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Attack on Titan DUB 4x20

Reaction: https://youtu.be/6ZOlxTEc9Lo

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/aotdub/ (pg. 10) 

The Office 3x19

Reaction: https://youtu.be/QUMw6RqxJ5M

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/the-office/ (pg. 6) 




no double drop?


I need the next episode 😩


I literally just relistened to the episode they just dropped on youtube where they tout the fact that they are double dropping on patreon. Thats kinda bs


ik that’s why i commented because it’s in that vid haha


im on here too for that reason but for a different show. they need to have an option to have refund atleast within 10 or 20 mins of subbing cause wtf


They do, just ask them. They’ll help you out


These guys are too greedy for double drops. Everyone else does it, but Normies need to milk everything as long as they can smh


They were double dropping for quite a number of weeks and then posted a very clear explanation as to why they decided not to do double drops on 4/4, in addition to explaining why on their vids afterwards as well. Youtube only watchers are naturally behind but you still have a good backlog of episodes you can still go through for the few bucks you paid.


They double drop for most of season 3 and 4. I think yall are just a little too behind. They have double dropped them for the longest time.

Sam Martin

Yeah no duh. Some of us came from youtube, so we didn't have the double drop episodes saying that they're going to stop. I only watched several on youtube and at the end of each telling us they're double dropping, that's why I signed up. So I expected to see double drops only to see a list of what episodes are double dropping. Definitely misleading if people are coming from youtube thinking they're going to get double drops every week. Can't see the future episodes, soooo...Yeah. They might add a disclaimer to all the new episodes they drop on youtube so people don't sign up thinking they're getting double drops.

B Mowglli

no septuple drop??? smh my head