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Daedrius Storm

Hell yeah! Love her colors and DAMN BOI, SHE THICC!! lol Just what The Doctor ordered! 😁

Darnel D Cooper

I wonder what type of Rune tats she has and what do they grant?

Daedrius Storm

That's quite a lotta ass, our boi might be in over his head here lol


The sexual tension building from work and ready they just need to bone. Nice.

Daedrius Storm

I like the dialog in ver2 a little better. ^^b

Daedrius Storm

And that rework of the dialog on pg7 is pretty great as well


thanks Dae. I slept on it and thought it would be better if they were closer instead of hornier


They are all just jealous of this beautiful couple.

The Professional

The hi ho song from Snow White is looking in my head thanks to that one line.