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JarJar shows off his Jedi moves and saves the day!

Reaction: https://youtu.be/syp6G_MN1m4

Uncut: video above


Andre Ransom

Ugh 😂 I forgot this was next.

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

Only star wars related thing I watch is the clone wars. I'm really happy 😁 y'all are reacting to this show. Use to watch it on Cartoon Network 10 pm at night.


The Jedi Master and Sith Lord Kreia/ArrenKare/Darth Traya gave the best explanation for Jar Jar... "the Force watches out for the old and the fools." Jar Jar must be the biggest fool in galactic history the way the Force watches out for him. As for Palpatine... he wants the Republic to win... but should thing spin out of his control, he's willing to rule from the CIS. That's why his plan is so great, 90% of outcomes end with him still ruling. Palpatine is a schemer but he also is very good at improvising as with this episode and others where Padme, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ashoka routinely go against his plan and make a win when he wanted a loss. Yet Palpatine can still spin it into his favor. And my favorite Anakin/Padme being found out scene was in the comics when Obi-Wan just landed in their villa backyard and flatout said everyone knows they are screwing and it's the worst kept secret, but he and everyone just thought it was a friends with benefits thing and not a relationship. Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura had a similar casual sex thing as well so the Jedi, especially in war, looked the other way a lot.

Chaos T

Welp... at least The Normies make a JarJar episode somewhat entertaining.

Alex Mills

This might be worst episode of clone wars no cap


Can you imagine if the droids were at least average intelligence? The Separatists would have annihilated the Republic.


I'll say it I love Jar Jar since episode 1 and no one can change my mind on that


Pretty sure that's the time that Adult Swim comes on


I'll be honest, Clone Wars actually makes me like Jar Jar. Idk why, but something about him in this show is much more barrable and actually funny.

Daniel R

Haha I feel you! That's why I like ItsAPrimate's reactions too because he fucks with Jar Jar on his channel! LOL

Daniel R

Remember George Lucas always said "Jar Jar is the key to all this"

Edwin Ayala

Well he IS the one who told the senate to give emergency powers to the Chancellor

Kamina 1

You guys took this episode better than i thought you would. Love the positive energy normies. Only you guys can make a Jar Jar episode fun lol

Frankie H

Yay! Suraj read our "Commander Cody was in episode 3" comments! Can't wait for the next episode.

Daniel R

didn't they recently rewatch the prequels? I wish someone in the group was the resident Star Wars expert haha


Something that's in the novels but never said in the show is that Count Dooku is the one of the richest men in the galaxy and is essentially bank rolling the entire Separatist army and also why he has the title Count.


Is it possible that you guys might make a sketch about the Separatists having to pass on buying really intelligent and deadly droids because of the price tag and being forced to buy the pow quality ones in mass?


As much as I agree the B1 droids are really stupid, I just wanna say that's because they weren't really designed for these kind of things. They were meant to be deployed as a whole army and overwhelm the enemy, and to be broken easily to make it easier to put them back together and be reused. They really weren't meant to be used in small groups of 2 or 3 for things like guard duty. Also it easier for them to get more because they have basically the galactic bank, the trade federation, the people the that make the droids, and Count Dooku, who is one of the richest people in the galaxy, on the Separatists side.