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Hey Primal Pack!

The recent Dullahan post drew out a lot of "strong" opinions about content type and direction so I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to voice your opinions somewhere that I'll actually be tracking them.

THIS is the post to shout out any and everything that you want to see. I would say do and don't, but don't doesn't really help, constructive criticism and all... Plus, just cause you don't want to see, doesn't mean it'll be universally disliked.

So the most effective way to get what you want is to tell me here. I have quite the queue of pending releases, pending conversion files and pending collab conversations. So wherever there is crossover between what you want and what I can provide, I'll be bumping those up in the queue for earlier releases.

The Gardevoir and Loona Featured (dialogue heavy) animations were voted on by the community. The FNAF releases came from individuals requesting more of the content. A couple animator collabs came directly from conversations with you guys. I've even gotten paid commissions for animations based purely on recommendations or animated a recommendation myself. So you can definite count on me taking your recommendations into serious consideration and if it's possible to make it happen, chances are pretty good that it will.

So let er rip!

(remember to keep the conversation civil, respectable, constructive, no kink shaming and all that fun stuff🙏; I wish I didn't have to drop the disclaimer, but it's a warning already proven to be necessary. In general, if it's rude, arrogant (i.e. demands over request) or flat out detrimental to the spirit of building a supportive community, the ban hammer will fall and I really hate banning ppl, so plz, just don't be a dick lol😅)



My main preference would be human on anthro material and pov so I can emerse myself into the video, I personally love monster girls so I wouldn't mind, but if opinions are strong to keep it mainly just furry I won't complain majority wins. Hopefully we will still get monster girl stuff on the main sub if that's the case. But yeah if the video isn't pov it's hard for me to get into and if the "male" isn't human it has the same effect for me as being harder to put myself in there place.


Yup, POV human on Anthro girl will be the main focus for max immersion. Monster girls are still gtg for the most as long as they are in spec (i.e. Momo versus say Sadako), though specific recommendations are what I'm looking for and the best chance of seeing who your looking for pop up.


I would like generally more content on the furry side as stated on the other post. I want it to be said though that I'm not wholly opposed with monstergirl/robot content and am fine with it every once in a while. As for perspective generally I'd prefer pov but 3rd person can be a nice change of pace. Mostly seeking human on furry as sometimes someone else's male character can take me out of it a bit. (mostly when it's a heavily stylized male oc furry. A largely featureless male makes it better to self insert in the scene.) At the end of the day though, do what you want. I'd rather see content than the channel suffer and doing stuff that you enjoy personally would make the content shine. My post on the dullahan poll was mostly me just venting at the state of things in the hentai space in general. There've been many times when I've tried to search for one or the other and have gotten the wrong result back.