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Naruto learns all about Chakra Natures, which are in no way a retcon or conspicuously new to Naruto. But hey, knowledge is power, and Kakashi is bring the thunder...er, lightning. 

Episode 55

[Reaction]: https://streamable.com/jd8lvg

[Uncut]: https://streamable.com/tgn3y6

Episode 56

[Reaction]: https://streamable.com/h1e6bg

[Uncut]: https://streamable.com/s9omrq

Episode 72

[Reaction]: https://streamable.com/lvih0s

[Uncut]: https://streamable.com/hlk5ov




we're back to triple drops at the end of the month!? Say less!

Jarryd Thompson

Finally can't wait for them to wait to finally react too Shikamaru Shippuden


Wow. I ordered my food and it’s almost here. Perfect timing. 🔥🔥🔥 TRIPLE DROPS BYKE


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, whoa did we just get a triple drop. OK 👌




Need to watch this before it goes down!


A triple drop?? What is this new foreign concept??

Jarryd Thompson

Its been so long since we got a triple drop I think I got wet a little bit


They don’t teach change in chakra nature at the academy. Like they said it’s very advanced. Which is why the only Person who knew one was Sasuke and only because he was taught at home. He didn’t learn lightning until Kakashi


Guys and girls I need your help to find my long lost brother Cow Steak O’burger. Last time I saw him he was at the butchers. Plz HELP MEEEEE!

Artur Vegis

Their definition of side character might be different from yours. Dont need to be so negative.

Matthew Cronin

Have you never heard them say fire style or water style? Maybe pay attention


I'm hypeeeee


To answer the question about Naruto's idiocy, he never really paid attention in school, and he often skipped to cause mischief, explore, and train on his own. It's mentioned in og naruto, but shown moreso in filler; so, it's easily understood. I know it, and Naruto STILL annoys me sometimes lol


im gonna have to watch this reaction to see how chakra natures are a retcon to you


Geography Lesson:


Their are 5 great nations , each ruled by a feudal lord (DAIYMO), and each have a hidden village ruled by a KAGE. the land of fire has konoha(hidden leaf) led by the hokage, the land of water has kirigakure (mist) led by mizukage, land of lightening (kumo) hidden cloud by the raikage, land of wind has the hidden sand led by the kazekage, and the land of earth has the hidden stone led by the tsuchikage.


To be clear asuma last name was never delve in and I believe his name was mention during the teams were forming and also they never taught chakra natures in the academy that was recently revealed on plus naruto never truly payed attention so it would have been more clear when taught

Chaos T

They may very well have taught the chakra natures in school but Naruto probably didn't pay attention. Also, there's a funny filler episode where Naruto's clones rebel against him.


how are their guesses always so way off when the given material says otherwise...


Kakazu is from the hidden waterfall. Hidan is from the hidden steam.


yea im fairly certain they made Naruto dumber just for sake of explanation as in later episodes he catches onto the battle aspects and training pretty quickly


Plot twist...Asuma is a Sarutobi!!! 😅😅


just to let you guys know. it wasn’t a change. Asuma name was stated in OG when he recommended his team for the chunin exams


it was said when he recommended team 10 for the chunin exams

Kishan P

Asuma's last name was mentioned in Naruto, but the connection probably wasn't a thing at that time.


Land of Fire is the country, Leaf is like a state. Suraj was correct. For example Land of Wind is another country and Hidden Sand village is a part of it. Each land has it's own villages.


because they talk a lot in the reaction and miss a lot

Daniel Sessions

The way I always thought of chakra natures was kinda like languages. Most people are born with one nature, and most people have one native language. You can learn another language but you're never quite as good at it as you are with your native one, or someone who's native language you're trying to learn. But then there are people who are bilingual and grew up learning two two languages like people who have different natures. Not a perfect fit but I think it works pretty well.


United States would be the Land of Fire, and the states would be the villages. Texas for example would be the Hidden Leaf. The Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire would be the President of the United States and the Hokage would be the Governor of Texas, if that makes sense.


I think sasuke is better with lightning than fire especially considering he came up with kirin. Then again the inferno style stuff is great fire control too so idk

Redding Tier

Asuma's last name, Sarutobi, was mentioned when he recommended his Team for the Chunin Exams back in OG Naruto. We didn't know his exact relationship to the Third Hokage but we always knew they were related because they had the same clan name.


Holy shit guys, you are critisizing a kids show as if it's some oscar nominated show. The overexplaining of shit is obviously targeted at 7-8yr old kids to make sure they understood everything. Naruto isnt "dumb", they made him ask simple questions so the kids audience would get the information.


Nice time for a triple drop. Get's this new arc going.


I love and hate that we're thirsting over Jiriya today, his personality may be off but he has ✨ A b b s ✨

Foaming Clean

imo, this is the peak arc in Naruto. Excited for this shit coming up.


Chris going nuts over Asuma's lineage LOL

Alex cleveland

YAMATOOOOOOOOOOO, has reached every Naruto reactor now lmao😂🤣

Explorin Dylan

just make sure u guys r ready to start feeling some pain 😈


Rewatching Naruto shipp a 2nd and 3 rd time (me) you see that Eventually stuff will get clearer down the road of episodes..naruto shipp will refresh your memories on things...its something the show is known for.. RECAPS in certain episodes.. Shippuden is not as paddy as the OG of pointless scenes but you'll get shown things to remind. You'll need help on certain questions. But more or less you WILL NEED more information to figure out things AND the show will refresh you on things you forgot later on. Its a big series and yall watch alot of shows as it is. Don't let the comments calling you idiots/dumb bring you down lol Its clearer eventually.


The leaf village is in the Land of Fire. They are kinda used interchangeably but the Land of Fire includes smaller villages and other points of interest inside the leaf village's control and zone of influence.

Shaun Forbes

YEEESSSSSSS bring back the triple drops. Let's get this new arc going 😁

Heru Muharrar

You can click the gear.


Suraj is right - the Hidden Leaf Village is located in the Land of Fire. You guys need to rewatch episode 6 of the original... but to recap there are 5 great nations or land with each one having a hidden village - the Land of Fire (Leaf Village) , Water (Mist Village), Earth (Stone Village) , Wind (Sand Village) and Lightning (Cloud Village). The five chakra natures are based on these nations. And to answer your question Navi, there are no rare elements - in general shinobi uses jutsu of the same element where there land is based on e.g. Leaf shinobi uses fire jutsu, Mist shinobi uses water jutsu, Sand shinobi uses wind jutsu, etc... Btw a couple more points: - Asuma’s last name was mentioned in episode 21 of the original (6:07 timestamp in your reaction video) - You guys missed Hidan and Kakuzu’s real introduction. They placed the canon part at the end of episode 71 which was mostly a filler episode. You should have watched that 5 minute intro before watching episode 72. - Hidan is from the Hidden Hot Water Village and Kakuzu is from the Hidden Waterfall village


You guys should have watch the last 5mins or so of episode 71 before going into 72.


What the hell was the beginning of the Blue Bird intro on episode 72? That didn't even look like the same show

Kishan P

I think if they watched this last arc (filler) it would have made what happens ins this upcoming arc even more impactful, am I wrong? Cause they dig deep into a certain character which would give them more of an attachment to that character.

Ji-pi Doyon

Asuma Srutobi was not a retcon btw...first episode they show him, he clearly say: I, Asuma Sarutobi of squad 10 recommend.... It's just people often miss it...also after the second Hokage, the title of Hokage in the leaf village stopped being a royalty or nobility title, so Hiruzen family wasn't on the spotlight...

Aadit Doshi

i don't think it was a retcon of Asuma being 3rd's son. If you look at their character designs they look very similar.


I just realised Normies gang are going to see THREE versions of Blue Bird opening 2: -The filler visuals -Shippuden Movie 2 promo visuals - The canon visuals


I fully understand them not watching it due to how long it would have taken, but I do agree with you. The filler arc really makes the upcoming arc more resonating


United States would be the Land of Corona 😷

Ji-pi Doyon

Finally the Zombie duo...best duo of the Akatsuki !

n p

I don't remember if Asuma's Sarotubi connection goes back to the original series... Either way, it's not a retcon. Retcon is altering previously established canon, this is just adding more information to previously unestablished character background. It doesn't matter when the writer decided to make them relatives, as long as it doesn't contradict previous canon it's not a retcon, just regular storytelling.

Ji-pi Doyon

It does, second sentence he says in the OG Naruto was : I, Asuma Sarutobi of squad 10 bla blah blah...It's just people don't catch it at first...


"Bitch your drawn like a filler character" is my new favorite insult :D

Daniel Sessions

As far as Land of Fire and the Hidden Leaf go, Suraj is right and Nahid is wrong, really hope someone tells them soon because I got a feeling that they are going to debate this for a while if someone doesn't.


I like that Naruto is not a perfect main character, he's a character that learns and grows. I love that knucklehead :)


Wasn’t Kakashi also surprised Sasuke could use fire style way back during the first bell year too and said that was more advance for a average genin?


Yeap and there's also other small towns in each land/nation like the ones where Naruto went to with Jiraiya when they went looking for Tsunade. I believe all those were in the Land of Fire.


Bruh Shikamaru Shippuden and Sasuke Shippuden is lit


its understandable to be confused about the lands and villages, I dont blame you, your reactions are enjoyable to watch, that is the important thing! Many have probably already told you which village and land is which, but i can recomend to just watch episode 6 of Naruto part 1 when they head out on their first mission with Kakashi, and he explains it verygood there.


It’s not a retcon that they are of the same clan. However, I do think it is a retcon that they are father and son. Yes, their character designs look similar, but most of the characters in the show resemble their clan-mates even though they are not immediate family.


Woah are you returning to the old format where you do 3 eps at the end of the month? Nice!


Combining two natures is not easy, so Sasuke maybe never do it.


Asuma has had the Sarutobi clan symbol on his jacket the entire series, so it's not a retcon its just you had to read really deep to know beforehand.


Y’all better listen to Suraj and Rana. They are not flashbacks! It’s happening now.


You guys can get so toxic sometimes :( just be grateful we’re even getting these reactions, there’s no need at all for any hate in these comments.

Keep It Zen

Land of “X” — Nation. Hidden “X” Village — Military State for the Nation. –1 Shinobi Village per Nation. –Many other regular cities and villages throughout the nations.


Leaf Village is in the Fire Nation. The Leaf have the most fire user.


Can you leave the subtitles on in the show video inset in the reactions, with 6 reactors it's hard to hear what is being said in the show

Brian Gerald Ford

It was stated genin don't learn chakra nature because it takes too much chakra. Which is why Sasuke knowing fire style was very impressive


finally we're in this arc! Shippuden just gets better from here on!


To add to what Brian Ford said, most of the academy teachings were on weapon usage, shinobi tactical and battle strategy and the most basic of chakra control/techniques. As stated, advanced chakra control such as nature changes are left for higher level training post-academy, as many shinobi cannot even access the amount of chakra or control of their chakra needed to do anything beyond the basics.

Dominic Caciappo

holy shit the triple episode prophecy has come to be.


Yeah, He first mentioned it when he recommended team ten for the chunin exams


Anyone else think it's funny that Nahid called Kazuna a straw hat? XD

Queef Burglar

The land of fire is a country, the leaf village is a state.


The Land Of Fire is the country, Hidden Leaf Village is a village/“state” within the Land of Fire. There’s more villages in the LOF but Leaf is largest, it’s like the capital village. There’s 5 major countries each based on the 5 natures and each have dif villages, one “capital” and smaller ones here and there. For example: Land of Wind has the Hidden Sand Village (the capital) and Land of Water has Hidden Mist Village (also it’s capital). There’s also smaller countries and villages. They mention this in the beginning of Naruto and Kakashi mentions this in episode 55, the one you just watched lol

Benjamin Donahue

It's not that you'll know what happened in the fillers. It's that nothing in the fillers actually have any actual impact on the complete story. It only seems frustrating because like now you'll have the main story kinda lead into and you'll get curious, or they'll have a flash back that is completely irrelevant padding that you won't understand. I completely agree that ultimately you are not missing anything however at the same time I do know I would watch them for myself the first time through. As a reaction channel though I think I would agree to skip as well. Also the Land of Fire is the country which is ruled by a Feudal Lord. The leaf village is the ninja village inside and ultimately funded by the Land of Fire. Think of the Hokage as their top General. She is responsible for all of their operations but also is ultimately the face of the village dealing with PR, so she is the only Soldier who actually has to play direct politics. There are 5 great Nations named after the chackra elements each with a superior ninja Village. The Land of Wind has the ninja village of sand Lastly each Nation does largely use one particular element however there are reasonably people of every element in each land. The Leaf village largely uses fire element but as you've seen there are people of other elements.

Sarvesh Nathan

Jinchuuriki are human beings that have tailed beasts sealed in them, not the actual tailed beast itself. Will they ever learn?


Shippuden is just gonna get better and better for a couple or arcs now hope y’all are ready 😏


happy to see y'all uploaded 3 episodes. thanks for the hard work y'all do. being part of the normies has definitely made life better especially during this fun time we are having 2020. been a fan of naruto for along time. can't wait for y'all to be further in better hold on for a wild ride. if you can give me a shout out I'm Joey love all you guys!


The Naruto world is comprised of 5 great nations Fire, Wind, Water, Earth and Lightning. The Leaf is a village within the Fire nation, Sand village within the Wind, Mist village within the Water and so forth

KS Neelesh

Be warned normies there will come a time when YOU SHALL KNOW PAIN

TinCan Cosmanaut

From here on out it's about be Fire!!


The leaf village is like a capital of sorts for the land of fire. There are several villages hidden somewhere within each of the major nations, and every nation has a feudal lord. The Kage are leaders only for their respective village but does not necessarily command any land outside of the village.


nahid turning into rob from rt tv with Yamato lol

Pervy Sage

NGL I wouldn't mind a Suraj mukbang eating banana


As far as Hokage goes, Tsunade is definitely on the weaker side in terms of leadership, mainly because she does not have a lot of experience in that role. I think mostly you're misunderstanding her lack of defending as an inability to stick up for herself. But mostly she doesn't want to make enemies of the elders, as in terms of political power they are second only to the hokage. After the attack from Orochimaru, a lot of the more experience jonin have been assigned to protect the village, leaving not many able to go on far away or intensive missions. Ino's father trio and Kiba's mother all have specially assigned missions almost all the time if they are not at home and often experienced shinobi are chosen for specific missions.

Michael Combs

Good pickup on Dracula, Nahid.


The title of kage in the leaf was never a royalty thing


for episode 55 when Navi was talking about they would teach you that in school etc. they did remember when Konohamaru had to explain chakra and how to use ninjutsu to naruto? Naruto never pays attention at all even when there talking to him picture him like Sean Hunter in boy meets world lol. IDK if this is a spoiler but fire and lightning is plasma if Lightning was his main element and fire was his second then it would be radiation. There is also combining the same element together to form a more powerful form of that element like Lightning + Lightning is magnetism. Wind + Wind is sound you seen the sound ninjas they are using a more amped up version of wind.

Bayan M

The tenzou,kakashi and danzo flashback IS filler called kakashi's anbu arc. But you guys HAVE TO WATCH IT!!! MUSTTT

Golekane (Dark Ocean)

Love the reactions. Worth it. Naruto new jutsu is gonna blow your minds.

Kamina 1

Funny enough i think you guys would have enjoyed the filler arc infinitely times more than the last canon arc lmao admittedly the filler wasn't a bad arc. It just doesn't matter i guess.

Opposite George

funny how they think that Team Asuma's mission was meaningless

Michael Diaz

Not quite. At first maybe, but not so much anymore. But I can almost feel certain he watched their reaction to eps they've already seen.

Michael Diaz

"Hidan's like a vampire" Yeah because their signature trait is totally carrying around a scythe and not like having fangs or something. lol I'm assuming they didn't see the big ass scythe though.


normies should react to some naruto movies or rana and nahid


I’m so excited you guys are starting my personal favorite arc of this whole show. 😍

James Keong Sin Gen

Woohoo its finally time for Shikamaru Shippuden one of my fav arcs in shippuden 😋


Mickeys “this little power of mine im gonna let it shine” joke was underrated😂😂




Can't wait for you guys to react to this arc you'll meet a bunch of Akatsuki members along with seeing some sad scenes however you'll be able to have an enjoyable time unlike the last ark


Yoo i forgot about the Broken Youth ED. Honestly one of the best ones in Shippuden.


YES!!!! My favorite akasuki duo plus the broken youth ed is one of my favorite naruto songs thanks for doing that little reaction to it!

Oron Bar

The hidden leaf village is in the land of fire, not the other way around.


theyre gonna catch some serious spoilers if they keep watching the intro and outros.

Fahad Ahmad

Are the "streamable.com" links working for everyone? I can't seem to get any of them working. Yes I double checked my internet. EDIT: It worked with a VPN. I guess they're blocked in India for some reason idk EDIT2: Now it won't load beyond a few frames :(((((( Helppp

Brian Gerald Ford

Actually Magnet style is Wind + Earth. You can't make a new ninjutsu style from the same nature.

rickie woodson

yeah im confused too. i would think its a flashback since they said they got a two tails unless they didnt say they had her but were after her? or didnt say two tails but something else? who knows


navi low key retarded


I generally really enjoy the fillers... but this one is just garbage, honestly. When I watched Naruto, I didn't skip a single episode, but after these 20 or so episodes, I just wanted my time back. :P Like, there's a couple episodes where you get some more background for Asuma, which is cool. But the rest is like this B-movie plotline stretched out across more than a dozen episodes, centering on this infuriating filler character who doesn't really grow or learn anything. (Though at the end, they act like he did.) There is literally no other filler arc that I truly hate.