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I hope you all enjoyed the release date video I released yesterday, and if you didn't already, you can have a look at the video here:


The release date for U4iA episode 2 is 26th of January.

So, I guess you're probably wondering why January, when I've mentioned before that I was targeting a release this year - which is true. I've been working towards the 22nd of December as a date from all the way back when I started working on Episode 2.

These last few months I did notice I was a week or two behind where I wanted to be progress-wise, and while I did intend to push for the December release, you might remember I was sick a few weeks back. That added another week and a half to my delay, and in addition to that, I was also a week and a half closer to my original target date.

Adding to the mix that my testers, who've done a great job from all the way back to the early Leap of Faith days, need at least a week to test. Essentially, I'm very close to being out of time already.

In the end, I'd rather target a more sensible date where I know I can do a release I'm fully happy with, rather than rushing a Christmas release. Working 18-hour days from here until Christmas is also a surefire way to work up a burnout.

I feel a bit weird writing this, as it's not technically a delay as no date was given, but I guess I'm just trying to share my thoughts about it. It's slower than I would have liked it to be, and something I will have to address when determining the amount of content in each episode going forward.

But then again, if you look at the content I've done over the last year, it's still more than 5,000 renders and over a hundred animations, which should be up there with the most productive developers in this business.

Cheers guys, stay safe, and have yourselves a nice weekend.

// Drifty




There is certainly games worth waiting for and u4ia is one of them. Take as long as you need to deliver the product you're proud of while not neglecting your health :)


No matter how long it takes you, I'll have a cold one waiting for you. Cheers!


late to the party but take your time, i waited years b4 i played L.O.F i can wait years to play episode 2 for u4ia O_O