolution of Taker in a few weeks - but what did you think of the build to Taker-Kane at Mania?

It’s reported in the Torch that the WWF was working on getting new rings made and it’s due to the concern of a string of injuries over the past couple years. Is that something you were in charge of and was it time? Did the talent sound happy when this news comes out?

It’s also reported in the Torch that an original plan for Chainsaw & Cactus taking on the Outlaws at Mania would be a barbed wire match. Do you know if that was ever considered and did the WWF take some heat for when they used barbed wire at No Way Out?

On March 9th - Raw and Nitro in the final 15 minutes of both shows had 6.56 million households watching - which was a record for pro wrestling on cable. How hot was both the WWF & WCW at this time?

On that Raw you would interview Tyson to continue the build for WrestleMania. You would discuss Austin interrupting Tyson and flipping him off - joining DX - and it ends with you asking if it’s fair he’s at ringside during “the most important title match in WWF history” and Tyson responds with - “Fair? Do you think Mike Tyson’s been treated fair in this life? Do you think anybody cares about me? You better get with the program, man. Fair is winning.”

How good was Mike during this do you remember? Was he easy to coach through these things or did he know what he was doing?

Also on that Raw Austin is sitting in the ring and refusing to leave until Vince came out. You would try to calm him down and Austin would say, “Sit your little cowboy ass before I come out there and stomp a mud hole in you and milk you dry because you know I will.”

Brisco & Lanza come out - then Slaughter - and Austin wasn’t budging and McMahon is shown in the back nervous. After a commercial Pat Patterson comes out and still no Austin leaving until Vince comes out. This segment is the real birth of Austin - McMahon isn’t it?

From the Torch

Austin said it made him sick watching McMahon doing jumping jacks around Tyson and “blowing smoke up his ass.” He added, “You’ve pissed on me and insulted me for the last time.” Austin told McMahon he is as guilty as Michaels in terms of provoking him. McMahon told Austin “baddest man on the planet” is a figure of speech. Austin gave McMahon the finger and said, “This is just a figure of speech. How do you like that?” Austin asked McMahon if he really wants to see him become WWF Champion. McMahon wouldn’t answer. McMahon said he was going to leave the ring. Austin took off his hat and told McMahon to give him his best shot. He looked away and said, “Blindside me. Show some guts, you yellow-bellied bastard.” McMahon began grimacing. Austin ripped his suit. Austin said if he wasn’t going to fire him, to get his coward ass out of the ring. Austin asked the crowd if they wanted him to kick him square in the ass to give him a hell yeah. Austin said the whole deal with Tyson was a plan because McMahon didn’t want him to become WWF Champ. McMahon returned to the back, surrounded by a posse of officials and suits. Austin said next time Michaels showed up, “I’m not asking you to lay down. I’m gonna keep knocking your ass down until you don’t get up and that belt is mine.”

This…is it Jim. Everyone had to know at this point - right?

Goldust and Marc Mero have a match where Luna & Sable are handcuffed to opposite ringposts and eventually Luna is uncuffed and smears make-up all over Sable’s face to lead to their match at WrestleMania. Did anyone think it wasn’t a good idea to put Sable in the ring?

With all the added eyes to the product leads to issues and over in WCW - well the issues come to a head when Eric Bischoff fires Sean Waltman. It’s reported in the Torch within hours Barry Bloom is talking with you & Ed Kauffman. What was different about bringing in Waltman at this point compared to when Vince let him leave in 96?

Was Vince ready to open the check book for talent as it’s said Waltman was offered a deal more than what he was making in WCW…

Raw gets preempted again - this time by USA original movie Moby Dick. This has to be frustrating does it not?

USA wasn’t wrong because they drew a 8.1 rating and the next night Raw on Tuesday unopposed draws a 4.4 rating - its highest in a long time. Did anyone think it would be better to not be on Monday?

On that Raw from Phoenix you continued to put over Michaels vs. Austin as the “most anticipated WWF title match in history.” Is that a Vince line or was that something you really believed in?

Vince McMahon cuts a promo about how he was making sure Austin and Michaels was going to happen at WrestleMania by not hitting him. When Kevin Kelly asks what he means, McMahon said, “That means I was simply saving the main event at Wrestlemania. How could Stone Cold compete against Shawn Michaels with a broken jaw?”

Kelly asked McMahon if he wants to see Austin as champion. “It really doesn’t matter what I think,” he said. “It matters what WWF fans think.” When pressed, McMahon said if Austin would listen to reason and could be molded into being a respectable champion, that would be okay, but if Austin is as he is now, it would be a corporate public relations nightmare if he won the belt. Kelly said he wanted to know the truth. McMahon said the fans couldn’t handle the truth. Kelly pressed again, so McMahon said, “It’s not just no. It’s hell no! Austin, that’s the bottom line because Vince McMahon said so”…

The money that’s being printed coming out of these promos - Jim did you know Vince had it in him?

Owen Hart severely sprains his ankle in a match so it’s determined that Hunter will confront him and beat him in a minute after Chyna nails Owen’s ankle with a baseball bat and an ankle lock by Hunter later and he’s the new European champion. How quickly was the big money contract Owen had signed get wasted with not getting the chance to work with Shawn do you think?

From the Torch

Jim Ross last week on the WWF 900 line said three main event caliber stars were about to jump to the WWF. He didn’t mention names, although one name obviously is Sean Waltman (a/k/a Syxx), who signed a four-year contract with the WWF on Monday with a downside guarantee said to be a substantial raise above what his WCW contract paid, which was $250,000 a year.

One other logical name speculated about is Steven Regal, who WCW let go a few weeks ago. Regal was on the verge of becoming a top star for WCW about a year ago, but then health problems among other factors slowed his push considerably. He is respected as a good interview and a good worker (not to mention one of the five or ten toughest “shooters” in wrestling).

In asking various people in the industry if there was another major name in negotiations with the WWF, Ric Flair’s name came up again. This story seems to change month to month, but there are reliable sources indicating that Flair does have a way to get out of the letter of intent-type contract he signed with WCW a couple of months ago.

Jim - was this the three names you were referring to? Did the WWF think they had an inside track at bringing Flair in? How different is the business if Flair comes in in 1998?

On the other side of this - with Michaels working Mania and knowing he was taking time off - there’s a severe lack of top heels for Austin to work with. Is that something of a concern from a talent relations standpoint?

The go-home Raw really slams home the fact that the deck is stacked against Austin in his match with Michaels - but Shawn cuts this uninspired promo - the last as WWF champion. Was Shawn disappointed this was the end of what he always wanted - the top guy in the company? Was it the back pain - or was it his demons do you think?

Austin works a 10 minute match - one of the longest times he’s been in the ring in a singles match in a few months - with Rocky Maivia - and the irony of that being the top program over the next few years isn’t lost on me either. Did Steve need to feel like he could be in ring shape considering what he would have to pull out of Shawn at WrestleMania with his injuries?

Also on the go-home show a lot of focus is on Taker & Kane.

From the Torch

A promo aired with Undertaker “at the grave site of his parents.” He said the Devil stands before him in the form of his own flesh and blood, his brother Kane. He asked his parents to forgive him for fighting his brother at Wrestlemania. “I have to fight,” he said. “Just know that I love you”… Kane and Paul Bearer came out. Bearer said that Kane has the same powers as Undertaker. Kane then set a lighting grid on fire in the ceiling. Bearer threatened to do the same to Ross or Cole at ringside. Instead, he set their monitors on fire. Kane then caused a spotlight to explode and almost knocked the operator off the platform. Bearer blamed Undertaker for his parents perishing in the fire and his fault that Kane was locked up for 20 years. He said Kane would destroy everyone in his path before disposing of Undertaker. Bearer said he didn’t think they were being taken seriously, so told Kane to prove his powers. Kane then pointed at a WWF crew member, shot lightning bolts at him, and set him on fire. His back was engulfed in flames and they had to use fire extinguishers to put out the fire. Paramedics came out to help him.

This…this is something isn’t it?

Also on this Raw we see the first appearance of Vince Russo - as Vince Russo instead of Vic Venom. He’s there to present Sable an award for her cover story being the most sold Raw magazine of all time. Mero leaves so Sable has her moment but it leads to an attack of Luna & Goldust. Was there heat between Sable & Luna?

Did you think Vince was just trying to get himself on TV?

This Raw was taped the week before so the WWF only runs 3 house shows from that Raw taping to Mania. But these are some big shows. 12,476 at the Pittsburgh Civic Center - a sell out in Chicago at the Rosemont Horizon of 17,273 and 15,297 paid at Madison Square Garden. Was this a realization how hot the business was?

On March 26th there’s a big public workout at City Hall Plaza in Boston where 10,000 showed up to see a confrontation between Tyson/DX & Austin. Are you at this? How was it?

WrestleMania back then was different than these times with Axxess, etc. What did you do for the few days you were in Boston before the show?

Did you feel the city’s excitement for the show?

Well we’re at the show and right away the difference between the 14th Mania and the 13th Mania is that the buy rate increases 208% from 237,000 buys to 730,000 buys. Was that expected?

To put this in perspective - this is the second most bought pay-per-view in WWF history - just trailing WrestleMania V. Amazing for a company that just a few months prior told Bret Hart they couldn’t afford his contract isn’t it?

The show drew 15,681 paid for $1,029,230 and $272,954 in merchandise. The gate is the highest for a professional wrestling show in North America in 6 years. That has to be a celebration at the end of the night right?

The show opened with the DX band playing “America the Beautiful.” Not the best rendition was it?

The first match is the tag team battle royal where the winners get a shot at the tag team champions at Unforgiven. Here’s the list of teams in there…the New Midnight Express, The Headbangers, Faarooq & Kama, D’Lo Brown & Mark Henry, both sets of Los Boriquas, The Godwinns, the Quebecers, Chainz & Bradshaw, Flash Funk & Steve Blackman, the Rock & Roll Express, Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor, DOA, & the Truth Commission before LOD comes out as LOD 2000 with a new look and Sunny.

This is just get everyone on the show type match isn’t it?

From the Torch

The entire match was built around re-establishing the LOD. They were growing their hair out. Animal wore short tights. Their shoulder pads were futuristic looking. To win the match, the LOD eliminated The Godwinns and Midnight Express. The fans “oohed and ahhed” for the LOD’s power moves at the end. They chanted “LOD” after their win. (1/2*)

This achieved its goal didn’t it?

Highlights aired of the DX public workout the previous Thursday. They showed Michaels and Tyson kissing Austin on the forehead as he was tied up in the ropes. They showed Austin appearing on Regis & Kathy Lee on Friday.

Ross talked about the 100 different reporters in attendance, including seven different London newspapers, the A.P. New York Times, Boston Herald, Philadelphia Daily News, and Sports Illustrated.

How big was this for the WWF with all the media?

(2) Taka Michinoku beat Aguila at 5:58 to retain the WWF Light-Heavyweight Title. Aguila and Taka exchanged flying moves off the top rope to the floor in the opening two minutes. Fans applauded some of Aguila’s acrobatic highspots and “oohed and ahhed” at other times. Fun to watch for the highspots,but not much of a storyline and no long term selling. They hit a few near falls in the final minute leading to Taka catching Aguila with a dropkick as Aguila came at him off the top rope, then hit the Michinoku Driver for the pin. It was good the WWF showed off some ’90s cruiserweight athleticism to the expansive PPV audience, but not an outstanding match for its genre. (*3/4)

Aguila is super green at this point in his career but not a bad showcase match for the division was it?

There’s a pre-taped segment with Gennifer Flowers - who was booked because she was supposedly Bill Clinton’s mistress and rocky Maivia who referred to himself as “The Rock” throughout the interview. This is one of the first times if not the first time he does this type of promo and refer to himself as this. He was months away from being the guy but he wasn’t far at this point was he?

(3) Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) beat Owen Hart at 11:28 to retain the European Title. The DX band played the DX theme song live as Hunter and Chyna came to the ring. Commissioner Sgt. Slaughter handcuffed himself to Chyna at ringside to keep her from interfering. Owen limped to the ring. His severe ankle sprain had not healed completely and he had his cast taken off earlier that day. At 10:00 Owen backdropped out of a Pedigree attempt by Hunter, then reversed it into a sharpshooter. Chyna helped Hunter reach the ropes to break the hold. Chyna threw powder in Slaughter’s eyes. Hunter kneed Owen from behind. Chyna then gave Owen a low-blow. Hunter hit the Pedigree for the three count. Okay, especially considering Owen’s tender ankle, but nothing special. (**)

Do you think this was a disappointment for Owen with his injury and that it could’ve been so much more if he was in good health?

(4) Marc Mero & Sable beat Goldust & Luna at 9:09 of a mixed tag match when Sable pinned Luna. In the first minute, the men tagged in the women. Sable chased Luna around the ring. Luna then tagged in Goldust before Sable could make contact with her. At 1:30 Sable tagged in, but Luna refused to tag in, too. At 3:45 Sable finally got her hands on Luna and took her hard to the mat and began slapping at her. The crowd popped huge. Sable threw some nice roundkicks at Luna in the corner to Luna’s ribs and head. Sable gave Goldust a shot, then clotheslined Luna over the top rope. Already Sable showed more coordination than most recent American women wrestlers.

Mero gave Goldust his TKO finisher at 7:25 and got absolutely no pop. Luna interrupted the pinfall attempt by raking Mero’s back. Mero tagged in Sable who covered the KO’d Goldust, but the ref was late getting in position to make the count. Luna then jumped off the top rope, but Sable moved and Luna hit Goldust. Sable then powerbombed Luna for a near fall. Fans chanted “Sable, Sable.” Sable reversed Luna into a TKO and scored the clean three count. Good match. Mero celebrated as if he won the match himself. Sable looked upset at Mero. (**1/2)

This is quite the coming out party for Sable and you can’t discuss this without how good a job Luna did in helping get her over right?

Tennessee Lee introduced Jeff Jarrett and Gennifer Flowers, who walked to the ring together. Ross wondered if Double J and Flowers had spent the weekend together “socializing.” Jarrett asked if he was great and Gennifer said he is. She then did ring announcing for the next match.

This is Jarrett’s only appearance on WrestleMania - do you think he was happy at this time in his role?

(5) Rocky Maivia (w/Faarooq, Kama Mustafa, D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry) beat Ken Shamrock via reversed decision to retain the Intercontinental Title at 4:49. At 3:45 Shamrock brought a chair into the ring for no apparent reason.

When the ref tried to stop him, he shoved the ref. When he turned around, Rocky nailed him with a stiff chairshot. When Rocky went for the pin, Shamrock kicked out with authority. Shamrock snapped and hit a powerslam and a belly-to-belly, then applied his anklelock submission for a clean tapout win. After the match the NOD attacked him, so he gave them belly-to-belly suplexes. Then he reapplied an anklelock. At that point, the referee reversed his decision and gave Rocky the win via DQ.

This is…a dusty finish but the title was better to be on Rocky - but the match itself made very little sense. After the match Shamrock destroys everyone but Faarooq who bails and Shamrock snapped again and beat up officials again. This always seemed like the failsafe plan for Ken didn’ tit?


Ross announced the attendance and box office receipt total and said it was the largest in the history of Boston.

This is a big moment isn’t it? This would normally be Vince - but this is the first time you were to announce a WrestleMania all by yourself. Is that something for you to hang your cowboy hat on?

The next match was Cactus & Terry defeating the New Age Outlaws in a dumpster match to win the WWF Tag Team Titles. This match is more well known for Terry getting dropped onto the dumpster and really hurting his back.

From the Torch

The Outlaws fought Cactus all the way backstage. Cactus held his own and DDT’d Bad Ass onto a forklift. He threw Road Dogg onto Bad Ass. Funk drove the forklift and dropped the wrestlers into the dumpster and closed the lids for the win. Fun brawl that wasn’t so campy that it diminished the legitimate violence. (***)

This is more well known as the precursor to big tag team gimmick matches on WrestleMania…but when the match is over…do you think anyone realized they were watching Austin’s first big heel challenger in Cactus Jack?

From the Torch

(7) Undertaker pinned Kane (w/Paul Bearer) at 16:57. Pete Rose was guest ring announcer. He turned heel on the Boston fans, talking about how the Red Sox can’t win a World Series. Fans booed. When Kane entered the ring, he piledrove Rose and the crowd popped. Although the move will get Kane some mainstream publicity, it was bizarre taking a hardcore heel like Kane and turning him babyface for the fans before his match.

This has always been fascinating to me - but could anyone else had been able to do this with Pete Rose and have it make sense?

At 11:15, in a spectacular spot, Undertaker flew over the top rope and aimed for Kane, but instead crashed through the Spanish broadcasting table. Back in the ring Kane hit Undertaker with a flying clothesline.

At 15:00 Undertaker chokeslammed and piledrove Kane, but Kane kicked out. Undertaker followed up with a legdrop, but Kane sat up. Undertaker hit another tombstone for a two count, but Kane again kicked out. Ross sold it as being unprecedented. Undertaker hit a top rope clothesline, then hit a third tombstone and scored a three count. Kane attacked Undertaker with a chair afterward and tombstoned him on the chair. Undertaker eventually sat up and walked to the back. The long chinlock mid-match killed any momentum, and the pace was too slow as it was. There were some nice spots and a nice finishing sequence, though, and the storyline overall was sound. (*1/4)

Three tombstones is a lot back then but was it the match that they needed? Was it a let down?

(8) Steve Austin pinned Shawn Michaels (w/Hunter, Chyna) to capture the WWF Hvt. Title at 20:01. A well-produced video aired before the match. Mike Tyson came to the ring first wearing a DX t-shirt and doing the X-chop. They did the backstage camera shot of each wrestler before they made their entrance, which is always a welcome production touch. Tyson got in Austin’s face as soon as he entered the ring. Michaels dedicated the match to “Earl” (Hebner) before the match. The crowd chants of “Austin” were thunderous. Tyson swiped at Austin’s legs as Austin circled the ring at the start of the match. Ross did a great job setting up the prestige of the match.

Not having Earl Hebner is a big deal isn’t it? How severe was the issues with Earl then?

At 8:25 Michaels backdropped Austin over the railing into the crowd, but may have aggravated his back in the process. He hit Austin with the ring bell. Back in the ring Michaels began favoring his back and wincing in pain. He showed frustration with his lack of physical ability to perform at 100 percent. From this point on, Michaels’s performance was an incredible display of guts.

Some people have speculated that Shawn wasn’t as bad as he was. Did that ever go through your mind?

At 10:15 fans began taunting Tyson with a chant of “Holyfield,” which didn’t seem to please Michaels as he gave the crowd a double finger in response and spit at them. That gave Austin a chance to tackle and punch away at Michaels, which popped the crowd. Austin threw Michaels over the top rope to the floor. An amazing bump for someone with incredible lower back pain. Michaels rammed Austin’s leg into the ringpost. Michaels could barely crawl through the ropes at 12:00 to reenter the ring. He had to pause and lean on the ropes to rest his back spasms. Michaels yelled at Ross at ringside and it didn’t seem to be friendly words. They turned down the ringside mic so he couldn’t be heard.

Do you remember this? Do you know what he said? Did you & Shawn have issues?

At 13:00 Michaels was almost in tears as he worked over Austin’s legs. Michaels slidekicked Austin into the announcing desk. Tyson threw Austin back into the ring. When Austin looked at Tyson, Michaels clipped his legs from behind. Michaels then applied a figure-four. Michaels pulled on the ropes for leverage. At 16:15 Austin reversed the hold. Austin catapulted Michaels into the top turnbuckle and scored a near fall. Michaels came back with a sleeper right away.

Austin backed Michaels into the corner to escape, but sandwiched the referee in the process. Austin took over offense, but after a duck-under, Michaels nailed him with a flying forearm. Michaels couldn’t elevate on the move because of his back. Michaels crawled to the top rope and hit a top rope elbow, then signaled for Chin Music. He stomped in the corner and went for the kick, but Austin ducked. Austin went for a quick stunner, but Michaels shoved him into the ropes.

On the rebound, Michaels went for a superkick, but Austin blocked it and gave Michaels the stunner. Tyson quickly entered the ring and made the three count. Tyson held Austin’s arm in the air immediately.

This is the iconic finish and match that set up a run of a lifetime. How gutsy was Shawn in all this?

Was this the moment Steve needed?

Would it had been better with say - Bret - to play off WrestleMania 12 if it could’ve happened - or was this the perfect way to crown Steve?

A minute later Tyson held up an Austin 3:16 t-shirt. Michaels stood up and shook his head in anger at Tyson. Michaels trash talked Tyson, then poked his chest. When he took a swing, Tyson floored Michaels with a right. Tyson did amazing in this role did he not?

From the Torch

This match showed that Austin is a virtually fully functioning wrestler again, which is amazing considering that he was close to retiring six months ago due to his severe neck injury. It’s also still scary because he could take a “wrong” bump at any time, but he seems to be effectively avoiding the most high-risk neck-compression bumps that doctors told him are most dangerous. The finishing sequence was well conceived and well executed.

The clean pinfall counts for something, too. Both wrestlers showed they have pride in not just fan pops, gate receipts, buyrate levels, and merchandise sales, but actually delivering in the ring and taking chances to put on a great performance. They clearly wanted to show the low expectations were unwarranted. What could this match have been if the wrestlers were both 100 percent? Ross came through with his traditional untouchable big match performance, elevating the match a level higher than it was. (***3/4)

What say you to this Jim? When the show is over - did it feel like - we’ve done it?

Is this the landmark event that is so well remembered? Do you think it holds up over time?


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