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Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3x20

Reaction: https://youtu.be/0yPM7xOc4Z4

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/buffy-the-vampire-slayer-premium/ (pg. 6)

Young Justice 1x8

Reaction: https://youtu.be/nmj5xxQqQVg

Uncut: https://thenormies.com/young-justice-premium/




Top 5


Great reaction guys, loved it! Suraj I love that you're feeling the EMOTION, SMG is so so talented, she brings it every time. I also agree w you about Oz lol, he's pretty useless as a character. 😅 Calling Bangel toxic just because she's in high school is sort of unfair imo. Many people find their best friends and their partners in high school, discounting the impact of a relationship because it develops when the couple is young is a little too broad a stroke imo. Also, just because something is not meant to be, or in this show's case doomed, doesn't make it toxic, there's a difference to me. Buffy herself is doomed, if the history of slayers is to be repeated, she's gonna die before she hits 30. She truly believes that is the case for her life so that's also a perspective on their relationship that the couch isn't considering. ... I'm curious if there isn't a difference to you all out there, please comment if you disagree.

mary smith

I think toxic for the normies refers to the age difference...which is fair & correct. It IS toxic. They have the same issue with Cordy + Wesley, which is a less egregious example because at least cordy was 18. Otherwise I agree that the overall circumstances of their relationship falls in the 'doomed' category you described more appropriately.

Alexis Cardarella

Had to watch the full reaction for this one. Enjoyed all the vicarious laughs and tears. 💕 Marketaaa... *Hugs* girl. I (and most of us) get swept up the same way in this episode, bangel fan or not. But yes, their relationship is complicated both because of the time, and the fucked up fact that unfortunately not everyone's view on that has evolved since then either, so you've every right to reiterate you disapproval. It's less disrupting than the trolling most of the boys do lol. But I get that too. To a degree at least. lol ...Anyway, great reaction. And I can't stress how fucking excited I am for the two part finale. ✨🥳

Chris K.

Sooo.... Graduation Day finale double drop next week? 👼


Double standard. Anya is over 1000 years old and a vengeance demon and it’s funny she’s with Xander but y’all spend so much time hating on Angel and Buffy.

Chaos T

It's not really the same thing nor a double standard. Anya and Xander have no real feelings towards one another and just went to the prom together as acquaintances; which happens all the time with seniors and the prom. Angel and Buffy have been an item since season one when Buffy was fifteen. Anya also doesn't have a penchant for stalking Xander like Angel does with Buffy.


I also think that we as viewers who have been watching buffy since we were very young and also have a complete picture of the story as a whole, are viewing its a certain way. It makes perfect sense to me that adult viewers watching for the first time would have these kinds of reactions. I felt differently about a lot of the characters as a younger person and now my perspective has changed. Its also changed with several viewings of both buffy and angel. i think the normies mean well (although the constant narrowing things down to sex gets tired) and overall still appreciate the emotional punch this show can give even in situations they may not love.

Chaos T

The age difference is the big issue and The Normies have been consistent since the beginning letting people know their feelings on the Angel/Buffy relationship. She was fifteen in season one and Angel was already stalking/looking over her. To me, this is where "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" shows it's age and isn't alone in TV shows from that era in terms of questionable relationship. A lot of 90's TV relationship moments are really, really cringe. The older I get the more I really dislike the Angel/Buffy relationship and their dynamic probably couldn't be a thing in 2023 tv; which is a very good thing imo. EDIT: Also, now understanding the issues on the Buffy and Angel sets with Joss Whedon it makes some of the writing plot points even a bit creepier.


So i seen buffy is leaving hulu in less than 2 weeks....does anyone know if itll be streaming anywhere else afterwards

Fuiono Ching Sung

Mickey is finer than frog hair. I just need 5 mins w/ the guy alone...lawda mercy. GREAT REACTION! Wasn't disappointed in the slightest. Looking forward to what you guys think of where this ends up. Would be awesome if you guys did a double-drop for the two-part finale.


I don't think that Angel would burn up in the church because he has a soul. I guess? Also, I'm so looking forward to y'all watching Angel. Its gonna be fun. Also Anya is my giiirrrll. Also, Buffy getting not one but TWO perfect prom moments is everything. She's really That Girl.

Vicky N

He was in a church, as soulless Angelus when he killed a priest in confessional booth and took his place to taunt Drusilla. We saw that in Becoming, the season 2 finale.


if y’all were wondering about the Anya age gap, she’s over 1,000 years old lol.


so just letting you know, atlantas is like, continent sized, the part blown up in this episode would be like a neighborhood being blown up in texas, yeah its bad but theres waaaaaaaay more of atlantas

Victoria E (vickster5001)

The age different being the issue I get, although it’s oddly never made me as uncomfortable as Wesley eyeing up Cordelia, but I think that’s because that is sexual first in my opinion, while for Angel he wanted to protect her, but it is problematic. I guess I find it odd they acted like Angel was acting like a regular guy, regretting being with her because she’s getting clingy. That’s not what’s happening here. He still loves her. He wants to be with her. He’s giving that up for her because it’s best.


Being in a church doesn’t hurt vampires it’s just that some of them avoid them out of fear and superstition crosses not withstanding.


Keep this same energy going forward with Buffy’s love life


Yeah idk why I didn't think about it. Cause looking back at all the times I've seen vampires in screen in church, they've been fine.


😂😂😂 I just shake my head at the Angel is bad for Buffy comments. Yeah ok. Lol.


I noticed it showed up expiring again for me too. I’m upset.


Atlantis* sorry that was gonna bother me if I didn't correct you xD

Daniel R

I was worried about starting the Buffy reactions on this channel but I might start since they seem to be interesting to say the least hahaha


I get it I swear but that angle doesn't work for me .. Of course irl it's f*cked up but I think it doesn't compute with supernatural creatures. Age gaps don't make a whole lot of sense with this type of fantasy immortality trope (imho) and so it doesn't resonate with me. I mean, Angel dating a 50 year old has the ratio of a 90 year old dating a 16 year old. So any age he dates is gross if you think about it too long. And there's absolutely no toxicity felt with the new Anya/Xander pairing: Anya is more than triple the age of Angel.

Annah Suarez-Domit

So in this episode Gaarth, the guy who almost became Aqualad instead of Kaldur, was the original Aqualad from the comics. Also a fun little easter egg is that when he 'summons the power of the Tempest' in his fight against Black Manta it is a reference to his post Aqualad name, Tempest.


Yea its weird i logged on hulu today and now its not saying its expiring

Chaos T

I felt the same way when they started it but their Buffy reactions are amongst the best on their channel. The reactions are usually really entertaining and one of the reasons why I continue to subscribe to their Patreon channel.


2 parter next week please


Young Justice double drop campaign!


Recommendation: Double Drop Buffy/Angel. So do Buddy 4x1 + Angel 1x1. If you watch the shows like that they work in perfect tandem whenever there is a crossover element.

Chaos T

There needs to be clarification on what people mean by "age gap" in this show. If the Buffy/Angel relationship happened when Buffy was a consenting adult, nobody would really have issue with the relationship. Why the relationship is problematic is because they were an item before Buffy reached "adulthood" and what's legally considered "adult" in the United States. Xander is eighteen in his senior year of high school, thus he's considered by law an adult in the United States. It's pretzel logic believing Xander taking Anya to the prom as an acquaintance and nothing more is in the same realm as Angel getting in a heavy relationship with a minor. It's not a one to one comparison... not even close. However, I agree with Victoria about the Wesley/Cordy thing. Though Cordelia is eighteen, their dynamic was always creepy because from the very beginning it was a sexual thing. It's way creepier than Xander and Anya going to the prom as friends.


One thing I love about Young Justice is that it embraces legacy which I believe is a core part of the DC Universe. It references that the Justice League was inspired by the Justice Society from WWII and now these characters are taking up that legacy. And they make a point to show that Jay Garrick, the original Flash, is a mentor to Barry Allen, the current Flash, who is a mentor to Wally, Kid Flash. So often when they start a new DC TV show or movies or reboot the comics, they ignore that legacy and it always feels like something fundamental is lost.


was just thinking this. it would be cool to see that with the buffy thanksgiving ep and Angel 1x08


Yes great points you guys make, if you view the story through a real world lense it is super problematic I definitely agree 100%. I think for me the "teen girl/vampire dude" trope (that makes no sense on so many levels) is so absurd that I just roll my eyes and shrug it off. For me too Victoria, Cordy/Wesley always creeped me out way more because it was a more realistic scenario.

K Murray

So is Angel going to be a couple weeks ahead of Buffy forever?

Ricardo Obregon

Woooo! its Prom! this might be alot of fan favorites of the whole series, its the one few moments in buffys life where she experiences a true high school moment; Prom. and next is Graduation. and Angel lol and for the Young Justice one - Eh its actually my least favorite to be honest, its mainly an aqualad episode, its good, but not great.

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Honestly when watching a show about Vampires and Vampire slayers, you have to adjust your concept of time and age. The age thing never really bothered me about Buffy/Angel, not even the Angelus stuff either, no why I heavily dislike them is the same reason why I hated Bella/Edward in Twilight (don't judge me for watching, lol.) or Sookie/Bill from True Blood, or Stefan/Elena from The Vampire Diaries all relationships in the vampire genre similar to Buffy/Angel in that I feel like they fell in love after having like TWO conversations with each other, and then it was this romeo and Juliet-esque like love story which I always found boring. BOTH characters became much more interesting to me when they got away from each other in my opinion. Like I truly couldn't care less about Angel in S1-3 of Buffy but LOVED him in all of Angel. Their relationship was just too over the top in my opinion.

Kyle Mayhugh

Angel was 26 when he was turned. Even if we don't count his years as a vampire against him, 26 years old is way too old to be stalking a 15-year-old HS student.

Kyle Mayhugh

Anya may be a millenia old, but she's functionally 18 in the show world Angel was 26 when he was turned into a vampire and his aging frozen. 26 is way too old to be doing what he's been doing with a pre-18 high schooler.

Latrae Osborne

I think you need to be judged for the twilight but every thing else I do agree on. For me it's the world ending romance and how her heart stops after he kisses her. It was way too much. Now them with others is the bee's knees

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Haha don’t worry I judge myself too on the Twilight thing, but I have always been a fan of the Vampire genre and when it came out I was young and all my friends told me to watch them and that I would love them, I didn’t lol. But yes the “hopelessly in love Vampire/Human relationship” trope where they act like they can’t breathe without each other always bugged me because I always felt the relationships were too rushed and over the top, Buffy and Angel both became better and more well rounded characters when they got away from each other, and while I did still find issues with both of their later relationships, I still found every other relationship they had with other people far more enjoyable to watch then theirs.