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So sorry guys, I could have sworn I posted an update here!! Kinda pissed at myself now, but it's alright, we live and learn.

Regardless, I am in the middle of moving which is why content has been so scarce for a little bit. Good news is we just finally finished getting everything to the new place, so we are officially all done moving In!

Bad news is, we're not really done, my room still needs to be set up. So long story short, I'm hoping to get my workspace completed so I can start working soon. I'm really sorry for the short absence, moving suucckkss especially when you don't hire a moving company.

Thank you all for your patience and support, without it I wouldn't be able to do all this for a living, genuinely appreciate it! I'm just really looking forward to getting back to work.


Ronald Morrison

Take all the time you need. Heck I’m in the process of moving too so I know how you feel a bit.


Take your time, we can all wait.


Nah it's all good


Take your time to get setup. There is no need to rush.


i’m patient, take your time!!


Take your time buddy.


It's all good my god emperor of awesomeness friend. I know how much time it takes to move into a new house. Helped both my brothers with do it when they moved. So take as much time as you need *yetihug*