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After watching episode 8 of the first season, the Normies came up with a new theory that Jar Jar must either be extremely lucky or have some kind of latent Jedi powers. What do you guys think? Is Jar Jar a Jedi?


Daniel R

"Jar Jar is the key to all this," - George Lucas

Commander Dodge

Mesa think hesa Jedi Master Bombad

Philip G.

Isn't there a Jar Jar theory that he started everything on caused problems on purpose

John M

Simple explanation (theory): Darth Jar Jar.


Yeah, it’s part of the whole “Darth Jar Jar” thing lol. That he just plays the part of the fool and is actually super skilled and cunning and a force master etc.

Vic Valentine

you forgot to add the 3rd and correct answer: Jar Jar is definitely a SITH.


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway many abilities some consider to be....unnatural


Meesa da dark lorda da seeff- okie day?

Zen Reacts

Is the RWBY upload delayed?

Teri M

Waiting on Handmaids.......... *taps finger*

Liam Barnes

Considering in the Aftermath novels he's a struggling street performer, I go with option 1.

Edwin Ayala

Are the early access posts moved to tomorrow?

Adam Ilioff

Jar Jar is the Supreme Overlord of the Sith the True Master of the Dark Side


Jar Jar is a Sith Lord.

Robert Solis

Imagine seeing fan theories about jar jar for years and they make a poll like they just came up with it

Joshua Krienke

I know this is a star wars post but where is the RWBY early access?

Hank Scorpio

This theory is old af lol. ''Jar Jar is the key to all of this'' -George Lucas


Jar Jar? Where that RWBY at?


Did you guys never hear the theory about how Jar Jar Binks might be a Darth Lord? They even made a skit about it years ago on the Star Wars Special for Robot Chicken.


But....Where’s RWBY!?! 😅

Joshua Krienke

Man the RWBY still isn’t posted. I wonder what happened? You figure we would at least have an update or something saying that it’s running late.


Where’s RWBY 😭


Rwby and hand maids tail is late? Hope everything’s good with y’all. Feel like they would’ve given an update tho.

Andre Ransom

Unrelated to Clone Wars but is there a problem with the RWBY video?

Matthew Bankston

So, as many people have already stated, there has been this theory amongst fans for years that Jar Jar was not only a force user, but a Dark Lord of the Sith. I personally never bought into it. But it is funny how people point to his propensity to inadvertently cause accidents and destruction that ends up benefitting himself or his allies as an example of him being a force user. In the expanded universe/legends, there is a Knights of the Old Republic comic series that features a young padawan named Zayne Carrick. Carrick had the ability to reach into the force to affect the outcome of events to his benefit. However, there was always a negative event that followed whenever he did this. He described this as the force trying to balance itself. If Jar Jar was a force user it would seem his has the opposite version of this ability.


Jar Jar was originally gonna be a sith but people hated him so they cut the idea

Kamina 1

Hey guys. There is no such thing as latent jedi powers. There is only the force, and force users. There is an actual name for them, but i can't recall if that would be a spoiler for anyone not named Chris Johnson since he played Fallen Order. Jedi is not a power, but a priest who wields glowing saber. A devotee to the principles of the jedi order. Just a small clarification. I don't want blind wave superfans to flame you guys again because you don't know enough about Star Wars and blah, blah blah, blah blah. We need to be sharp for Mandalorian season 3. - To finally answer your question 😅 i do think Jar jar unknowingly uses the force somehow. In this universe the explanation for most unbelievable things is always force related somehow.

Pervy Sage

I don't understand. They are literally called "THE NORMIES", they're not supposed to have the deep knowledge of fandom. Them making the wrong assumptions or comments is part of the fun

Kamina 1

That's not "deep knowledge" LOL just common knowledge.