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1x1 - Mystery on the Rooftop - https://vimeo.com/436226118/170fef9421

1x2 - 13 Minutes - https://vimeo.com/436225747/dbb8982476

1x3 - House of Terror - https://vimeo.com/436225463/2671b2f93f

1x4 - No Ride Home - https://vimeo.com/436225151/b6a066d382

1x5 - Berkshires UFO - https://vimeo.com/436224880/9e12624208

1x6 - Missing Witness - https://vimeo.com/436224561/777c753db2

First off I did not know this was a reboot until today lol  I thought this was just a continuation of the series.  Regardless! here we go with another Docu-Reaction of mine.  This last weekend I dusted off Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix and boy was it a sad depressing ride.  If you are into this kinda stuff hope these fill your need.  Also let me know how you feel about any of these episodes.  Let me know below and lets discuss!




I wish i knew about this before I binged thru most of them... guess I can watch the last 2 "with" you lol


Man, how can you be wearing a Sterling Archer Tee and not react to that show? :D Archer is one of the funniest and well-written shows ever made.


I’m glad you reminded me this is on Netflix. Gonna binge them right now


Why was episode 3 in what I assume is french?


Hope you’re feeling better fam!

Joshua Wanakamik

oh keep the docs coming! This sorta reminded me I still gotta watch the jeffrey epstein one too.

A De La Torre

Wow, what a pleasant surprise! I can be a very paranoid person and I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that my dad forced me to watch these since I was 5😅Glad to see you back Nahid!


I think im the same. Except my dad never forced me I was always just curios watching stuff like this on TLC and the Discover Channel. Anything about the weird I just never could get away from. Lol I love it.

Kris Dee

The day these came I binge them all. It’s so crazy to watch them especially the ones where there is a idea of what happened but no proof. But glad I got to rewatch them it interesting to get someone else’s thoughts on them and even see something you missed the first time.


Man, Unsolved Mysteries was a HUGE part of my childhood watching tv after school at my grandma's house. That theme song sticks with you. These eps were a great return to form.


And yeah, dude from 1x02 was so, so creepy. Just... no.

Amanda B

OMG you poor child that you didn’t know this was a reboot - the Original series is most likely why I have the Murder documentary obsession I do ... 🤦‍♀️


I just had to check out your reaction from 1x02 ... we are on the same page!


He is a fuckin creep.... it was him... It SOO FUCKIN Clear. I feel horrible for that son. Horrible its stuff like this and sufferings like this that keep me up at night.

Mimi Kannisto

@The Normies Nahid for episode 2. I am 100% convinced that her husband Rob killed her!! I mean he had a degree in criminology!! He knew exactly what to say and do to cover his tracks and make an ala bye. Just enough for them to not have enough to charge or convict him. I agree it was a case of "If I can't have you no one can!" His behavior with her remains even after death only further proves his degree of obsession with her. It's no fucking coincidence that she spoke 2 her son and told her about her plans for divorce around the same time that she asked her son "If I were to go away where would you go?" She knew her life was in danger and she needed to know that her son would be safe and ok with a place to go to give her some peace of mind about her son before she died. I also agree that it was extremely stupid of Rob to do this interview!! Because his interview and the things he says here to me only seems more incriminating!! I pray that the police watch this and it gives them enough to work on tearing apart his ala bye!!! I don't know that if I were her son that I would be able to keep myself from not retaliating at Rob! The way Rob treated Pistol and spoke about him in the interview. I just can't even!! 🔥🔥 I mean for real!! Especially to be so cold towards Pistol that he intentionally locked him out of the house the day after she disappeared!!! And Pistol could never get any of all his belongings or even a keepsake or 2 of his mother and pictures from that house!!!!

Mimi Kannisto

For episode 3. I know it appears like he did it all alone. However but that would have all have to have been done within 3 days. The day the cops first went there. All of the time that it would have taken for him to dig the holes and move the bodies and everything out of the house including all that was used to clean up all of the blood ect. And NOBODY SEEN ANYTHING??!! I know he sent the letter after the fact as a distraction. However if he didn't actually work as a spy at some point how would he possibly have been trained in all the clean up and disposal WITHOUT BEING SEEN??!! To have no traces of blood or anything when the kid's were all shot in the head. He wasn't hiding because he didn't have to. He knew he was protected. The police or European Feds would have had to contact the US to confirm or deny if he was a spy. Even the police said they had information that they couldn't share about the case. However if the European Fed's believed that he was in fact a spy they wouldn't tell the local PD about that!! And if he was a spy the European government likely wouldn't want him to know that they believed it if they are trying to catch him. He wanted MONEY!! And if working for the US could give him that and likely protection and aliases and passports he would likely jump at it. Bet me he doesn't have a bank account in Switzerland under an alias!! I don't believe his family was restricted from living in the US. It was likely a cover story. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this possibility.

Mimi Kannisto

Episode 4. I totally agree. Nobody in that town including the investigating police department gave a shit about finding him or solving his case. Yes the entire town was completely covering up everything they knew. Likely leaving a lot of things out of police reports. Which would have made it harder for the other agencies to really do their job either. I do have a feeling that his body pay have been placed there after the search because of how intact all his stuff was. I don't believe that the river was the crime scene. Maybe that shed initially was and he was taken somewhere else. Because from the sounds of it the guy that owned the property where the shed was and owned the property where he was found. That guy made them leave in the beginning before the family was allowed to search. They probably dumped the body because the local PD had closed the case and didn't expect the family to come searching for him like they did with a closed case figured they were in the clear. If that would have been my family I would have been like let's pull all our money together and get an independent autopsy, private investigator. Investigations and lawsuits against the police department and potentially some of the other agencies involved. Whatever it takes!! Because you know that they know exactly what happened period.


I never thought of the mom asking where he would go. That really kinda makes this soo much more sadder. I really do hope the police or whoever powerful enough out there does there due diligence and tear his alibi apart. I feel more people will come forward because of how good this series has been doing. Netflix also released more videos and interviews of each episode they didnt put in the final cut on reddit. Its even more damning - Nahid


Episode 3 that man had some help. There were definitely bigger powers at play that did not want that family to continue on. Truly a sad story the fact there was no blood splatter ANYWHERE gives me more reason to believe there was some outside help. I bet LOTS he does!! also the fact they said he could easily disguise himself to look like an average joe makes this even more daunting.


I feel like this is the one case out of all the cases where it will leave in a cold trail because of the massive coverup the members of this town did. I feel like the coverup came from the police down to everyone that is from the area. Yes I do believe his body was placed there and it was not a crimescene. All of it just soo sad and i feel terrible for this friends. They were the good guys IMO and I think all of it haunts them all to this day.

Matthew Money

I'm actually really glad you are doing these reactions Nahid its soo terrifying but also interesting

Chaos T

I'm wondering if the first story has more significance now that the crew is watching The Wire. The first unsolved mystery story took place in the timeline The Wire was set in and it's easy to see why there was shoddy police work if The Wire is any indication of what the Baltimore Police Department was at that time. It seems to be a case brushed aside just so they can get a case solved.