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I've been mostly banging my head against the quirks of Daz studio this week.

One of the 3d assets I'm using, which is also a big part of the environment of u4ia, has been a major pain in the ass. There's nothing more annoying than waking up in the morning only to see that all the night renders are a bunch of black screens.

But somehow I got through them all, adding and doing the post work on 137 renders, which now totals 1,587.

I expect four more weeks of heavy rendering, and well, that's the amount of time there is up until beta-testing. So I'll keep myself busy in the easter holidays, that's for sure.

Music signing is also going well, and although slow, new music is being added regularly. The goal is 30 songs for the release.

I know there are split opinions on having sidekicks in Visual Novels, but for me, they are a tool to make a better story, and being able to have someone to talk to without having to resolve to using inner thoughts whenever I want to get a message out.

So, without further ado, meet the sidekick of this story, in a way only he knows how. He is also the second character I've decided to use the Genesis 9 model for.

I'll have Holly drop by next week in her brand-new bunny suit to wish you all a happy easter. Because let's face it, Holly in a bunny suit is never wrong.

With that, have yourself a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the season and stay safe out there.

// Drifty




Chris was the best bro ever in LoF, so I have high expectations! :)


There are some sidekicks which are so stupid and annoying that they almost made me quit a story or two. But Chris was great, he felt like an actual friend and enriched the whole experience, at least in my opinion. In the end, it's probably like with most other elements, when they're done right, they're a great addition to the story and make it better, but when they're done poorly, the story suffers. Somehow I'm not worried about u4ia in this regard, not at all.


I have to agree with others saying Chris was a great sidekick/best bro, cause he was, honestly the best to come in the AVN world since Liam (Acting Lessons), and for the same reasons, I was damn happy we had the option to match him with someone. It humanizes everything the MC does, to some extent, and love it when they're goofy/loyal/kind like Chris was, cause we, as the MC, have a reason to humanize our decisions back.


Chris did make for the funniest moments in LoF. It would be awesome to have a Chris cameo in U4ia shouting out, "YOU DOG!" Cheers!


Sidekicks are good and provide options for the story


Chris was great. Another sidekick I liked was Liam from Acting Lessons - a true classic. He was not just comedy relief though. He had some very serious things going on in his own life that he tried to hide behind his cheery demeanor. It added depth to the story and made you care about the character more. On another topic, I was wondering what the downsides of higher generation character models are. Like what is the reason for not using gen 9 for everyone?


Always needs a bro to go out ! And I won't complain about Holly in a bunny suit :P


I loved Chris and wish there were more sidekicks in VNs... looking forward to meeting this one!

ian giles

women come n go, a bro is for life