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It's been a little while. I decided to change things up a bit to make things easier for me (and maybe you guys). I'm going to be updating one branch at a time, but I'm going to try and make them longer. This way, my attention won't be split between multiple stories, and you guys don't have to search for each new branch that's available. The downside is if there's a branch that you really like, it might take a little while for it to be updated. I'll try and keep a consistent schedule and aim to finish the open branches.

This update is about the Bookmark, Demon Lord one. I'll be running polls to decide which branches you guys will want to see more of.

Password: four-years-teacher



Mirael Sabathiel

At the risk of being nitpicky, I did notice a couple of typos if you're looking for feedback?


I'm always up for feedback (it's easy for me to get tunnel vision on these larger projects). You could send me a note if you'd like.