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Rebels 1x6: 

Edited reaction: https://youtu.be/vtJv3g7Wjlw

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/rebels/ (p. 1) 

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x6: 

Edited reaction: https://youtu.be/4PIlxvkekiE

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/its-always-sunny-in-philadelphia-premium/ (p. 1) 



Reynaldo Urena

Zare Leonis actually gets a junior novel series that explores his time as a cadet in the Imperial Academy while he searches for his sister.

Jeff K

It's wild watching the early episodes of It's Always Sunny now, having just learned recently from her appearance on Michael Rosenbaum's podcast that Morena Baccarin was very nearly in this show (she was in the original short pilot that the guys shot). Apparently, she and Glenn Howerton dated all through the time they were at Juilliard together. Which makes sense why Dennis thinks he can get any woman, because let's be real, if you can get Morena Baccarin that's probably true.


The Fun begins again.. I have an issue with the single episode drop for Rebels. Anyone wanna chime in? :D Hahahaaa

Micah Zimmer

You must've missed the first comment by Amanda. Technically you've been pre-chimed.

Quinton Campbell

Jai has Floch hair, and Oleg is in disguise. His real name.......Gelo

Tim Arnold

It's interesting that the only comments I ever seem to see from you are bitching


Wow you missed it completely, I added laughter at the end to indicate that Im kidding.. Im perfectly fine with the one episode drop. Just wanted to see if anyone would bite the obvious bait. lol It's obvious that they are set on the one episode drop for this show.. but for you to think that I'd needlessly complain about it every week.. get real. No complaints here.. you made me laugh instead thanks :D


Don't waste a reply on my first comment. In case you miss the "Hahahaa" Im only kidding and have no complaints. The comment is intended to annoy the comment section police. Have a nice weekend... I know I will :D


I appriciate your reply Micah, you didn't resort to acting like a douche to get your point across.. unlike Tim who considers others opinions to be "bitching". However until the policing of other patrons opinions or complaints stops. Im posting one of these every week to infuriate those that fall for it. That's what I mean by "The fun begins again" lol

Micah Zimmer

I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep wasting replies. At least until the weekend starts


Lol now with that mentality you are set for an awesome weekend. I hope you enjoy every minute of it :D


You know one day they're gonna get to the boat joke lol

rickie woodson

uhm actually, they got it from druidism. the swastika is an ancient symbol used around the world in many cultures in europe, asia and africa dating back 7 thousands of years, not just in india. whats more likely, german hitler studied hinduism or saw it growing up in europe where drudaic nomads have been for millenia? The swastika has a long, complex history – much older than its association with Nazi Germany – dating back to prehistoric times. The emblem was a sign of well-being and long life, and was found everywhere, from the tombs of early Christians to the catacombs of Rome and the Lalibela Rock Churches, to the Cathedral of Cordoba. "The motif appears to have first been used in Eurasia, as early as 7,000 years ago, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky… as a symbol of wellbeing in ancient societies," says the Holocaust Encyclopedia. Different civilisations associate the sign with outstretched hands, four seasons, four directions or with spreading light in all directions. In the 19th-Century book The Swastika: The Earliest Known Symbol, and Its Migrations, Thomas Wilson documents how the swastika was found all over the ancient world, on everything from quilts and shields to jewellery. Some believe that its shape was inspired by an ancient comet. The Ancient Greeks used swastika motifs to decorate their pots and vases. The ancient Druids and Celts also used the sacred sign, and in Norse mythology the swastika represented Thor's hammer.


If we ever get another copystrike revolt, I propose the censored name for Rebels should simply be Red-Bulls, as my brain reads Rebels as red bulls already 😆


Do you have an actual source for druidism being the explicit influence? Also the word aryan are used to refer to the earliest settlers in india post indus-river valley civilization. Is that also just a coincidence? We know the nazis were into mysticism so being into indian or far eastern mystic culture isn’t as out there as you think. Also, the man allied with the japanese and made them honorary aryans. You make it sound like there would be zero chance of an eastern influence. Just weird.

Chaos T

I too would like a source showing druidism was the direct influence for Hitler adopting the swastika as a national symbol. According to the website you cited "nineteenth-century European scholars used the term Aryan to identify the Indo-European or Indo-Germanic peoples who settled throughout India, Persia (Iran), and Europe thousands of years earlier." https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/aryan-1 Hitler was heavily influenced by his twisted view of Indian history. Due to Hitler's views, his name in India isn't as hated as it is in the rest of the world. From the article linked below: "Prof Anirudh Deshpande of Delhi University says Indians have have been influenced by fascism since the 1930s “especially upper-caste Indians who believe they are Aryan cousins of the Germans”" https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/why-hitler-is-not-a-dirty-word-in-india/articleshow/63955029.cms


The swastika doesn't look anything like a comet, so I am a bit skeptical about that theory.

MojoJojoGojo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 13:29:50 Damn the jokes I wanna make right now about dying idek if I can lol but anyways what's poppin with Vinland saga s2 please watch!!!
2023-04-29 09:22:59


Long story nothing. You didn't read my response to what Tim wrote and just agreed with it lol. If you read then you would know that I have no complaints about the mid-tier show Rebels anymore and was just trolling to bait you self-appointed comment section police douchebags. Who don't hesitate to shit on other patrons opinons/complaints if you don't happen to agree with it. The FUN begins again next friday... :D

Chaos T

You're projecting your personal insecurity. Fun stuff and can't wait for another book long response I won't read.


I admit that I could have done it less rudely when asking for double drops for the past 2 fridays. However how can that be turned into that I do nothing but complain. I have been a Patron much longer than the last 2 weeks. Tims whole claim on me doing nothing but complain is based on those 2 posts and you just agreed with it. smh


Where’s sunny ep 7? The link is from 6 days ago