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Season finale hype!!! What an amazing episode to finish off season 1 of The Boys! 

[Uncut]: https://vimeo.com/451260679/b45b67ea08


The Boys - 1x8 You Found Me - Group Reaction

Season finale hype!!! What an amazing episode to finish off season 1 of The Boys! Come Check out episode 8 You Found Me! Hang back after the reaction for the Normie's discussion and review! --- NEW MERCH! https://thenormies.threadless.com/ --- COMIC BOOKS!! https://thenormiesllc.com/ols/products/the-normies-comic-book Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies



Just in time for season 2


I don't think she got raped either. And she never actually said to Butcher she was raped, it was just Butcher's assumption based on the video.


A question I always had after this episode: Did Butcher kill that baby? Cause the bomb goes off and I don't think Homelander would care.

Jamil Hicks

It was willingly Becky had a thing for homelander you can tell by the flashback when she finally Mets him and was over the top excited to put it in contrast she was like a fan girl


Discussion summary: It was not rape. It was rape. It was not rape. It was rape. Personally, I believe Homelander when he said it was mutual. He's been an asshole the entire season and has no reason to lie since there isn't anyone capable of hurting him. Vought likely hid them away because you don't want an unstable guy like Homelander negatively influencing the first child born with super powers. Homelander is viewed as a failure and now they have a child with his powers and they want to get it right this time.


A-train definitely cared about Pop Claw, in his own, fucked up way.

Just Jackie!

Ah yes, the highly contested, was it rape, question. I personally don't have an opinion because Becca has never said she was raped. We took it as fact because Butcher said so, but he's not exactly the most reliable. So on that subject, Homelander is innocent until Becca says otherwise. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a complicated "Stillwell" type situation where she pacified him out of fear. I mean, the guy can melt you with a look.


Everyone takes one side of the rape or affair thing, but I think it could be a bit of both. I could see Becca being attracted to Homelander and him picking up on it. He invited her to that hotel room to “work.” They were there for three hours, but we are still in the dark on what they did for most of the time. Maybe it started out as work and morphed into a sexual encounter. I could see it starting out as a work with the two of them flirting back and forth, probably had dinner together, etc. One thing lead to another and they get hot and heavy. Becca feeling guilty for cheating on her husband might have tried to stop before they actually had sex. Homelander talks about how she wanted this. He could have said things like how coming to a hotel room with him willingly was proof that she always wanted to have sex with him. He could argue she was receptive at first. He continues despite Becca trying to stop at the last minute. In Homelander’s mind it was consensual. Some rapists do argue it wasn’t rape because the person was receptive at first or the victim being aroused meant they wanted it. Becca could have felt guilty and eventually left without telling Butcher because she did initially cheat on him before it turned into a rape when she tried to bail at the last moment. It does haven’t be this, but I could see the series going that route to show us a more complicated rape case to make us have this very argument we are having now on it either being rape or consensual.


I think she definitely had a affair and felt hella guilty her face said alot

Adam Vialpando

Why do people assume just because of what Homelander said and that Becca kept the baby that she wasn't raped? Don't they remember 'Hank After Dark'? Powerful people don't admit their wrongdoings and often try to justify it. Homelander probably assumed since she didn't fight back that she wanted it. Besides, his "performance" with Stillwell shows that he was definitely lying about her coming 3 times.


I'm fairly certain, that the question of rape will come up in conversation between Butcher and Becca in season 2. So, maybe reserve judgement until then?

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Tbh we still don't know if it was or wasn't rape, remember Becca herself NEVER said it was rape, that was the conclusion Butcher came to when he saw the video of them, and with Mallory basically manipulating him to come to that conclusion. I lean more towards it wasn't solely on Becca's reactions to seeing Billy and Homelander, she didn't look terrified of Homelander (which I would expect her too if she really was raped by him for three hours), and she gave Billy a very guilt stricken look. Moreso I really Homelander raping anyone, and this isn't because he's a good guy (we all know he's a monster), and it's not because he has a code (we all know he doesn't), I believe it's how he views himself, I believe he wouldn't rape a woman simply because he views so high as Godlike that he wouldn't need to. He's Homelander after all, he views himself as so high above everything that he wouldn't even need to force a woman, they'll just come to him. It all has to do with how he views himself and his ego.

Pervy Sage

I can't wait. I hope they do tons more vignettes of The Deep fucking up

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

Also this episode showed you just how smart and calculated Homelander is, everyone of you thought Stillwell was the reason for the Supe Terrorist, but it was Homelander and in fact Stillwell had no clue, he even outsmarted her, and how he spinned the plane crash in his favor, he is smart and I don't think raping a married woman would have been smart and I think he knows that. Also I believe if he did rape her, and with her disappearing off the face of the Earth the next day, with how smart he is, he would have looked into where she was a long time ago, just so his name doesn't get tarnished, honestly he would have probably killed her right afterward, not allow her to walk off and disappear without a trace.

Jorge A Velasquez

They didn't show if it was rape. I think it was because she was raped in the comics, but this show is a lot different from the comics. Homelander and the rest of the seven raped Starlight when she joined the seven not just the Deep like in the show. The comics showing Homelander was capable of rape.

Jorge A Velasquez

She didn't just leave Butcher. She left her family, friends, work, and the rest of her life behind in fear of Homelander to keep herself and her baby away from him. If it wasn't rape why would she need to hide.


He saved butcher's life just to take him to his wife so he can mentally torture him instead of just letting him die. He's sadistic as fuck and a little lie to twist the knife is literally nothing to him. How do people think homelander doesn't tell lies?!

Deviant Parker

What? He seems like a completely unhinged psychopath barely in control of his of his emotions. He is a sneaky and calculating politician, but he's also crazy and above the law.


I am in shock that you guys don't realize that Vought is such a powerful company that they forced Becca to do whatever they told her to do and also Becca was scared for her life because of Homelander! she didn't want her son to be raised by a psychopath! so Vought helped her hide away from homelander. and she couldn't risk even telling Butcher. The love a mother has for their child goes above and beyond anything and anyone!

Deviant Parker

Modern day Mount Olympia. Apt analysis.

Chaos T

The whole thing is ambiguous but I'm leaning on the side the he didn't rape her and I think that whole thing was a power play by Mallory to get Butcher on board with her mission to take down the sups.


I don't think it was rape, I think Beca willingly had an affair because it was Homelander, the greatest and most powerful superhero ever and she jumped at the chance like someone would if the #1 person on their cheat list actually offered sex. Homelander would be honest if it was rape or not , he wouldn't be confused if it was consensual or not consensual. It's not that he won't admit his wrongdoings... he takes PRIDE in admitting his wrong doings. He enjoys telling people the bad things he's done. In person Homelander is very honest, his public persona is all lies, but in person he's very clear about things. If he raped Beca he'd just say so. He wouldn't lie about it or be confused and think it was consensual when it wasn't. He knew Beca was married, he knew she still had sex with him despite that. That's what he takes pride in. That's why he told Billy and kept him alive. Because that's more of him taking pride in doing bad things. He destroyed Billy's 'righteous' revenge and anger and his martyred view of his dead wife by revealing... she just cheated on him. She wasn't a victim, she willingly did it. He made Billy's whole life mission a lie and destroyed the image and memory of his wife he dedicated all this for. Maybe I'm wrong... but I'm putting money it was consensual in every respect. That angle seems to fit the kind of narrative the show is heading for. It was just rape... then all of Billy's motives and actions are still justified. If it wasn't rape... then all of it was for a lie. That's why I think it won't be rape, because that has the most story potential and drama.


I'm thinking the same thing Chaos

Adam Vialpando

Heck, this is how powerful men and women get away with rape. They wield such power and influence that people are too scared to do anything. Then afterwards they can say 'Oh she didn't fight it so of course she wanted it.'

Queef Burglar

I'm sorry but the women on this panel are so naive ..she clearly wanted to sleep with homelander...it was not rape

Foaming Clean

I'm not sorry and I'm going to be a bit of a dick--You're actually being naive with this statement. If you had bothered to listen they were trying to talk about power differentials within society that can lead to rape. For example Harvey Weinstein: Who raped women by coercive control. They may end up being incorrect, however, that does not invalidate that point. Not everything is violent and obvious.


Is there a way to fix the overlapping audios in the uncut? Having a hard time hearing the commentary...

Garrett Gee

It only lasts until nahid realizes he fucked it up lol then it resyncs, at least for more thats when I stopped noticing it about 9 or 10 minutes in.

Michael Saylor

It really sucks that I can't watch ur guys discussion and see ur guys reaction for episode 7. Yes I had to sit through ur guys uncut reaction which I really don't like cuz I don't even know what scenes you guys are reacting to but I had to sit through it so I can watch this reaction but still missed your guys discussion on that episode which is the best part of ur guys reactiona

Dylan Hernandez

It’s the reaction not the discussion