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Please follow me on Twitter if you haven't already. I may have to make a very important announcement on there soon if anything happens to my Patreon because I don't think they want me on here anymore



I might not have to do anything right away, but y'know. Much better to be prepared. This is the fourth time my account has been "under review" and I'm getting quite tired of it.



Might be time to start up on another funding platform. 🤔


If you choose to change platform, please inform us on twitter


Ive heard many people switching to SubscribeStar


I am very sorry to hear this. Wish they'd leave you alone.


If I'm not mistaken, accounts only go "under review" on ANY platform because someone reported it. Imagine reporting a Patreon.


That sucks man I hope that you are left alone. *comforting supportive yetihug*


Yikes well hope it gets resolved! The only reason I got patreon originally was to see your awesome work.


Yeaahh I feel horrible that I'd have to ask people to move at all, and I understand that many will not and I don't blame them. I hope it can be resolved too, I'm very sorry :/

Team Brusken

Found your patreon in through your Twitter. Hope things turn out well and quick.


I personally don't care where I pledge, so if you need to move to platform that's not gonna give you a hard time then I'll just follow you there.


Like, i literally can't think of a reason why your page would come under review.


This is the fourth time now, last time was a week ago too so to have it happen so soon is just silly lol

Luke Pandora

Wherever you go I'm with you, not the only one who started to suffer from Patreon many account holders have problem I call it "Stupid Politics"


I've got a subscribestar account already set up for a few other artists I follow who've made the jump, not a bad idea just to have a backup going before patreon bring out the banhammer. Patreon really seem to hate nsfw creators lately