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We have finally arrived as Chunnin (I think) to Naruto Shippuden!! As per the poll results we are starting with the two Kakashi episodes before jumping into the first few episodes of ShiPOOdin. I hope you all are as excited as we are!

Without further delay...

Let's watch these epic Kakashi backstory episodes together!

Part 1 - https://youtu.be/IsnkXqCMBAM

Part 2 - https://youtu.be/3TqFh3ic-5U 




Wow perfect refresh timing. Also people can stop whining yaaaay




I’m so excited




Young Kakashi so cool


Damn, I just got home too!!


Yeah mr white, yeah naruto !!



Johnny Blue

Here come the spoilers...


I'm so glad ya'll chose to do it this way. Also, people need some delayed gratification lessons, the bitching in this channel over upload times, is absurd. It's like they don't remember having to wait a week or how to be grateful.


before I even watch it, I'm so excited for you guys to finally meet the Fourth Hokage




episode 5: kakashi to team 7 "the names of my most precious friends are all here on the memorial stone" episode 80: anbu girl to kakashi while hes looking at the memorial stone "are you here for obito?" episode 81: kakashi to asuma "i was gonna buy some flowers for a grave" asuma: "oh, are they for obito?" you know if you wanna check out those scenes again now with this context


Thank you all so fucking much <3


These polls gotta go





Ruben Lopez

I honestly preferred to just watch episode 1 lol But oh well Let's go


omgggg Rana's reaction <3 <3 <3 bless her!!

spoiled milk

don’t get spoiled in the comment section guys 😪. it’s spoiler town for here in out with shippuden.

Johnny Blue

MFW Suraj doesn't use your edit because he wanted subtitles. My KG Edit had no spoilery OP/ED, was 1080p, and had SUBTITLES. ☠


So does anyone know why the anime chose so late to do Kakashi Gaiden? I never really understood that.


Shippuden dubbed got 1776 votes. Kakashi Gaiden got 1338 votes, even thought I voted subbed and lost. I was expecting the vote to hold up. Last time we voted for Naruto part 1 subbed and won and you guys chose to watch it in dubbed. You have both subbed and dubbed fans so stop servecing the one group.

Dominic Caciappo

I choose to believe that Nahid took pity on me and the fact I was close to running out of weed today so they dropped this reaction before I would run out, thanks Nahid...lol...

Keep It Zen



I’ve never seen Rana this heartbroken before while watching a reaction.


Dude I was so excited for the first two episodes of shippuden,this is a huge bummer :(


When you make it past Episode 80 of Shippuden, THEN I'll say you've graduated .....Trust me, you'll feel it.


They asked and said they were doing this for weeks ago. Gotta pay more attention


I bought a subscription just for this :D


It’s weird how they always ask if we want sub or dub then they always pick dub. I don’t have a problem with either one but it’d be nice to not be told I have a choice then say no when we give our input


That was Edward Elric's VA... U got that right 😄


Naruto Shippuden has some really good characters with AMAZING dubs. Please stay tuned. :D


Seriously what's the point of the poll? If you gonna decide yourself. And before anyone correct me. I am well aware that it was mentioned that the poll will not affect their decision. That being said, it confuses me when this post mentioned that they decided to watch kakashi gaiden because of the poll. If that statement were true then they should have started with episode 1 which won that poll.


Gotta appreciate the score of these episodes. Honestly, Shippuden has some of the best music.


Well worth the wait. Literally join the patreon club for this. Thanks for the vids guys <3

Johnny Blue

Rana with the best reaction. Much appreciated.


Two arcs I can’t wait for... the Hidan arc & for them to Know PAIN ARC 🥺


lmao I never understood why there was that Kakashi fakeout with the enemy being the one alive either, way to give rin an unnecessary heart attack :P


All their reactions when that rock fell on Obito 😢😢😢 lol


Rana was showing real ninja tears man. Real shinobi. She was bawling so much I almost got sad lmao


Nah, they get promoted in EP 2. They can be Chunin then


That poll wasn’t a blow out. KG and dub blew out and definitively won


S/o to all the Normies reacting to this first. A great backstory told in 2 eps about a character every Normie loves. S/o Nahid, Welcome back. S/o Rana for that reaction I think I cried more watching her then I did the death. I’m excited for them to dive into Shippuden’s story as we all know why🤐


Not the Episodes I was expecting (as I didnt see the end of the poll), but man was it still an amazing reaction!

Alex cleveland

Damn I fucking cried bro, on Obitio's death.


If ya’ll remember Kakashi told Sasuke that everyone that he’s known and loved has already been taken from him. His backstory was always framed as being tragic. Also this shows why Kakashi never wanted to teach Naruto the Chidori which he had complained to him about earlier during or a bit after the Chuunin exams. Naruto doesn’t have Sharingan just like him when he first tried to use it. So he would have dealt with all of the disadvantages that Minato pointed out. Great two episodes!


Fuck it S/o Chris for that juice box joke cuz I always say the same thing dude got done murdering some kids and he sippin a capri. S/o Mickey for that callout with Kakashi and Obito eye transplant. S/o Suraj for always holding shit down.

Mike Drop

YEEEEESSSS It's the Kakashi Gaiden ! thanks for reacting to this


Ayy, I for one am very grateful for y’all reaction. Loved seeing how invested you were in this mini Kakashi arc.


Great reactions, guys! I'm so excited for Shippuden to officially start! Next Wednesday is gonna be awesome!


Idk why some people were so against them watching these first. It was great and now they have more insight on kakashi’s character.


I think this is fine to react to before shippuden like it's actual placement is so awkward. Also I think Kakashi got attached to Sasuke because he sees himself but also because Sasuke was the first to grasp his lesson on team work during the bell test and was also generally willing to protect and sacrifice himself for Naruto in their first mission, while having similar (actually lets be honest, way worse) trauma than Kakashi. Which makes it sadder that he goes off the rails and tries to murder Naruto lol, Kakashi was probably disappointed at seeing him take the right path only for him to become a sociopath




Oh my god yes! What a strong return to the series!


Btw just to clarify, we getting a triple drop next week right? Cause it’s the end of the month and episode 3 is baller af


Rana crying at obito's death...i felt that


What a reaction man 😍😍💥💥


ngl i was against it at first but im glad they did it because the start of shippuden is kind of slow, so it was good to have this great story at the beginning. i was mostly worried that they would see the opening or a next episode preview or something and get spoiled but they handled it well


I can’t wait till y’all become the chunin 5!! Naruto becoming a chunin was one of my favorite parts of the series!!!! And it’s coming up soon I’m ready 😀😀


Great reaction guys, this is going to be an amazing journey!

Joshua Taft

Nothing against you guys but what's the point of this if its already in Shippuden? So technically you guys will have to watch this over again lol.


They just skipped ahead to watch these two episodes. they're obviously not going to watch them again. They'll just skip them when they get to them. Use some common sense instead of trying to find something to complain about.


He said until Naruto is a chunin. 😂

Gabriel Moreira

Rana reaction is so pricelesss Man... My god plz never change

Paris Williams

Seeing that obito scene brought back so many feels omg


Ah yes, welcome to shippuden. Grab your tissues, you're gonna need it.


They are not ready for shippuden if this gets them 😂


O this was smart, in order just like the Manga. Thumbs up to whoever recommended this.


147 likes = 1470$ damn xD


Go jerk off to your little screenshots


Was skeptical about the decision to watch this first, but after rewatching the episodes with their reactions I think it's only going to add to their experience of the next chapter of the story. Can't wait for you guys to react next week!


It was a few of us on the discord


Rana is precious


Where’s the mha drop though? Lol


Shippuden Dubbed doesn't have the same feel and tone of the original version. Why do you guys refuse to watch it the way it was intended and not watch this altered version. You already did it with Naurto and now shippuden...it's sad and disappointing. Atleast the dubbed fans are happy..yay


Who made the end credit song???

Garrett Gee

When the One Piece reaction drop?


Any idea what time MHA will be out?


Did you hear what Nahid said in the beginning? As well as the sub isnt vastly superior or anything. Theres a few in sub that are better but theres a few voices in dub that are better too. And they already listened to the all of OG in dub so why switch


The music in Shippuden is so good. No more “Sadness and Sorrow” but “Broken Heart” and a few others are just as good. Honestly the music in the show is what gets to me during the sad scenes.


I voted against the normies watching KG but now I’m glad y’all started with this first. Gives you guys more appreciation for Kakashi and his teachings

Vic Valentine

yessss, these are awesome but i cant wait for real shippuden to being tbh


Minato's Jutsu is even more OP than you guys are imagining. Its instant teleportation, to literally ANY location, over any distance, using no chakra.

Mark Stein

Imagine how frustrated the guy who edited the opening out felt when they watched on Hulu and actually saw the end of the opening, (hopefully they didn't saw the major spoiler in the opening)


Did you guys notice it was only Obito’s eye that was crying? It’s because of Obito that Kakashi was finally able to embrace his emotions and connection to his comrades.

Fred Carmichael

Does anyone think we getting triple drop next week? I mean its the end of the month, but it IS the start of shippuden, and it wasnt a full month, so idk lmao


When the Normies were all sad when Obito died the first thing that came to my mind was they still don’t know pain

Cosmic Laser

hopefully they forget this 2 episodes until later cause this has some spoilers in it and don't get mad when they realise it lol


It’s like a whole new sub/dub down here woah


theres no spoilers here. it's an adaptation of the manga. in the manga, this was released before shippuden

Richard McClure

Honestly cannot wait for uncuts they are going to be fun to rewatch


Naruto doesn't even have Lightning Release to learn it anyways


this is honestly bullshit i thought yall said you wouldnt take the polls at face value? this was a dumb idea to watch gaiden back here.. Like their is literally no point in not just watching this later in the series... it was not intended to be watched at the beginning. So you watch dub and do this good for you... dont care anymore.


What an odd choice to watch this before the series. This was not meant to be watched before shippuden starts and even undercuts and spoils stuff for later in the series. I just don't know why they would want to watch this before the series.


I actually missed this story when I watched the anime. First time seeing it. I did read it during original publication though.

Keep It Zen

Some dumb sites had these 2 episodes listed as filler. So I'm afraid many Anime-only watcherd missed it. Even if you clicked on the episode it tells you which manga chapters it adapted, yet still classified as filler. Thankfully most lists are correct nowadays.


Please don't take this out of context but, I love it when Rana cries to these moments in the show.


I don't agree that they started with episode, but shippuden is here!

Explorin Dylan

yo how can I see you guys react to the episodes 130 to 135 I really want to see that lol


Dan is that how likes on here work? I always thought they were just...likes lmao, didn't know they provided actual money.


So frustrating that they watched this first, just stick with the original episode sequence. Fuck the poll impatient fans! And they also didn't watch the specially edited episodes and watched the hulu one with spoiler openings. WTF is wrong with these folks...


Why are you so mad, it's perfectly justified to want to watch it this way since the manga did it that way. It may not be 100% necessary, watching in the anime order is also fine, but why are you so mad about it?


I hate these comments sections sometimes. It's a mixture of people suggesting better ways to watch the series in order to actually HELP the normies (tips for avoiding filler/spoilers and whatnot), but then you have these people who are so entitled and insecure that they get mad about dumb things like watching 2 (TWO!!!!) episodes in a different spot to match the manga or them not wanting to switch languages over 100 episodes into the series??? absolutely wild. im glad the normies are so chill because i feel bad that they have to deal with all this negativity. just let them enjoy naruto


the part 1 music will always hold a special place in my heart, but i also love yasuharu takanashi's music for shippuden. they both have pros and cons but we get some real bangers the further we get into shippuden


Seeing Rana cry made me tear up , till this day (deontay wilder voice) i still tear up watching naruto believe it


Warms my heart to see ya'll start up Shippuden <3

Sachal Ali

I honestly am astonished at the Normies' patience sometimes. The amount of bullshit in most of their comments sections (which is 1000x worse on YouTube than here).

Chris D. Jones

Well that was fun comment section thanks for entertaining me while I shit


I get to cry watching Shippuden again. yaaaaaaaay. I love this series 😭😭😭


Seeing Rana cry at Obito's death gives me hope that these guys aren't emotionally ready for Shippuden. This gonna be a good reaction to this series!


SO EXCITED!!!! Also it’s ok Rana I almost cried with you can’t lie! 🥺💜


Happy you guys keep the dub


I really can’t wait until episode 26 💥💨


gotta love that shippuden OST


They started with these episodes because the manga for this came out before shippuden


Not gonna lie. I am most hyped for episode 77-80 the show gets soo fucking good at this point and they are gonna die when they see it.

Alex cleveland

is that ep when Naruto gets the thing and does the thing and completes the thing


fuck the complainers. the fucking poll won. majority win. if you dont like it then fuck off.




now....go back and watch episodes 4,5, and 80


fucking rana made me cry along with her lmao


I love you Rana. nahid is one lucky guy.

Keep it Simple

Y’all ain’t ready for shippuden it’s gonna be a roller coaster


I JUST SAW NARUTO SHIPPUDEN EPISODE 1 since that's the next thing to expect Next Wednesday, yall BETTER fo a double drop 1 & 2 for the patrons/people/followers WHO didnt vote the Kakashi Gaiden....over the 1st episode.


When I first watched Naruto Shippuden, I watched every episode and never felt like there really were any fillers because they all connected into the main story arc in some way. I recommend watching the fillers as well (even if you don't upload reactions to them) so that you can understand some references to them down the road. Anyway, looking forward to Shippuden!


They did canonically connect to the story....until it all kinda just devolved into random one-off episodes that had no connection to anything.

The Dude's Rug

Who said the dub gets worse? It only gets better.


the chick on the panel knows little of pain.


damn i cried when rana cried


Better react to all the great shippuden Opening and Endings!


I hope you can watch it all in Dub. So many great new characters in the dub coming at ya :D


Heeey, it's Matt. I knew you were in Curtis's patreon. Didn't know you were in Normies, too.

Eric Quan

There was an obito name drop when you first met itachi. When kakashi, asuna, and kurenai were outside the dango shop


Naruto shipp