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Our topic today Bruce…No Way Out 2008!

We’re coming out of the Royal Rumble in 2008 from MSG - where John Cena made a surprise return - well ahead of reported schedule - as entrant #30 and would go on to win the Rumble for the main event title shot…

When do you know John is coming back?

From the Observer: “While

kept quiet, Cena was medically cleared to come back and he was at first going to

return to television on the 1/7 Raw show at the Mohegan Sun Casino to announce

being in the Rumble. Cena was at the show, but then left before the tapings started.

At first, Brian Gewirtz and Vince McMahon wanted him on television, but

' Stephanie McMahon and Bruce Prichard argued for the surprise idea. Michael

Hayes also thought it should be announced in advance. Vince eventually changed

his mind in the direction of the surprise.”

Do you remember this conversation?

Do you remember what the original plan for WrestleMania was and how John affected them?

You’re obviously happy to have Cena returning - do you feel a jolt with him returning?

The WWE had made the switch to HD on January 21st. Was this a tough transition for anyone in the company?

When Cena wins the title shot - it’s assumed that it’ll be Cena vs. Orton at WrestleMania. But the next night on Raw Cena says he doesn’t want to wait and wants the shot ASAP and the match is made for No Way Out.

Does this hurt the Royal Rumble stipulation do you think?

It’s quickly announced that at No Way Out there will be two elimination chamber matches - which is not something the company had done before.

Meltzer would say that it’s more like TNA booking than WWE booking to have 2 elimination chamber matches on one show. What say you?

From the Observer: “At press time, and you know the drill, that is now the most likely

scenario. HHH supposedly now favors a match with Cena over Orton and Michael

Hayes suggested promoting it like boxing as "HHH-Cena II." There is said to be

some second guessing, but since it would go against the power, it is being kept

somewhat quiet. HHH still wants to go heel at some point. With 70,000 people in

Florida as opposed to 15,000 in a major market, Cena's reaction may be different.

But Mania also attracts people from all over the world who are the true hardcore

fans, and they tend to dislike Cena.”

Was there a hope that Cena’s return from an injury like this - would make him a bigger babyface to the live crowd?

Do you think the fans wanted to see Hunter against Cena again?

Jeff Hardy at the Rumble seemed like he was the guy who could get the title from Randy Orton and even without the victory he’s pushed himself into that top level echelon.

Did you see Jeff Hardy being someone who was ready at this point in time?

Bobby Lashley and the WWE come to terms on a release - which is crazy when you think that just the previous year he was Vince’s pet project to become the next face that runs the place with John Cena - and the winner of the Battle of the Billionaires featuring Vince & Donald Trump.

Where did it all go wrong with Bobby at this time Bruce?

On February 2nd Brock Lesnar is due to make his UFC debut against Frank Mir.

Is this a topic of conversation in the office? Locker room? Was this something Vince paid attention to?

Speaking of conversation in the office…it’s reported that ECW head writer Dave Lagana was fired after 6 years with the company.

What do you remember of Lagana and his release?

Did this add any workload to yourself?

Mike Adamle debuted at the Royal Rumble and is put on the Raw brand. This…is a Vince idea?

Did this ever have any hope of working?

There’s some talent making their way from TNA to the WWE at the time. Ron Killings & Chris Harris are reported as coming into the company.

Ron Killings…still with the company. Chris Harris…didn’t last very long. Talk about two polar opposites huh Bruce?

Rob Van Dam is out in the media talking about how happy he was to be out of the company and how much he hated the WWE and how they destroyed ECW.

Is this Rob just blowing off steam?

Ken Kennedy defeats Brian Kendrick with a mic check on Raw and challenges Ric Flair to a match to end his career as that is the storyline going…

Ken and Flair…just holding the spot until Flair - Michaels right?

On ECW - the brand everyone has seem to have forgotten about at this point - Chavo Guerrero has a celebration with a Mariachi band - but CM Punk is one of them and hits Chavo in the head with a guitar…but this is the second take because the first time the band came out - Punk wasn’t with them.

You guys love these Mariachi band gimmicks don’t you?

Teddy Long returns to announce the second Elimination Chamber match which will feature Undertaker, Big Daddy V, Batista, Finlay, Great Khali & MVP. What a lineup that is Bruce.

How great was it to bring Teddy back in these guest spots?

From the Observer: “Hawkins & Ryder beat Moore & Yang. It was a bad

night for Hawkins & Ryder. They had to start the match three times. First two

times was because they messed up their ring entrance. Then, when they finally got

the entrance right, one of them botched the first spot. Fans chanted "boring" and

this had no heat.”

Do you remember this and can you imagine this today considering everything is live now?

Hawkins & Ryder are at this point Edgeheads - and pretty much clones of Edge. Hawkins and Ryder are talented performers. In hindsight, though, do you think this hurt Hawkins and Ryder from getting over on their own later? Do you think fans only ever saw them as imitations?

Paul Burchill does a tryout match before SmackDown with Katie Burchill as his manager - and you know what this is leading to Bruce…

How did anyone ever think this was a good idea?

It’s also reported…in the Observer…that the company opened up negotiations to bring back Nathan Jones.

Bruce - this guy walked out of the company on an overseas tour - was this really considered at the time?

Vince and Finlay are having issues on TV over…who else…Hornswoggle. From the Observer: “He called out Hornswoggle and pulled down his pants.

Hornswoggle didn't want to kiss his ass. He started yelling at him about it. Finlay

came out. Vince told Finlay to stay out of his business and Fin lay kept telling

Hornswoggle not to do it. This was taking forever. Finally, in predictable fashion,

Hornswoggle agreed to do it and bit Vince in the ass. It was such a "dumb" idea

when Mick Foley came up for it with Terry Funk, but it's a good idea now I guess

because Vince created Hornswoggle and not Terry Funk. As it turned out, the

segment dragged and there was a shockingly little pop for the climax.”

Was there any consideration at any point in time for Vince vs. Finlay?

Were you tired of the Hornswoggle story by this point?

Charlie Haas is doing a Lucha gimmick in dark matches where he would get knocked out of the ring…reemerge with a Lucha mask on and eventually get a win.

Bruce - who booked this shit?

Next week on Raw - Vince vs. Hornswoggle takes place…

“Hornswoggle pinned Vince in the no DQ

match. Vince stalled and challenged Hornswoggle to a test of strength. Then he

dared Hornswoggle to slap him. When he finally did, Vince took off his belt and

was about to lash in to Hornswoggle when Finlay came out. Vince told Finl ay if he

did anything, he'd fire him and his family wouldn't want that to happen. Finlay then

backs down and Vince told Hornswoggle that his friend Finlay was a coward .

Vince then ordered Finlay to leave. Finlay stayed. Vince shoved down

Hornswoggle and Finlay hit Vince with the shillelagh, and Hornswoggle came off

the top with the tadpole splash for the pin.”

I mean you can say a lot of things about Hornswoggle but he’s got a pinfall victory over Vince…

The main event on that Raw is a 30 minute match between Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels which sees Jeff get the win clean after a twist of fate and swanton.

Jeff was figured heavily into the plans for the WWE post WrestleMania was he not?

From a company press release:

“After a successful decade of Smackdown on both UPN and the CW, World Wrestling

Entertainment and The CW have agreed to conclude our partnership. Since the

CW's exclusive negotiation period ran out as of last Thursday, January 31 , we have

been contacted and have been in negotiations with other networks. WWE

Srnackdown will continue to air on The CW until the conclusion of the 2007-08

broadcast season. We are grateful to Les Moonves, Dawn Ostroff, and their entire

organization for bringing WWE Smackdown to millions of viewers for so many


Bruce - was this a surprise to you that a deal wasn’t made? Was there any thought that SmackDown wouldn’t exist?

The WWE also ends their affiliation with OVW on February 7th - and Al Snow’s time with the company also ends as everything is transferred officially to Florida Championship Wrestling.

What did you think of this move by the company? What did you think of Al in his time with the company and his role in OVW at this point?

Over on Smackdown…well I’ll have Dave Meltzer describe it:

“Show ended with the ring covered with hearts and flowers and an orchestra playing music. Edge called out Vickie.

Long wheeled Vickie into the ring. Edge then asked Vickie to marry him and,she

said yes. Mysterio then came out and said that now that Vickie is going to marry

Edge, he hopes she stops using the name Guerrero because she's disgracing the

name. Vickie Edge. Edge dares Mysterio to come to the ring, so of course he did.

Edge attacked but Mysterio laid out Edge with a 619. Mysterio does a springboard

move but Edge moves out of the way and Mysterio again takes out Vickie, who was

in her wheelchair. Vickie was stretchered out again.”

Vickie is great in this role…and Vickie Edge tickled me Bruce. But did Edge & Rey need a story like this?

We’re less than 3 years removed from Eddie’s death here. Is there any sensitivity or trepidation over using his memory for a storyline like this?

Do Vickie, Edge, or Chavo express any hesitation to play off of Eddie’s legacy like this?

The WWE does a tour of Japan & Korea…

Did you get a chance to go Bruce?

At the WWE investors’ call it’s announced that 2007 was the most profitable year for the company ever.

Did it feel like you were doing something right at this time for the company to be this successful?

Another big move in the business for the WWE is the change in action figures with a switch from Jakks Pacific to Mattel.

How big a difference is this at the time?

As you’re getting into business with Mattel you’re still doing business with Playboy…

The storyline we’ll see developing at the Royal Rumble is that Ashley, the previous year’s model, gets a call from Hugh Hefner to try and recruit Maria Kanelis for 2008’s issue.

Did you have to do any convincing with Maria, or was she all in?

Was it a tough time working together with a company like Mattel and also Playboy?

A few weeks before TNA defeated ECW in the ratings for the first time and it was a big thing that TNA promoted. Does Vince feel any heat when something like this happens?

The WWE posts the Wellness Policy on its corporate website which features modifications and changes dealing with all the issues with Congress investigating coming off the Chris Benoit murders. Are you guys feeling this internal heat about this - either from Vince or the boys - and how to navigate all of this?

Jonathan Coachman & Michael Cole are doing commentary on SmackDown - but I don’t know just me - they just didn’t gel together. Why do you think that is?

Kane and Shelton Benjamin are working a series of matches on ECW and SmackDown - is this just something to fill the time for both?

On back to back shows Raw and SmackDown have all 6 men in both Chambers set up main event 6-man tag team matches. How difficult is it to not have the same creative on both shows?

Does that hurt the product?

Chuck Palumbo is getting a push destroying the likes of Jamie Noble while Michelle McCool looks on in horror. This just wasn’t working was it? Why Palumbo 7 years after the Invasion?

Jesse & Festus are back on TV - Bruce, why?

From the Observer: “Also signed this week is Angelina Fong, who this past season was a cheerleader for the Canadian Football

League's British Columbia Lions. She joins Layla who was a Miami Heat

cheerleader when she entered the 2006 Diva Search. She starts in Florida this

week. Fong was entered in a beauty pageant in May in Las Vegas when she was

spotted by someone scouting the pageant for WWE. A few years back, Gerald

Brisco would scout the NCAA tournament for new talent and now John Laurinaitis

and his minions look at bikini brochures for models and beauty pageants.”

That’s all that needs to be said isn’t it?

In the Miami Herald Steve Austin is interviewed and said he turned down a spot for the upcoming WrestleMania. Do you remember what that role or spot would’ve been?

He also mentions how he thinks Kennedy would become a big star if the WWE didn’t screw him up. Is that the feeling everyone had about Kennedy at the time?

He also had this to say about Ric Flair’s storyline at the time - from the Observer: “Austin, who came up with

the Flair winning streak idea at last year's Wrestlemania weekend, when he was

mad that WWE wasn't doing more with Flair, said that he hasn't been pleased with

how his creation turned out. Austin told Mike Mooneyham that he hasn't been

following it that closely, but didn't think he was getting the farewell that he

deserved. Realistically, the fact he is doing his final shot in all these cities, and it's

not pushed-and in many of the cities it would be a ticket seller- is disappointing.

The angle doesn't allow for farewell stuff, and that's killing the momentum. Austin,

who said Flair was his favorite wrestler ever, said, "I don't think they green-lighted

that thing near enough or made it as important as it could be and as it should be."

Do you think the Flair “retirement tour” was a disappointment in hindsight?

Also from the Observer: “Don't know all the

details, but Vince McMahon has had a major philosophical change regarding the

role of the announcer of a wrestling match. For years McMahon ha~ wanted io get

away from calling move-by-move (this began in the 90s when all sorts of new

moves came to the U.S. from Japan and Mexico, and when Vince was announcing,

rather than learn, he justified not doing so by feeling calling moves wasn't .

important) and concentrate on hyping and telling stories. Now he's changing even

farther in that direction. It used to be considered a badge of honor in the old days

when Gordon Solie or Larry Matysik or Jim Ross would hear from a blind person

who would say that they could see the match based on commentary. Well, that's not

what it wanted”

Why was this time frame when Vince started to push more in that direction?

As we get close to No Way Out - there’s a lot of rumor & innuendo out there regarding celebrities and people returning as the push to WrestleMania is on. Do you think No Way Out - or whatever the eventual February pay-per-view would be - was always a pay-per-view that would suffer because of it?

Two days before the show Rey Mysterio tears his bicep in South America - when do you remember hearing about it and was there a backup plan if he couldn’t do the match with Edge?

The show is a success at the gate with a sell out in Las Vegas at the Thomas & Mack Center drawing 13,000 paid for $800,000…is it a worry with the talent and staff running in Vegas considering the party atmosphere?

Before the show opens it’s Kane and Shelton Benjamin in a dark match. What was Kane’s reaction to doing dark matches at this point in his career?

The show is well received by the Wrestling Observer readers - with 75.6% voting a thumbs up. Let’s get into the show!

“I. Chavo Guerrero retained the ECW title pinning C.M. Punk in 7:06. Crowd

popped for Punk's ring entrance but was quiet for the match. Nothing wrong with

the match but the ending seemed abrupt and people were hardly expecting it. Punk

tried a Go 2 sleep, but Guerrero turned it into a huracanrana and then followed with

a tornado DDT out of the corner. Guerrero did the Eddy Guerrero dance to zero

reaction, although they did boo a three amigos. Punk did an enzuigiri and bulldog,

but Guerrero made the ropes on the pin attempt. The finish saw Punk go for a

huracanrana off the top rope, but Guerrero held on and Punk took the bump.

Guerrero then scored a clean pin with a frog splash. * 1/2”

The three amigos they booed was done by Punk which is crazy when you look back at it. Bruce, did you notice that during the show, or were you too busy? Did CM Punk reference it backstage? Conversely, did anyone give him shit for doing the suplexes out of disrespect?

Chavo getting the win - was it time to elevate Punk at this point do you think?

Backstage Mike Adamle interviews Rey about his torn bicep and how it’ll affect him in his match with Edge - but the interview is cut short when Floyd Mayweather makes his first appearance.

Was it important to emphasize Rey’s injury considering the match and angle that was about to take place?

From the Observer regarding Floyd:

“The plan had been for a tag match with Rey Mysterio & Mayweather vs.

Show & Shane McMahon, however, Rey Mysterio, who is expected to be involved

in the angle going forward, likely in Mayweather's comer, suffered a full right

biceps tear of the muscle off the bone and even though it was talked about him

staying to do the angle, he will be having surgery on 2/22.

Shane McMahon began pitching Mayweather a few months back after

meeting him. Shane McMahon's idea was actually for Mysterio & Oscar De La Hoya

to be a tag team against Mayweather Jr. and a partner.

However, when he pitched the idea to De La Hoya,

with the idea that exposure on WWE television would give him a new fan base that

would then know the personalities and be interested in their planned September

rematch, De La Hoya's people turned it down, not wanti ng to have anything to do

with pro wrestling.”

Bruce - first memories of meeting Floyd?

What did you think of the idea and spearheading by Shane here to get Floyd into the WWE?

Do you think this was the perfect setup for WrestleMania?

How disappointed was Rey not to be involved in the match?

“2. Undertaker won the Smackdown elimination chamber match over Great Khali,

Batista, MVP, Big Daddy V and Fit Finlay in 29:28 . V looked heavier than ever

walking down. Even though he's probably about 6-7 or so, maybe even taller, he

looked like a box. Batista started with Undertaker and ended with Undertaker, and

those two pretty much were the match. Crowd was quiet.”

Eventually Big Daddy V comes in, and then the Great Khali…this isn’t really helping Taker or Batista is it?

Eventually Big Daddy V would get pinned by Batista and this would be his last appearance on a pay-per-view for the WWE. Were you sad to see him exit the company at the time shortly after this?

Khali taps to the gogoplata and Meltzer would have this to say, “For a guy as over as Undertaker who has now been using the move to

beat people, and who they even have the people bleed from the mouth to put the

hold over, l don't think I've ever seen a less over finisher. First off, even MMA fans

who watch UFC would have never seen the move.”

Do you think this was an issue with Taker trying to get the move over?

Finlay would come in then MVP and MVP wasn’t exactly trying to get in there. MVP would hit Undertaker with a chain and Taker juiced before MVP went up top to the pods and Taker gives him this choke slam off the pod which is like a 7 foot drop.

This is one of those things that everyone who saw this remembers. How scary is it to watch this backstage?

Finlay would eventually pin MVP and Taker would choke slam Finlay onto the metal mesh for the pin and Taker and Batista would go another 8 minutes before Taker gets the win

“Batista then picked

Undertaker up again like he would be doing a shoulder breaker or a Davey Boy

Smith style powerslam, but in a cool reversal, Undertaker turned it into the

tombstone piledriver for the clean win. The last few minutes were good but overall

the second weakest elimination chamber match WWE has put on. **¾”

These two together were always magic - but man could we had eliminated 2 of these people and shortened it by 10 minutes and it would’ve been much better right?

Next up we see a vignette for WrestleMania XXIV. It’s a Baywatch theme featuring Kelly Kelly as a lifeguard on duty, when an overweight fellow tries to get her attention by pretending to drown. Of course she runs toward him in slow motion, eventually saving him on the beach. Right as she’s about to give him mouth-to-mouth and make his dreams come true, Mae Young pulls Kelly off and does it herself, leading the guy to run away with Mae in chase.

This is a great little piece. Who’s idea was it?

Ashley & Maria are at the Playboy mansion…did you volunteer to go shoot these?

“3. Ric Flair beat Mr. Kennedy in 7:13. Kennedy used a dropkick to the knee and

spent most of the match working on Flair's knees. Flair's selling was great.

Kennedy used the figure four leglock around the ringpost spot Bret Hart made

famous. Kennedy used his forward slam for a near fall. Kennedy tried to get in

using the ropes but ref Charles Robinson caught him. Flair got the figure four in

the middle to win via tap out. ** 1/4”

It’s a good match Bruce - don’t get me wrong - but - man until the Old Yeller promo - this Flair being threatened to retire if he loses story - it’s missing something is it not?

Finlay is in the trainer’s room ailing from his defeat in the Elimination Chamber match. Mr. McMahon comes in to taunt Finlay about the following night, when McMahon will be taking Hornswoggle (his illegitimate son) in a steel cage match. Yes, you heard that right. McMahon versus Hornswoggle in a steel cage match.

I don’t know Bruce - was the world clamoring for Vince & Hornswoggle in a cage?

“4. Edge pinned Rey Mysterio in 5:27 to retain the world title. Edge mostly worked

on Mysterio's bad right arm, including throwing him into the ring steps. Mysterio

was selling the arm strong. Mysterio used a moonsault block for a near and later

a 619, and that had to hurt. Finish saw Mysterio come off the top with a

springboard move but Edge hit him with a spear for the clean win. * ¼”

You had to get the match in the ring for the angle right?

Did Floyd have any issues with it changing from a tag match to a singles match?

After the match we get some shots of Rey’s injured bicep, when Big Show makes a surprise entrance. He cuts a babyface promo about missing the WWE. He reveals that he lost 108 pounds.

Were you happy and excited to see Show back?

Here’s a guy who left the company - ended up working with Hulk Hogan in Memphis and said he was giving up his “slave name” of Big Show - and then returns in a big spot with a big celebrity. Any heat on Paul here from the locker room you think?

Then, as the officials are trying to escort Rey to the back, Big Show attacks Rey right in front of Floyd Mayweather. Show brings Rey into the ring, threatening to chokeslam him, as Mayweather’s entourage try to hold Floyd back. Show lifts Rey in the air, provoking Mayweather to jump the barricade and get in the ring.

They face off, David versus Goliath style. Big Show pushes Mayweather, then goes down on one knee. Mayweather hits him with a stiff right fist and flees the ring. Chaos ensues. Show is left spitting blood. And we see Shane McMahon trying to calm Big Show down. A great build here to get us excited for a showdown at WrestleMania.

Meltzer would say this about the angle:

“Mayweather shouldn't have had his entourage with him when he came to the ring because it created the dynamic where the person who was supposed to be the face had an in-ring visual seven or so on-one on the heel. People weren't going to cheer him that much anyway, and it felt more like people saw him as an outsider intruder on their entertainment. Plus, all those guys running away doesn't exactly make Show into a heel either.”

What say you Bruce? Were you happy with the angle and the scene and the story?

Was it any shock that Floyd ended up being the heel in this angle?

It’s a little unusual in this era to see Shane in a suit playing this official kind of role. In the past, we saw guys like Pat Paterson, Rene Goullet, Jerry Brisco, Sgt. Slaughter in this suit-and-tie-official role. Why have Shane featured on screen here? Just to make it feel bigger?

One little touch that adds so much to the tension of this moment between Mayweather and Big Show is that there’s no commentary. We just hear the crowd going wild in the background. Are you giving Cole and Coach the direction to keep quiet during this segment, or is that something they decide for themselves?

“5. John Cena beat Randy Orton via DQ for slapping the ref in 15:51 so Orton

retained the WWE title. This match had far more atmosphere than anything up to

this point, with the dueling chants from the start. Cena was nowhere close to 100%

and it showed, but they scripted enough diversions that the match was never slow,

but lots of shortcuts to kill time and limit what Cena would have to do. Cena's

brawling looked out of kilter, and that was mostly what he was doing. Crowd

picked up as the match went on. Cena went for the FU but Orton got out and began

stomping Cena's ankles. Cena at this point was getting a mixed reaction, probably

with slightly more cheering. They teased a double count out spot where both

jumped into the ring right before 10. Cena got the STFU in the middle, but Orton

managed to crawl to the ropes. Orton then rolled out of the ring and told referee

Mike Chioda to count him out. Cena went out there and Orton out of nowhere gave

him an RKO on the floor. Orton got in the ring and told the ref to count Cena out.

Cena barely got in and started a comeback, until Orton slapped Chioda, who called

for the DQ. Finish was lame for a $39.95 show advertised main event. Post-match

saw Cena lay Orton out with the FU. **1/4”

Look - the match is what it is with a returning Cena and not being up to full speed - but the finish - it’s so unexpected. We’ve seen guys hit referees with big bumps to get themselves disqualified but Orton’s slap is almost comical. It leaves Cena and Chioda with these expressions like, “What the fuck?”

- what did you think of it?

Now for the main event…

“6. HHH won the Raw elimination chamber over Jeff Hardy, JBL, Umaga, Shawn

Michaels and Chris Jericho in 23:54. By this point, they were running way late.

They ended about 15 minutes later than usual, and that's with shaving the five

minute periods in this chamber to just over four minutes.”

Do you remember what ran super long? Was it the Mayweather angle or the first elimination chamber?

Anyone in the match upset about it?

Michaels and Jericho

opened. They did some good wrestling sequences. There was a collision where it looked like Jericho got

his elbow in Michaels' face, and he was all busted up hard way again. Umaga was

next in and got both guys on his shoulder and did a double Samoan drop. That was

too much of a baby face spot but looked great. He missed a splash off the top and

then Michaels hit him with an elbow drop. JBL followed and then HHH. Jericho

pinned JBL for the first elimination in 13:44 with the codebreaker. JBL then laid

out Jericho, Michaels and Umaga with chair shots before he left. At least Jericho

and Michaels got their hands up to protect but Umaga took it flush on the head and

these were hard shots. Jericho juiced from the chair shot and Michaels was

bleeding all over the place. Hardy finally came in and used the whisper in the wind

on HHH and Michaels. Michaels superkicked Umaga, and then Jericho used a

lionsault, HHH did a pedigree and finally Hardy did a swanton off the top of the

pod to pin Umaga in 19:45. Michaels superkicked Jericho and Hardy pinned him

in 19:57. Hardy did a twist of fate on Michaels and then HHH pinned Michaels

after a pedigree in 20:25. Hardy used a DDT on the metal and HHH came up

juiced. Hardy came

back, but when missed a swan ton and HHH hit the pedigree. Hardy kicked out of

the pedigree which got a huge pop. Hardy used a low blow and a twist of fate, but

HHH kicked out. Hardy tried a twist of fate on a chair HHH brought in, but HHH

blocked it and used a pedigree on the chair for the pin. The crowd went flat as by

this point they were wanting Hardy. They went to the big wide shot that they do

whenever a face wins a good match and you could see it was dead. ****”

What did you think of the match? 6 of the biggest stars in the company and it’s a great match - but the crowd did die at the end of it with Hunter getting the win didn’t it?

Hindsight 20/20 you made the right call considering what the future holds - but man Jeff was red hot at this time wasn’t he?

The show is a success in terms of buyrate - with 256,000 buys in North America and 365,000 worldwide. The same show a year before - with John Cena & Shawn Michaels representing Raw defeating Undertaker & Batista representing SmackDown … drew 135,000 buys in North America and 205,000 worldwide. What do you credit that change to?


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