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Yes, this was posted to our VGA Patreon also by accident, sorry for the double post!

I need your help!

For an upcoming scene in VGA we need a selection of notoriously difficult moments in NES gaming history. We know that for Ace and Chet that first moment came with the first Goomba they encountered. Another easy one was the notoriously hard air craft carrier landing in Top Gun.

Can you guys give me some more hair pulling examples? Remember we're looking for specific MOMENTS in games not just difficult games in general.






Hmm, thanks to a video I saw yesterday I was reminded of something from Mario 3, the stage where you have to grab a shell and fly up to find the ending to the stage with no hint to put you there. I think it's world 3 stage 5? I'll keep in mind this post just in case I think of anything else later, but that's the only thing I can currently think of.


Turbo Tunnel- Battleroads, Dam Stage-Ninja Turtles


I remember my sister and I having a lot of trouble with level 4(I think) in the Gremlins NES game. It involved conveyor belt platforms and electricity. We would be screaming so loud that our parents eventually took the game from us haha.

Christian Grimmett

The Underwater Stage in the Ninja Turtles game.


Ice Climbers, Contra (Seriously, you need the code), StarTropics (Starts easy then boom, difficulty spike), and Air Fortress.


-Fighting the first Red Arremer in Ghosts 'n Goblins -Fighting the Yellow Devil in the first Mega Man -Getting through all of the disappearing blocks in Heat Man's stage in Mega Man 2 -Getting through all of the lasers in Quick Man's stage in Mega Man 2 -Fighting Mike Tyson or Mr. Dream in Punch-Out!! -Getting through barrel hell at the end of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -This damn jump in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: <a href="https://youtu.be/9dgImDJDwhg?t=1m49s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/9dgImDJDwhg?t=1m49s</a> -This damn jump in Ninja Gaiden: <a href="https://youtu.be/9dgImDJDwhg?t=7m01s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/9dgImDJDwhg?t=7m01s</a>


Donkey Kong Country 3, Poisonous Pipeline. A water level that flips your controls

Joshua Chap

As a kid in Zelda II: The Adventures of Link I always had a rather difficult time finding the hammer rather early in the game to get past a certain part in the overworld. The Great Wall of China level of Simpsons - Bart vs The World was by far the worst, but really any level in that game would possibly be a great choice. Those are specific instances I remember from my childhood that drove me crazy.


The wall in Simon's Quest when you have to kneel with the crystal to pass. If it wasn't for Nintendo Power (I believe), I'm not sure we would have put it together from the clues.


Castlevania Medusa heads as just from the perspective of a kid, but any part of that game


Wizards and Warriors Ice Fire Mountain level. Cobra Triangle, any level that makes you save swimmers.


Getting past the first green enemy that throws crosses in Ninja Gaiden on the NES. Right next to a pit and was always super frustrating.


He wanted specific moments, not just the games themselves.


The water level in TMNT (without cheats). <a href="https://youtu.be/yF1KRe8u7k4?t=28m52s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/yF1KRe8u7k4?t=28m52s</a>


Yes! In my mind, if you beat this level you've beat the game. Turn off the NES.


Sticking with the SNES theme, the "Tubular" and "outrageous" levels on Star Road in Super Mario World.


Learning Van Keisers "tell" (a throwback to the Punch out Arc) or beating Jaws in the game jaws, or if you want just another reference, them beating the dragon in double dragon


The "You Just Walk Over It" Moment from AVGN's TMNT review: <a href="https://youtu.be/XjUz8IT0CYg?t=5m5s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/XjUz8IT0CYg?t=5m5s</a>


Figuring out you actually have to dip the physical letter in startropics to get a code.


Level 7 in Zelda was a tough one to find.


Super Mario World: Yoshi Island 1 (the first level going left). The naked Koopa sliding toward Mario. <a href="https://ibb.co/ePkFHH" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://ibb.co/ePkFHH</a>


The hardest part was getting my dad to buy me the game.