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I don't know what to title the random winners from the $15 tier, but this works for now I guess. Sounds kinda show-boaty though like I'm trying to entice people to become $15 patrons which makes me not like it, but I really can't think of a better name right now, still getting very little sleep for some reason. 

REGARDLESS, I really like how this one turned out, I wasn't very happy with the Whitemane animation so making this one and being happy with it is a really nice feeling. Hope you enjoy!

Mega / Google Drive 




When I click on the Mega link it brings me to catbox


The link doesn't work


I honestly didn't know there was a $15 dollar tier. Quality work from you as always M8. Can't get enough of the best girl :)


Beautiful animation, also a nice butt I see too o//w//o


Is it possible to have for this animation but have the male finish?


Perhaps, if not then don't worry though because there will definitely be more like this with finishes for Toga.

Nic the Djinn

Anybody else not able to get the Google link to play?


That's very kind of you, thanks a ton. Well, real talk, I started back when they sent out open beta keys immediately after Meet the Pyro came out. But I used it very rarely and wasn't serious about it, it was the first time I ever touched 3D animation. I only started getting really serious about animating a little over 2-ish years ago, so we'll say like 2 and a half years of doing this


Cannot wait for more Ochaco


i love it , especially the view with the butt in the back


The still shot is also very nice