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Won't bother you with a big wall of text this time. Just dropping by to say it's going forward at a steady pace.

I've made myself a bullet list of things to do, and I'm just focusing on crossing out one thing after the other.

The script(s) size is around 10k lines of code/dialogue right now. That's just shy of LoF chapter 8 size, but I do expect it to grow quite a bit yet.

For the renders, I haven't been doing a lot these last few weeks, as I really had to try catching up with the Ren'Py part so I could get the overall picture. But now that I'm there, I'm going back into 3d mode and posing the remaining scenes. The story render count is now at 1,451, and that's barring the last 8 scenes I need to pose, and quite a few animations yet.

On Sunday, it's also three years since Leap of Faith chapter 1 was released, so time is flying. And now, three years later, I still love doing this, and it's certainly made a big impact on my life. Thanks for the support, new and old.

This image is part of the Celeste in-game gallery set. I made it as a nod to another game, maybe you can spot 'witch'... :)

So enjoy Celeste and her pussy, and have yourself a nice weekend. Stay safe out there.

// Drifty




I'd like to see the cat in the game, too. Then again, maybe not, she can steal the show far too easily.


I reckon that's a Witcher 1 reference of the first Triss card you can get? You old-timer, you. :) Have a good one!


First Picture of a Girl with her Pussy exposed ;) You Rock Drifty! Have a nice Weekend!


it's a nice witcher reference but somehow my initial thought after seeing "witch" was sabrina.. yes i'm old.


I can't wait for May to see first releases. That is not mean we are pushing to you as hurry development. Just we have good quality expectations about the quality of u4ia based on trailer and shared pictures.