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Hey Guys ^_^

I was motivated by haeftege's request from the last post and created a kind of gallery where we can follow the growth of the girls in more detail. 

I have updated the uploads of episode 5 and if you want you can have a look at the new 'Size Gallery' there. If you don't want to download the game again for that reason, I've attached the renders of Mirai to give you an impression.

(Note: If you open the 'Size Gallery' ingame you have to save your game first, because the gallery is treated like a scene and not like a menu. Therefore, you cannot easily go back to the point from which you opened the Gallery.)

I'm not an expert when it comes to coding in renpy and surely it could have been done better on the technical side. If you have tips and suggestions for improvement, feel free to share them.

Cheers! 😃




Awesome! Thx!


For the full size, I'd recommend going from knee to head, since her feet aren't going to grow that much and it would still keep the thighs/hips/butt in frame. That way you could do a closer zoom on both areas at once.


Nice, being able to compare makes the growth a lot more noticable


No problem, it was fun to create and I'm looking forward when I can update the gallery with larger sizes. 😏


Right? Size comparisons are almost as good as the growth itself.


But what if.... their breasts grow past their knees? 😨 Don't want to commit anything, but I chose 'head to toe' because I had this possibility in the back of my mind. 😅


Ha! I suppose I didn't consider such massive proportions. I'm not sure I would go quite that big unless it's like a bonus picture for fans that like hyper breasts specifically. Also, thanks for putting in the size comparisons in your story (when it flashes to how big something used to be), or when the growth happens in scene. Both are great!


My man prepping for the eventual gigantic sizes! The big brain head to toe shot potential for the future is a great thing. haha


Great addition! This feature will keep getting better and better as the story progresses so we can compare normal to the mega sizes.


definitely love the size gallery as i do get confused if they changed or not from previous episode to now as far as base sizes.