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Today we start The Dragon Prince on Netflix! From head writer of Avatar: Aaron Ehasz, we have a new story and adventure to dive into! 6 Books perhaps? I LOVE hearing Sokka's voice as the main character as well. It's just the right amount of familiarity with ATLA as well as being completely different.

Enjoy this series featuring The Cozy Fo' + Mo!


Dragon Prince 1x1 Echoes of Thunder Group Reaction

We're finally getting around to Dragon Prince! We are all in on this show and are super excited to watch Season 1 Episode 1! We have some new Normies on the couch, and the crew discusses and reviews the episode after the reaction! Register for Normie Con 3! https://forms.gle/ztuCL62uyLvMYX8u6 Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies



This is a great day, wasn't expecting this! This legitimately made my day so much better now that I have this to look forward to after work. I hope you all love it as much as I do...really feels a true "spiritual successor" to A:tLA


This Choppy animation in times get fixed s2 and the overall animation gets better!

Ruben Lopez

Never seen this before so I'm interested in finding out more.


Imo it tries A LITTLE too hard to try a be an ATLA copy but hopefully in the end it will pave its own way.


Still salty about this being in the Live Action poll

Adam is Magic

I love this show but, it really should have been on a seperate animated poll.

The Air Nation

Watch the end credits it shows good character models


Not watching the video but looove the Yugi moto hat!

Juniper And Sage

Glad ya'll are reacting to this. Great show. Plus it's nice and short. No 900 episodes in the series. No hour long episodes.


Can I watch this if I havent watched ATLA or do they talk about ATLA spoilers?

Adam is Magic

Hopefully, they will try not to mention ATLA spoilers since other than the same writer, and Jack De Sena (Sokka) there is very little in common with TDP. But I can't count on it though so, watch with caution.

Tim Xi

Aaron Ehasz was the head writer of Avatar. Of course the two shows are similar. And how do you know the things you think he copied weren’t actually just ideas that came directly from him? Without Aaron, Bryan and Mike were unsuccessful in making Legend of Korra have the same feel as The Last Airbender. You can have the same lore all you want, but that doesn’t make TLoK feel like TLA.


At least this show won’t take years to finish. Hopefully they’ll watch more shows that don’t have many episodes. So they can get through more series


This show just gets better and better as the seasons progress. Excellent choice! Although I do want you to do the BoJack Christmas Special too.


When can I watch the uncut of the episode ?I watched first season after it was released and season 2-3 like 2 days ago.

Tim Xi

probably on Friday when they release all the uncuts


There's an Easter Egg in this episode for those who have seen A:TLA. If you look closely at the book Claudia is reading, it's titled "Love Amongst The Dragons". If you recall in A:TLA during The Ember Island Players episode, Love Amongst The Dragons is a popular Fire Nation play. Zuko mentions how his mom took him to see it and the players "butchered Love Amongst The Dragons every year." Also if you think the opening narrator sounds familiar, he is! That's Erik Dellums. He voiced Koh The Face Stealer in A:TLA. I agree with Damarin. That guy can read ANYTHING to me and I'd love it.

Conner Simpkins

The animation/frame rate gets much better over time. This is also a great show, glad this won the spin.


Wow the low frame rate is so much more visible, but that's only because it gets so much better next season onwards.


Where the Fuck's the uncut?????????????


Even though the frame rate gets much better, i still personally think the animation in general is.....not great. There are times where things look goofy as fuck lmao. I guess it was cheaper or something, but they should have gone with the art style they use for the pictures they show during the credits imo and have it not be this weird cheap looking 3d animation thing. But overall this is a very good show still. I just feel like it's held back so much by the animation, which is why i'm frustrated by it, but maybe it's just me.


It's not you. I couldn't get into it because it felt like it was a noggin cartoon. The story is great and would even prefer live action over this...


Animation be weirding me out


The animation is not everyone's cup of tea, but personally, I love it.


There are a couple of these ATLA Easter eggs, including an awesome (and obvious) one in S3.

Neil Patel

shout out to the guy who knows Dragon quest 11 and fire emblem and golden sun, he knows whats up

Edwin Ayala

Like with Avatar, the animation steps up with book 2 so don’t worry if you’re not feelin the animation


I'm so happy that you guys are reacting to this show. Honestly is one of my favorite animated shows since ATLA and it gets better with each season. Right now they have 3, but I think Netflix announced 7 or 8 so we will see more of this and I can't wait.

Chandler Black

There's a little easter egg in this episode. All I will say is that it's related to ATLA. See if you can find it!

Erich Bomke

What?!!???!! Yes!!!! I worked on this show!! I’m so happy, excited, and proud!


The book that Claudia was reading. Suko mentioned it on Season 3 The Ember Island Players. I think I also uncovered something else, but I can't say it until they watch season 3. Well is more of an assumption/theory than an actual fact. Lol.!!! :D

Edwin Ayala

Anyone else feel like it’s messed up that the elves drove out EVERY HUMAN after one mage discovered dark magic??


epic i have been hoping you guys would pick this up since i watched season 1. went up a tier the minute i saw this can't wait


My opinion as far as the animation goes has always been that they came up with a clever way to recreate a 2D look with a 3D toolkit, but the execution in the first season was a bit much. But they do work out the kinks in season 2 and beyond, so in the end I applaud their willingness to experiment.

Liban Madar

Nahid is Callum