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This week on Grilling JR we’re going to be discussing Clash of the Champions XXI!

There’s a lot going on coming out of Halloween Havoc which we covered 3 weeks ago - and none of it is good it sounds like…

From the Observer 11/9/92:

“WCW President Bill Shaw called a meeting on 10/29 mainly to discuss the declining ratings. As has been pointed out numerous times, pro wrestling's primary value to Superstation TBS since the beginning of time is it has been a program that can be produced cheaply, and deliver strong ratings.

For years, the show was the highest rated program on cable television, and even in recent years was among the higher rated shows on the station. That is no longer the case, and ratings have fallen to the point where TBS can take a popular old-time 1960s comedy rerun or a strong movie from its shelf, with no cost, and deliver a larger audience than pro wrestling. With October ratings the lowest ever for both promotions, these November sweeps are the most important ever since that is what will determine advertising rates for the next several months. Expect both groups to load up on angles and match quality because if the ratings continue at this pace, it'll lead to yet another source of revenue being substantially down directly, and virtually all sources being hit indirectly.

Apparently there were also complaints about the quality of the Havoc PPV show, particularly the snake biting Jake Roberts' face which caused a lot of complaints from viewers and cable operators about excessive violence. It was readily acknowledged by those within the promotion that the show quality of Havoc was a major disappointment.”

What was just not connecting to gain viewers at the time? Was it Jake as a top heel? Still feeling the loss of Ric Flair? Or just a creative failure?

From the Observer: “On Monday at the WCW offices in CNN Center, a thought for the week was posted at the Secretary's desk: "Failure is an opportunity to begin again, more intelligently." The promotion itself had already decided the Sting-Roberts finish didn't come off well since Watts taped an interview banning "the reptile" most likely before the meeting even took place which means Jake won't be using a snake anymore, even as a prop on interviews.

Whether this is the case or not I don't know, because there has been a lot of finger-pointing going on due to the poor quality of the second half of the Havoc show, but supposedly the finish was Roberts' idea because he felt that by having the snake latch onto his face (the idea wasn't for the snake to bite him, that was a miscalculation by Roberts of what the snake would do), it would be so shocking the audience "wouldn't remember" that he had just done a clean job. While there is truth to that assumption of what people would remember, those in the decision making position have to take the blame for allowing Roberts to work out his finish because it altered the desired result, which is that nobody remembered Sting won and he got no benefit from winning at a time when he needed to strong win since he's done jobs on the two previous big shows.”

We already covered this last month - but considering all the issues with Bill & Jake - how did Bill put his trust in Jake to pull this off? How badly did this type of thing hurt Sting?

From the Observer:

“As mentioned a few times on television this past weekend, on 10/27 in Augusta, GA during a squash match, Big Van Vader broke the back of Joe Thurman, who was in either his first or second match, because he didn't know how to take the power bomb. Actually Thurman was initially paralyzed from the move. It was kind of macabre how they continued to hype that you could see that match on the Main Event show this coming weekend. Watts gave the guys a speech before television on 11/2 and told them it was a work and not to be so brutal that they injure the jobbers.”

Jim - are you there for when Vader hurts Joe Thurman? There was some recent online controversy regarding Athena on a AEW dark taping and what was perceived liberties taken…but when shit like this goes down - the whole business was much different back then wasn’t it?

Did you think Vader was remorseful regarding this?

It’s reported that it’s expected that the Steiners will be going to the WWF in early 1993. How big a blow is that to the company?

“Sid Vicious contacted All Japan this past week (the sides had been talking) and told them they needed to make their move because he had a meeting upcoming with Bill Watts. Sid may have been working All Japan, however, since nobody seems to know if he met with Watts or not. Since Watts is under the gun to improve ratings in November and Sid would be a short term benefit (and his track record indicates a long-term liability) the promotion may be desperate enough to give him the shot.”

Was Sid seriously considered at this point to come into WCW? Would it had been something you think would’ve helped?

“On the 900 line this weekend, Jim Ross noted that Jim Cornette was in Atlanta this week. Cornette threw a fit about Ross reporting that on Mike Tenay's radio show that same night, although Cornette and Watts had met.”

Oh man JR did Cornette ever get into your ass over this in person?

Did you think Watts had the right idea attempting to work with Jim and Smoky Mountain?

“Ross also acknowledged that his work on Havoc wasn't up to his capabilities and that he said things on the show that he now wishes he could retract.”

What were you down about on this show for yourself - and were your other duties starting to weigh on your performance?

The lack of performance continues for WCW on the road…from the Observer:

“Even with kids tickets priced at 66 cents for 10/31 in Chicago, the card only drew slightly more than 2,000 fans. Actually, that's a monster house since shows in Jasonville, Danville, Knoxville and Milwaukee all drew in the 400-600 range.

Ron Simmons vs. Barbarian headlined the houses, which partially explains those figures. I just can't figure out how whomever came up with the idea for a Simmons-Barbarian program couldn't be smart enough to realize its lack of firepower on top.  Every (and I mean every) fan I spoke to realized it going in. I also hope this drove home the point that the problem isn't the price of the tickets but that there is little interest in the current product and they quit cheapening the product even more by offering these gimmick prices which only encourages people not to attend the next shows at regular prices.”

No offense to Ron & Barbarian - but this just isn’t going to get it done is it?

It’s also reported in the Observer that Feelers were sent out to Johnny Ace to work here between Japan tours…is that a Bill Watts idea - and is it to replace Gordy since he left the company?

With TBS down on the recent shows internally from what was reported - it is Watts that goes in and says we need to make the next couple Center Stage tapings special?

You work with Jake Roberts as an announcer on the taping to air on November 7th and it will be Jake’s last appearance with the company. First off - working with Jake - he was a natural at doing color wasn’t he?

“Scotty Flamingo came out during a Johnny B. Badd interview. Badd puts the lips on Scotty's cheek and Scotty responds by KOing him with a roll of coins. Sounds like they're building to taped fist matches because of Badd's boxing background. They now do a lot of interviews in the locker rooms backstage to give the show a different feel.”

Do taped fist matches and boxing matches mean anything to wrestling fans considering literally everyone throws a punch during matches?

Scotty Flamingo obviously would go on to be Raven in a few years but his talent was obvious at this point was it not?

So how’s this for messy - Madusa is still a heel managing Rick Rude while Rude is cutting promos on Erik Watts…and is de facto babyface when feuding with Paul E. Dangerously to build to a one-on-one match at the Clash. So much to unpack - like Erik Watts being programmed with Rick Rude and then the Paul - Madusa story…chat me up JR.

The King of the Cable tournament - tell me about the thought process behind it - it’s basically what King of the Ring would be in a few years am I right?

Ricky Steamboat interrupts Vader at the end of a show and challenges him because of what Vader did to Joe Thurman. Did you ever get to see any Steamboat - Vader matches as it was really only run on house shows not on TV…

From the Observer:

“Jake Roberts checked himself into the Betty Ford rehab center this past Tuesday and his future with World Championship Wrestling appears bleak. The 37-year-old Roberts, real name Aurelian Smith Jr., son of Jake "Grizzly" Smith, one of WCW's road agents, had been pushed as the promotion's top heel since arriving on 8/2. Roberts missed all subsequent matches after doing color commentary on the TBS Saturday show that was taped on 11/2 and aired on 11/7. It is believed Roberts' actions came because of non- wrestling-related personal pressures. Apparently WCW is going to take the missed dates as a contract violation because Watts has said Roberts has been fired and that he would be making an announcement at the television tapings on Wednesday night at Center Stage (set for Saturday air date) of that fact. The WCW wrestlers were under the impression after Roberts checked himself that he wouldn't be returning to the company anytime soon. Signs were posted at the arenas saying that because of circumstances beyond the control of WCW, that Jake Roberts wouldn't be appearing on the shows, and an announcement was made at the beginning of the house shows. The Sunday WCW Main Event voice-overs were taped after Roberts had checked himself in and there was no mention of Roberts during that show. Word was given not to mention his name from this point forward which seems to indicate his chances of being brought back aren't particularly high. Roberts is scheduled to remain in rehab through about 11/23, at which point it is uncertain what direction his wrestling career will take.”

Jake’s demons take over and he checks himself in to rehab - was Watts just looking for a way out of his contract at this point? It’s a whole lot different scenario from 30 years ago when wrestlers go to check themselves into rehab as we saw with Jon Moxley last year isn’t it Jim?

“Jim Herd made a presentation on 10/30 to Bill Shaw about the possibility of Herd and Jerry Jarrett working together to use the younger talent that needs seasoning on USWA house shows.”

Do you remember hearing about this or being a part of this? Did this have any chance of working out?

Meltzer would do a comparison between Watts & Frey’s first five months and here’s what he came up with:


Estimated average attendance 1,800

Estimated average gate $16,020

Average cable rating 1.9


Estimated average attendance 2,200

Estimated average gate $23,260

Average cable rating 2.4

While on the surface, these stats seem to speak louder than any words, there is truth to the argument that Frey's five months were in a better time of the year to draw both fans and TV viewers. Frey's decline coming from a strong period to draw in (January) to a weak period (May) between his first and last month was 15.6% in attendance, 34% in live gates (based on his mistaken decision to lower ticket prices) and 22% in television ratings--all in five months. Some of that decline is due to seasonal variations. Watts has the seasonal variations working in his favor, starting during the so-called weak June to the so-called stronger October. However, business continued to decline at a rate of 39.7% more in attendance, 35% more in live gates and 14% more in television ratings.”

Is this a fair comparison? Was WCW better off with Frey than Watts in your opinion and hindsight?

“Van Hammer will be getting a big push once again.”

Why Jim?

“The guy in the kendo outfit sparring with Madusa on the video that aired Sunday was Eric Bischoff. Bet you didn't have any idea the guy was that good with his hands and feet.”

Jim - what are your thoughts on Eric at this point in time?

“Erik Watts is actually getting good considering how few matches he's had but this push gets more unbearable by the week.”

Was Watts improving like Meltzer said - and was the push just too much at this point?

“The wrestlers all received a memo on 11/9 in Raleigh telling them they were all going to be drug tested on 11/11 because Watts said he's concerned about the abuse of illegal drugs within the company. The letter specifically stated they aren't testing for alcohol or marijuana. It didn't state one way or the other about steroids although from the looks of everyone, use is way down, which I attribute more to a lack of supply rather than conscious decisions to quit in some cases (but not all).”

Was there something that turned into a tipping point for Watts to do this? Was it from CNN? Did it have anything to do with Ultimate Warrior & Davey Boy Smith being fired from the WWF?

When you hear that those two get let go - any interest to bring in either?

“For the first time ever, Power Hour was the highest rated WCW show of the weekend doing a 2.0 on 10/31. Saturday Night also did a 2.0 for the post-PPV show while Main Event did a 1.4. The Sunday ratings are considered at the crisis stage and the long term future of the Sunday show is very much in doubt.”

How much worry is there regarding the TV shows at this point in time?

“Paul Orndorff debuted as a heel managed by Madusa on the 11/16 television tapings and beat Ron Simmons via count out in his first night in a non-title match.”

Orndorff returning to the company for the first time since 1990 - he’s not the Orndorff that worked with Hogan on top in 85-87 - but still - this is someone you want in your locker room am I right?

“ In addition, Charles Skaggs, who worked as Flying Scorpio in Japan is expected to debut at the Clash as Simmons' partner in the Ghetto Street Fight since Robby Walker, Simmons' original partner, was fired earlier in the week.

Even though Skaggs has a lot of potential and has a finishing move off the top rope that is equal to anything in the business, it appears his prime qualification for being chosen as a replacement in the Ghetto Street fight isn't that he has a lot of potential or a hot finishing move.”

Obviously this is Scorpio and man what an extraordinary talent - but Meltzer is implying that he would be put into the match because of his skin color. Do you think that was why?

What do you remember of Robby Walker leaving - as it’s reported by Meltzer that he would found he wasn’t on the booking sheets after the Clash so he just up and left a TV taping…

“Orndorff came in for the show airing Saturday and Jim Ross brought up the problems he's been having with Ron Garvin which tells you some kind of agreement has been worked out with Smoky Mountain if Ross is going to acknowledge another promotion's feud.”

“Jesse Ventura arm-wrestling deal is down to Vader, Simmons and Hammer and maybe one more after the tapings on 11/10 with Vader over Koloff, Simmons over Barbarian and Hammer over Vegas.”

You got boxing & arm-wrestling going on…what did you think of having this on the product?

“No word on Anderson & Eaton's future. Both men's contract expires in early January. Anderson is working singles at a lot of the houses from this point forward with Watts. The promotion definitely wants to keep Anderson in some capacity, which may include a booking committee position, but it's doubtful they'll renew his $260,000 salary. Eaton's future is less secure.”

Was it a money thing for Bobby Eaton?

“They are advertising Simmons vs. Dan Spivey WCW title matches at the house shows in December. Don't know if that's a red herring for Orndorff, or maybe someone who is going to turn like Windham. I'm going under the assumption Windham is turning at the Clash only because the WCW Magazine, which hit the newsstands the day before the Clash already had a story on Windham breaking up with Rhodes since the original plan was for the break-up to take place weeks ago, well before the magazine would have reached anyone.”

How often is something like this an issue between all the departments and ever changing creative?

“Chris Benoit won't be coming in, at least not at any time soon. He didn't sign the contract offered. It appears, since the company needs a heel tag that Benoit not coming will force the company to put Pillman & Steve Austin as a regular tag team after all. They've worked together at several TV's and many house shows.”

This is an amazing note in hindsight - that if Chris Benoit doesn’t sign - Pillman & Austin may not team up at all. How accurate is this, do you remember?

“Bill Watts claimed on the 900 number that the company would be paying medical expenses to wrestlers who were injured in the line of work but that they just wouldn't be paying them (unless they are under an existing contract which has that provision built in) while they were missing dates for those injuries. His explanation was that the wrestlers had the right to buy a Lloyd's of London Policy if they wanted to protect themselves in that situation. The Lloyd's premiums these days go for about $17,000 per year, and I suspect that figure will rise rapidly over the next year.”

Can you explain to our listeners who are unfamiliar with what Lloyds of London was and what their existence meant for wrestlers?

There’s two tiers of house shows going at the time, the A team and B team…were you booking the house shows? Why were there two tiers running when you were having trouble in general drawing fans?

Saturday Night gets a big rating right before the Clash which matches the Flair-Savage title change on Prime Time Wrestling for the highest rated show on cable in the last few months according to Meltzer - is this just the cyclical basis of the business since all the other ratings had been struggling and then this show pops a rating with Vader vs. Tony Atlas and Dustin Rhodes vs. Barbarian?

We’re at the show JR and it’s not critically acclaimed. 72.6% of the responses to the Observer had the show as a thumbs down and here’s what Meltzer would write:

WCW's Clash of the Champions on 11/18 did a 3.2 rating and a 4.8 share, hitting 1.93 million homes. It was the second lowest rating of the 22 or so Clash specials on TBS. The only one to do worse was the 6/22 Clash which came just two days after a PPV and was tape delayed, with the NWA tag team tournament first round.

The previous Clash, the 20th anniversary special, did a 3.7, while the November Clash last year, headlined by Lex Luger vs. Rick Steiner, did a 4.3 rating and 6.1 share, or another 26% decline from the same week one year ago. This definitely isn't a positive sign when it comes to the long- term future of these specials although the show had the misfortune of going head-to-head with a history of the Jacksons special which was expected to be the highest rated show of the week, plus the HBO replay of the Bowe-Holyfield boxing title change.”

The competition isn’t easy - but this is not a good sign - down a half a rating point and more than a full point from a year ago. Are you starting to feel the writing on the wall for the Cowboy reign?

“As for the Clash as a show, it was another sobering experience for WCW fans. It's pretty well acknowledged that Halloween Havoc was a bomb as far as show quality. One would think the pressure would be on to deliver a good show to erase the memory. While the line-up on paper didn't look like a classic show, it looked good enough to get the job done. Overall the show was an improvement over Havoc, but that's as faint a praise as can be given to anything. There were strong points, mainly the pre-produced segments and graphics on several of the feuds and also on the King of Cable tourney, Starrcade and the arm wrestling contest. Overall television production of the show was better. The formatting of the show, spending time early in the show to build toward the important matches, was an improvement. The execution of the angle where Barry Windham turned couldn't have been better. The fact that angle was given away during the first commercial break when WCW ran an ad for its magazine telling the complete story of the Rhodes- Windham break-up (which wasn't to occur for more than two more hours) at this point, with things like that happening so frequently, has to be regarded is simply an expected snafu which by this point doesn't even surprise anyone. However, almost nothing else that occurred in the Macon Coliseum that night was any good.”

I recently just watched this show on What Happened When with Tony Schiavone - and it just felt like the talent level just wasn’t there. Is that a fair assessment?

“When it came to the wrestling, the show fell way short. Not one match could be described as very good. Most were okay-to-fair. As a plus, on television the crowd started out hot and the building was full. However, it was nearly all freebies, largely kids, which make for a vocal crowd. Out of the 7,500 in the building, only about 700 paid for a $7,000 house; the small paid crowd was partially because 14,000 freebies were put out all over Macon and in a city that size, you'd figure most people who would have any interest in attending would find out how easy freebies were to get.”

This is a horrendous sign for business - and you’re even in your backyard in Macon. Is this a disaster?

“1. Brian Pillman pinned Brad Armstrong in :25 after a clip. This wasn't a match, but an angle where Pillman came out on crutches and in mock sincerity claimed he now understood what Armstrong was going through. When Armstrong came out, Pillman hit his knee with the crutch and the ref announced Pillman was DQ'd. Pillman said he

couldn't be DQ'd because the match hadn't even started. They got in the ring and Pillman went after the knee again and scored a pin. Pillman's interview was his best since he's turned heel, but this match didn't even exist. Too bad, because given the quality of the rest of the show, they could have used a "can't miss" rather then cut it short. DUD”

I mean I get the heat aspect of this but these two in the ring were so good together and they really could go - it hurts the overall show when you got two of the best workers in the company in there and it’s just 25 seconds…

“2. Erik Watts & Kensuke Sasaki beat Arn Anderson & Bobby Eaton in 6:06 when Watts made Eaton submit to the STF. Anderson had blown out his knee legit two days earlier at the TV taping when Watts was positioned in the wrong spot and Arn had to shift in mid- air to keep from killing him. So he couldn't really work. This match wouldn't have been any better if he could have. Watts played superman. Actually this match on paper had potential, but instead it was put together simply to showcase Watts. I wonder if anyone in the front office has the guts to tell Bill just how stupid this push of Erik looks to everyone but him? The younger Watts may make it on his merits some day, but today he should be winning in prelims and kept low-key on television rather than one of the most focused on personalities in the company and put over workers that are so obviously several classes above him.


This is a bounty match where Paul E. put $10,000 on the head of Erik Watts because the push continues. Arn getting hurt with Watts and then having to stand there for the tag match couldn’t have been fun. But the over push of Erik continued and Meltzer is right…he was better in prelims and learning before this type of push - which didn’t work. I mean when you look at the talent in this match - its obvious Erik stands out in the wrong way…

“3. Scotty Flamingo KO'd Johnny B. Badd at 1:01 of the second round. Worked boxing matches always come off bad because people have seen enough "non-worked" (and even worked that they thought were non-worked) to know the difference. Before the match they did an interview with Dallas Page and Vinnie Vegas as a guy with hair styled from the back to look like Don King talked to Flamingo. Vegas did an interview so bad it was good, particularly when he couldn't remember the names of more than one hotel in Las Vegas. Why does Vegas have that accent? Nobody in Las Vegas talks that way. He's trying to do an Atlantic City accent and be from Vegas. Yeah, they both have gambling but, so what. At least in the WWF when they have a guy doing a bad Hawaiian accent, they don't bill him from Florida or California (after all, those places are all famous for beaches) although they did bill him from Oregon City for a few months there. Anyway, change the name to Albert Atlantic City or Nick New Jersey or even Diamond Dallas Page II if he's going to continue this gimmick. For the answer to the most pressing question, I believe the ring card girl was Van Hammer's girlfriend. I think. That's not for sure, though. Flamingo was as good as is possible under these circumstances and Badd did come off like a legit boxer, but it looked pretty bad overall. After a 2:00 first round where Flamingo got destroyed, Page poured water in his gloves, and he KO'd Badd in the second round. *”

DDP - Kevin Nash - Raven - Marc Mero. Those are the four people in this segment and it’s amazing when you look back and what they were able to accomplish. Just a year later Nash is Diesel and he’s off to the races. It’d be a few more years for DDP & Raven but yeah - this is what it is right JR?

Really it’s just Dallas, Raven & Nash having fun knowing no one really gave a shit and they knew there was no advancement at this point and at least they would entertain themselves right?

“ Next up came the drawing for one of the matches at Battle Bowl. Missy Hyatt "picked" Cactus Jack & Johnny B. Badd vs. Danny Spivey & Van Hammer. People all over America were calling their cable companies to cancel Survivor Series and order Starrcade after hearing that match. Judging from the crowd reaction in Macon from an easy crowd, this was about the point most of them wished they were somewhere else as well. I don't know

who is responsible for the various good and bad ideas that were present at this show, but

whomever came up with the idea that this specific match should be announced ahead of time--that people would be intrigued about a Hammer-Spivey tag team rather than put to sleep--has no business being in a decision making position in wrestling in 1993. I couldn't have come up with a dumber segment if I set my mind to it.”

This is one of the more critical times I’ve seen Meltzer describe some of this stuff but did you think it was as bad as he did?

“4. Ron Simmons & Too Cold Scorpio beat Cactus Jack & Tony Atlas & The Barbarian in 5:52 in what was billed as a Ghetto Odds match. Scorpio, who was trained in Japan and has worked main events for UWA in Mexico, opened the match doing a spectacular dive over the top rope, which the camera missed. I liked the gimmick and the idea of this unknown guy coming in and doing all these hot moves. The storyline here was that Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura, and 99.9 percent of the audience, had no idea who Scorpio was. Scorpio's timing on some of his moves wasn't so hot, particularly an attempt at a Chavo Guerrero moonsault bodyblock which completely missed but Cactus sold anyway. He's still green, but has awesome potential. Simmons missed a dropkick at 3:00 and they got heat on him. He made the hot tag at 5:00 to Scorpio. Atlas threw Scorpio over the top and they tripled on Simmons, however Simmons moved when Barbarian went for his big boot, and Atlas took it. Scorpio then came off the top with a full front flip in mid-air into a splash (known as the Scorpio splash) on Atlas, which is one of the hottest moves in wrestling today.

*¼ (with a full star coming for the finishing move alone)”

What a debut for Scorpio and man did he look like a million bucks - but this is one of those all-time classic styles clashes. Ron just didn’t feel like a world champion and on the other side you got the weirdest team of all-time with Cactus, Tony Atlas & the Barbarian…

The finish though made it sound like you had heart failure from it - and you really don’t see that type of amazement at new moves anymore do you?

“5. Madusa and Paul E. Dangerously went to a 5:00 draw. The screw-ups started before they even locked up. They were supposed to air graphics on both so the TV audience wouldn't see Mike Thor come to the ring as the imposter, and the graphics were supposed to be taken down just in time to get the phone shot. As it turned out, everyone saw Thor come to the ring and at 6-2, 240, it was obvious that wasn't Madusa. But to even things out, the graphic was on the screen and missed the phone shot. Madusa then showed up with a few kicks, some really bad and too long action climaxed by the worst job of pulling off the pants as has ever been done in this type of gimmick (the idea is to leave the manager in unique looking underwear to get the crowd pop, not in sweatpants). A time limit draw? This needed to be shorter because Dangerously is not a worker inside the ring.


This is all a rib on Paul E isn’t it because it’s just fucking bad.

“6. Sting was awarded a split decision over Rick Rude after they had gone 20:00 in a King of Cable tournament semifinal match. Why did they keep showing the clock during this match to show how much time was left in this match and not in the matches that didn't go to a draw? Between that and the judges, the fact they were going the time limit seemed telegraphed by the 6:00 mark. Better than average, but only slightly.


The judges were Ole Anderson, Hiro Matsuda & Larry Zybysko. This is a long way from their best matches together…but Jesse is really funny in the commentary here talking about Rude’s abs and ribs that Sting is working on. When Jesse wanted to do it he could really be entertaining couldn’t he?

We go the full 20 and Sting gets 2 votes to Rude’s 1…what did you think of these types of finishes?

“7. Shane Douglas & Rick Steamboat won the WCW & NWA tag title from Barry Windham & Dustin Rhodes in 15:52. This match had a real good storyline and was well put together.

Unfortunately, it seemed nobody cared. Technically this was good but the fact the crowd

didn't care made it come across as boring until the last 3:00. Rhodes accidentally head- butted Steamboat low. Rhodes refused to continue to attack Steamboat. Windham tagged in without Rhodes' knowledge and he worked on Steamboat and went for the pin, but Rhodes pulled his partner off. At this point the crowd thought it was Rhodes who was turning heel and started booing him. Steamboat tagged to Douglas who pinned Windham with a belly-to-belly which got no reaction at all. Rhodes did a great job of looking confused and acting like he made a big mistake in costing his team the belts. Finally he left the ring to more boos. Windham called him back and the crowd was trying to get Windham to hit Rhodes, which he did, and finally left him with a superplex. The highlight actually was the post-match interview with Steamboat & Douglas where Windham blind- sided Steamboat with a potato chair shot (and legitimately split his head open in the back although it didn't air on television) and just destroyed both men with the chair and running them into lockers. The scenario was done almost to perfection since the chair shot literally came out of nowhere. Steamboat deserves a lot of credit for not subconsciously tensing waiting for the chair shot which made the shot a total shock to those watching on television. The only problem with the match storyline was that in the realm of believability when it comes to competitive sports, Rhodes giving Steamboat the break and not trying to win when he was "injured" is hard to believe, but him pulling his partner off Steamboat when he had the match won would be impossible to believe. To the live audience, it was Rhodes who was in the wrong. **½”

It’s a great turn and Windham really shows how strong a heel he could be when motivated but this is just the cap off of a show that didn’t really amount to much - and it’s so weird to see Douglas & Steamboat as tag team champions after you just had this Terry Gordy/Steve Williams - Steiners feud over the titles in the months before.

It’s also reported at this show that Magnum TA got hurt backstage. Do you remember that?

When you look back at it - what did the Clash mean to you JR?


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