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So for anyone who's interested, here's a brief history;

I've drawn just as much as anyone else who says "I've been drawing my whole life, why am I not better!!" meaning I've doodled on papers in school and did stuff here and there throughout my life, OTHERWISE known as very, very little.

Being able to draw has always been my end game. That is what I need to be able to do for my future. Problem is I am 26 now and have very little actual knowledge on drawing, It's really difficult and scary and trying to learn to draw as an adult is awful.

BUT after years and years of saying "I need to start", I finally did today, I sat down told myself to shut up and draw, and this is the result.

I've never drawn a body before, in fact I've barely drawn anything really. I've been too terrified of the first steps all my life, because to get good at something you need to be really bad, and I didn't want to see the bad.

This is my first legitimate drawing of my life, and I'm actually genuinely shocked AND pleased with the result. It's absolutely not perfect, I don't understand lighting at all and perspective/anatomy are scary, but I think doing animation and all these other art forms helped get me to a place of "competence" for art, without ever having actually done art.

But I have a good spring board and this drawing here has told me that I definitely can draw, and I need to STICK WITH IT starting today. I'm too embarrassed to show anyone but you guys, so you're all my witnesses that today marks the day that GreatM8 truly takes his first steps into art, after 26 years, October 17th. I wonder how much better I'll be in a year's time

I know it sounds like It's nothing, not a big deal, and I know I'm being a bit dramatic, but this is quite literally everything to me, drawing is the reason I'm alive, I'm going to do great things one day. I'm very happy with my first drawing and I can only get better from here!

Thanks for reading peeps sorry it was so long, tried to condense it as much as I could. ALSO this doesn't change anything when it comes to animations, I'm going to produce just as many as I regularly do, drawing doesn't change anything, don't worry.

Thoughts/Criticism appreciated, all I want is to improve from here.




Okay first off this is really good how dare you be this talented leave some for us ffs xD but seriously great job m8


I literally have no idea what I'm doing I do not know if I'm doing it right or not LOL


Shit, that's good!


Looking good! One tip I've always heard is to always do anatomy studies, since it helps with finding where muscles and fat lay on the body. One area that might help is on her armpits, especially where the muscle on her back meets her arm. All in all it's an absolutely stunning start though!


Thank you! It's funny you mention it, since I finished catching up on Demon Slayer and I have nothing to do before bed, I've been reading anatomy books and checking out the muscle groups n' whatnot.


Thats amazing for a first!

Narsha BW

That's amazing, keep at it dude.


Hey, man! This looks fantastic! As an artist myself, I can vouch that art is absolutely hard, but with enough time and practice you can definitely refine what you have here and improve on it! But definitely not bad with what you have here now! Proud of you dude! I honestly hope you share more of your drawings when you get down to it!


Congratulations dude, taking the first step is super hard and it's really awesome to see you're doing that. Good luck with your goals, you can definitely go far!


100% happy to see that you took the first step to what you want to achieve. I'm an artist myself. I took it up in high school and have a few years under my belt from college. Even with all that though it's 100% possible to get good on your own, and the best thing is that it's honestly never to late to begin. This being your first serious drawing legitimately is impressive! Keep it up man!

Ochaco Uraraka

Fantastic! So glad you've taken the first step! It looks great!


I'm happy you finally decided to start your dream. It's important to do what you want while the opportunity is available. I cant wait to see any further drawing you make. To help with lighting you might want to work on inanimate objects rather than people due to it being somewhat easier not having to worry about skin tone and contortions. Just a thought and I hope you do great things ^_^ I eagerly await your next animated 'movie'. The clips are just short T.T


Late comment, but this is most excellent for a first real attempt. Am proud of you.