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Surprise surprise!! In case you missed the hidden message in the last post, we decided to post the series finale TONIGHT! I can't believe we're at the end of this amazing journey. I'm so happy to know that you all enjoyed this show as much as I did, especially through Nikki and Rana's eyes! It's great to know that there are other fanatics out there as much obsessed with Lost as I am!

Thank Dustin for working on getting this out to you guys early!! He wanted to give you a special treat! Lost has been the show he has worked on since he started editing for us. He called this show the 1 'constant' on the channel for him :'(

Uncut reaction is in the description of the YouTube video. Thanks SO MUCH for your support and your viewership ladies and gentlemen. It's emotional even just writing this post out. Please comment below with 1 thing this show made you learn, either about yourself or just life in general. Why do you like it? How does it make you feel?? Be on the lookout for the New Man in Charge reaction as well as possibly some bloops/HISHE/etc. There will definitely be a Podcast as well with a series discussion.

Once again, thank you for being on this amazing ride! Nobody does it alone. We needed you as much as you needed us!

Uncut: 6x16 -https://vimeo.com/389754522/18000c0d6a

6x17 - https://vimeo.com/392323109/69e34d7c3e

**UPDATE: Hey everyone! I forgot to attach the uncut link! I don't have the proper account access from home so I will have to post the 616 + 617 uncuts tomorrow. Just check it out here in the description!


Normies - Lost Season 6 Finale The End - Reaction

This Ending is everything. The Lost Season 6 Finale is a roller coaster of emotions, but we loved it. Stick around for the Discussion and Review after the reaction! Uncut link: https://vimeo.com/392323109/69e34d7c3e Gaming Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/thenormiesgaming Weekly Show Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/TheNormiesGroup Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thenormies Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/thenormies You can send stuff to us at PO 785 Fishers, IN 46038 Check out our social stuff too: facebook - facebook.com/thenormiesgroup twitter - @the_normies Instagram - @the_normies snapchat - thenormies


Paul Murphy

It’s here! 🥺🥺

Kenneth thomas

totally forgot this was happening even though i saw the hint at work earlier today. what a treat! loved going on this journey with u guys, it's the reason I became a patron.

Fred Carmichael

Lost is over, I guess we're never seeing Nikki again then...

Heru Muharrar

I'm about to tear up no kapp I wasn't ready for this lol. Lost...played a massive part in my life. I became an editor because of Lost. I fell in love with storytelling because of Lost. I became obsessed with symbolism because of Lost. Hell Suraj being such a big fan was the last straw and caused me to become a patron. GOAT show and you can never convince me otherwise.


Thanks for the journey, all love.




Awesome. But I'm not seeing the uncut reaction link in the description. Am I missing something?




We can let go now.


Whaaaat!!!! noooo this can't be it. I'm going to need this trio again for another show :(

Shaun Forbes

I saw lost from the beginning back in the day. I was instantly hooked, the writing the acting, the music the migraines. It's been absolutely wonderful watching your journey and looking back on mine. The tears we're flowing this episode, I wished I could give you guys a hug. I'm so sad that it's ending. Love you guys 😎


now it's time to do a new poll and react wheel to replace lost


Damn feels great to finish something on here, I've been here decently long but from start to finish is bittersweet 😤


Also I'm not seeing the uncut link in the youtube description

Mark McKeown

Awesome thank you guys for your work. Nikki, Let’s hope we see you in another show, brotha.


what!!! i didn't notice

Lateralusian (Clem)

Thx for the great journey and kudos to the master editor with the shiny oranges!

alaskan mitch

We are all Rana here...


Yooooooo I just smoked a cannon joint and I come back to see this email from patreon fuck yeah lets go!!!

Kenneth thomas

good lord i was not expecting to be crying tonight

Buck Nero

Awesome reaction guys, glad to be here for the journey to one of my favorite shows ever. This finale was so much better than I gave it credit for at the time. Especially since Game of Thrones had the shittiest ending to a series I've ever seen. Makes Losts ending even better imo haha.

Lego The Office

Oooof, that was painful. Great episode, great reaction. Jesus I wanted to give you all hugs at different moments, lol. Can’t wait to see the after-finale content. Looking forward to seeing how you all react to The Man in Charge. I also recommend Person of Interest if you guys haven’t seen it. It is fantastic.


I was bawling right along. Loved re-living one of the best shows ever with you all!


I love all of yall. Thanks for the journey,

Shawn C

Great reaction to the greatest finale of all time. Please do The Leftovers next. Would love to see the Damon Lindelof theme continue.



Lewis H

Such a good show from start to finish, it was the first show I would stay up for and watch live every week and I remember going to college the day after the finale aired and all people were talking about was LOST, has there ever been a show close to levels LOST reached, it had such a cultural impact and affected TV shows to come. How people dont love it is the only mystery that I need answered. I'm Atheist but I understand how gods and afterlife can exist in a shows universe, people judging it based on that are just missing the point and ignoring the amazing story they have just been through.


I was saying the same thing, but Suraj has a reaction already to the series finale of the Leftovers on YouTube. Just found it today never knew they did it

Sam Cox

LOST is the best story, let alone TV series... its ending is perfection, in my opinion. I loved every step of your LOST journey, it's been amazing re-watching through your eyes; so I am just so pleased to see it warmed your hearts as much as it has always done mine. There's a million reasons why it's the best but the one my heart always just comes back to is this: LOST is a story about the human condition, pure and simple. It explores what it means to be human; it shows our search for reason and answers in what feels like a universe filled with questions and cruelty - we (just like Jack waking up in a bamboo forest with a white labrador randomly next to us) we each come into this life in unique circumstances that nobody else can quite understand, we're each thrown into the chaos of something we might not want to be part of and we each have our own emotional baggage along the way. What matters amongst all the insanity and sometimes lack of fairness in the world though is how we come together and push past our differences, to try our best to let our pain and grievances go, to forgive where it's hard. The island is a crucible of human morality being tested - all of our characters go through it, some fail and some succeed but all have at least some individual moments of goodness... and what matters most in the end is that despite our flaws, what's most important is how we choose to remember the best of one another. Death is a part of life we all struggle to think about let alone talk about, and yet it's the one thing we all probably wish we could comfortably sit and discuss... so to me it's so beautiful that a prime-time network television show dared to tell a story so audaciously and painfully human and deep - it dealt with sci-fi and adventure tropes but in the end... it all came back to quite simply.... what is the meaning of life?..... Is it more important at the end of one's life to reflect on all the answers to the universe's greatest mysteries we'll never know OR more likely is it more important to look at how we can seek to improve and help others in the short time we are here? There will always be a pursuit to understand our universe and our role in it, but as human beings with mortal lives it's most important we create meaning in what we can do for one another... I'm so happy to see you were happy, you were moved and the show has left you with all these new things to reflect on. I hope it's enriched you as a person as well as entertained you and just generally it's inspired you and made you look at life in new beautiful ways which you'll forever feel grateful for in the same way myself and so many millions of others also have. It's truly quite the journey. Namaste to y'all Suraj, Nikki & Rana! x

David Caine

It only ends once, so thanks for the fun guys. See you in another life, or another reaction, whatever happens, happens because you are all special, because we can never let go dude.


Man oh man what a reaction. It was everything that the girls “got” this show. To me this show was so poetic in its message and delivery. I don’t think Lost tried to tie the story to religion, like The Matrix, I think Lost wanted to give an alternative story of life and why we exist. Absolutely beautiful show. Loved watching you guys react to my/your favorite show for the past 2+ years, it was special


My tears, I did not like the finale the first time I watched the series. After so so so so so so so many rewatches and analysis, I appreciate it very much. Thank you for watching this series, its been such a wonderful adventure . <3


Anyone who thought Nikki would hate the ending hasn't been paying attention. She never cared about the island's mythology, magic, and mysteries, she always just cared about the characters and she loved love, and the finale to chock full of love. If either was going to hate it, it was going to be Rana because she did care about the mysteries and wanted answers, but I always thought she would like it too. Thanks for the ride, guys. I found you guys because of your Sense8 reactions, I've been a patreon for two years pretty much solely because of Lost reactions, and I look forward to seeing what you do next. Love you! (React to Orphan Black with Nikki, there's tons of love!)


I'm pretty sure people didn't like the flash-sideways basically being that everyone was dead. If I remember correctly people did not like the conclusion of the flash-sideways. I loved it but I remember the majority of people hating it.

Gregory Wireman

I've saved this until the end. Now that we are here...Lost is terrible. There I said it.


Thanks so much for this crazy ride! I loved watching Nikki (and then Rana later) react to Lost. I loved Nikki's reactions from the very beginning, with her energy and enthusiasm (and her love for Hurley). I've seen the finale a few good times already, so I don't tear up from it anymore, but gosh darn it, seeing Rana crying got me. Looking forward to the extra Lost videos next! And I hope to see you three stick together for reactions to a new show. I'm really really hoping that can be Person of Interest. Emerson (Ben Linus) is so great in it along with the rest of the cast and the show becomes something so great as it goes along!


Thank you guys for reacting to this show. It holds a special place in my heart and I have enjoyed reliving the show with you all. I orginally started watching the show with my dad when it first aired and fell in love with it. My entire family would watch it together every week while it was airing. When the show finally came to an end the series finale aired about a month after my dad passed away so the entire ending premise and Jack finally seeing his father just really hit me hard at the time. I've rewatched the show a few times since then and each time I watch it I appreciate it(and the ending) even more. Thanks again for the great reactions, and thank you for the surprise upload..... it made my night lol!


I'm going to miss this so much. Thx for a wonderful trip, loved every bit and I hope the three of you will team up again. Got any plans? Take requests?

Joe Lazarus

Ben opting not to enter the church could mean that he isn't ready to move on yet. Perhaps Ben still has more people to find in the afterlife before he can let go, or maybe, despite having been forgiven by some of the people he wronged, he still has to come to terms with what he did. Another possibility is that he just can't bring himself to move on and leave his adopted daughter, Alex.


Now you can watch I-land😉

Ted Cali

Jesus fuck I think I cried harder here watching the reaction more than I did the first time. Goddamn. And no, it doesn’t hold up at all when you think about it with any degree of scrutiny, but... I think time has proven that that’s okay, sometimes. It’s so emotionally resonant on such a profound level that it really just kind of... works. You don’t ugly cry unless the whole is greater than the faults. But yeah, thanks for the journey, y’all.

Fighting Wombat

I am Tobey Maguire ugly crying right now. I'm immediately going back to watch all of these reactions again. Thank you so much for these reactions to one of my favorite shows.

Jarrod Wild

I dunno why I put myself through this finale repeatedly knowing that I'm just gonna bawl my eyes out the whole way through. I think the important thing that ties those two stories together is that if the "light" had been put out for good it would have destroyed that purgatory and probably wiped out the souls of everyone on earth. The gateway to an afterlife would have been sealed.

Dean Cyphers

I truly hope that the three of you, the Oceanic 3, will watch Person of Interest next! Guaranteed to rise up the ranks as one your favorite shows as well ;)

St. Pablo

While Person of Interest is a good pick, Fringe is a perfect pick. It's literally the successor to Lost. Created by JJ, has an amazing cast, scored by Michael Giacchino, and it's extremely underrated.

David Caine

Yeah, Benjamin has A LOT of baggage, A LOT to make up for, the suffering of Rousseau after he kidnapped Alex., contributing to the woman's insanity. All the harm he did to Alex, to Karl, to Ana Lucia, to Goodwin, to Michael, to Walt, to countless others, his father even. If he didn't kill them he at least got them killed,

Cory Hawks

Lost is still my favorite show of all time. It really caught me at the right age. And the community around Lost was so great and that made it an even greater experience. I have good friends today that I met on Lost forums and stuff. Also a fun part of the experience of Lost was during the off-season they'd have those AR games you could do. Thanks for allowing us to experience the ride again. I hope to see another reaction with Nikki in it.


Thanks for this, guys! Lost is one of my all time favorite shows, with Jack being one of the best flawed heroes ever. NOW DO FRINGE! If you loved Lost, you’ll love Fringe. It’s the X-Files meets Lost. Season 1 is a bit rough until the last quarter of the season, but season 2 is tv perfection. Olivia and the Bishops will give you all the feels!

Mr. Big Stuff

Definitely one of the most controversial endings (right up there with Dexter)... This series had it's problems but I still really enjoyed it. It's a Melodrama but the best written melodrama

Light Yagami

Damn Rana got me fucked up with her reactions 😭😭 seriously though it’s been a journey rewatching this with you guys and watching Rana and Nicki see it for the first time, can’t wait to see you react to new man in charge and yes please react to bloopers also!


I never understood why people hated the finale! In my opinion it was perfect! Every time I watch it I appreciate how much thought went into the final season!


Thank you Nikki, Rana and Suraj for this long journey. It’s been an emotional roller coaster and has rekindled my love for the show. My weekly routine of looking forward to the reaction is over however I look forward to seeing you all in future reactions!


Something to read after the finale: https://kuhpunkt.wordpress.com/2019/01/19/liberate-te-ex-inferis/


Yep. Faith itself doesn't have to do aynthing with religion. Locke was a man of faith, but not religious. Just believing that there's a point in this stuff... that alone is already faith. The show didn't try to make the audience pick up a bible and go to church or whatever. Far from it.


That majority might just have been a very vocal minority. Don't know.


They could also jump off a roof and shoot each other in the dead while falling down and it would still be more fun than watching that show.


But mostly it does. Yes, you have to handwave some stuff away, but whatever. It was a fun ride.


Don't give JJ too much credit. He didn't have much to do with either show ;)

Thank you for letting me in on the journey, what a beautiful ride it has been. Get Nikki going on more shows :) maybe person of interest :D


Any chance of the S06e16 uncut too? The s06e17 cut is up but it's too tempting to just skip 16 and watch 17 now rather than wait until Friday to watch what's already available :P EDIT: lol, someone goofed, episode 16's uncut is actually the link for episode 17 again >_>


Amazing editing to an amazing reaction to an amazing show finale, appreciate you all.


It's a Longshot i know, but i really hope you do both Person of Interest and Fringe next, both were amazing shows, and both had one of the best finales in my opinion.


Guys have a finale, but where is the complete Lost series - 6x16 ???


Really glad Rana and Nikki enjoyed it. I hope you go for The Leftovers next for this group. Same sort of dynamic with Suraj having seen it already. Beautiful character driven stories. And most importantly short.


I discovered these Lost reactions like 2 months ago and have watched them all, and they made me become a patron just so I could get the reactions earlier, I like all the normies, but my favorites are definately Nikki, Rana and Suraj. I never really cared that much about reactions before I started watching these Lost reactions.


Thank you for watching Lost and letting me participate in the journey. I don't know any of you guys but it felt like watching and sharing a show with friends. Suraj was a very good guide and Nikki and Rana were so into it. I am one of those that loved the finale. The mysteries were a big part of the appeal for me, but the relationship between the characters was what made the show special. I cried like a baby during the finale and am glad Nikki and Rana enjoyed it so much. Cheers!


Thanks a lot for your great reactions guys! I'm going to miss Lost Tuesdays. And looking forward to whatever you do next. I'm putting in my for Battlestar Galactica, which came out around the same time and has many thematic similarities and lots of great characters.


Will you watch The New Man in Charge also ?

Dylan Morgan

My interpretation - the flash sideways is a ‘death experience’ ala life flashing before your eyes as you die (rather than being after you die). Note that Juliet experiences her reunion with Sawyer while she was still dying on the island (‘it worked’, ‘we can go dutch’, ‘kiss me’) and imagine that Jack is seeing it too as he’s dying - the fade out to white being when they finally die. That’s how I see it


man i don't care wat no one says about this ending, i LOVE IT

Retap Maxsor

Great series of reactions, Nikki, Suraj, and Rana! LOST is my favorite and it's been a pleasure rewatching the show with you all. Damon Lindelof took so much crap after this finale; I know George R.R Martin's lame criticism (a 'they were dead the whole time' believer) hit him hard. He left Twitter over the hate he took. I hope reactions like these find their way to him somehow. He, Carlton, the actors and crew, put together a hell of a series and a truly moving finale. The church scene ALWAYS brings me to tears. I've seen it a hundred times, it doesn't matter. Locke walking, smiling, he and Jack being cordial. Jack hugging Boone and Desmond. And then the truly loving look between Jack and Kate. Christian. Sawyer and Juliet. Sun and Jin. Penny. Hurley. Sayid and Shannon. It just always warms my heart. What an ensemble, and what a show.

Keith Allison

Holy shit. I did not realize this was coming so soon!

Anthony Villena

I watched this reaction series to hear what Suraj had to say about each episode because I didn't watch LOST until it had all aired, so I didn't get to participate in the Internet-wide fan speculation when no one knew what was going to happen next. I know some people didn't like when you did that -- but from me, thanks for describing what it was like.


This is the Normies at their best

Mike Ramirez

Thanks for yet another headache from crying ugly tears to this finale! 😭


Lost was the first show I ever binged. I had no Netflix and I bought the first season just from peoples recommendations. Watched the whole first season in two sittings. Went to Best Buy and caught up to season 5 in a week. Loved rewatching it with you guys I look forward to joining the next show you do together.


But they literally say that they are already dead. They called it the Bardo in the writers' room. Look up Bardo Thodol.

David Porter

I enjoyed every minute of this. Thank you all.

Art Lan

I found The Normies channel on Youtube a few months ago. Rewatching Lost with the 3 of you was a great experience. I gladly signed up to Patreon to support you guys. Thanks for going trough the show.

Paul Murphy

Yes, they’ve said there’s gonna be a (maybe) hour long vid of that, some deleted stuff, bloopers, How It Should Have Ended and a few more bits and bats. Hopefully inc the 815 crash in real time videos. 🙏🙏👍👍

Paul Murphy

I’ve watched the edit twice and the uncut once, so far... cried each fkn time too!! madness i tells ya, madness!! what a great series of reactions you’ve given us for this, topped off with the finale of dreams. Thanks to Nikki Suraj and that VERY interested and invested interloper who joined in S2... please come back as a trio and find another show. 🙏🙏


Oh shit ! I'd missed it ! Well, I know what I'm doing for my next hour or so ! :)


Hello Normies, particularly Nikki, Ranna and Suraj, I just wanted to write a message to tell you how much I have loved and cherished your guys' reactions to Lost every week. It is my favourite show that I have adored and obsessed over ever since I was 15 years old when it first aired. And I have rewatched the whole thing more than a dozen times since. It means more to me than any other show or movie. I have always deeply loved the finale and it was such a wonderful relief to find Ranna and Nikki loved it - I was definitely worried Nikki would hate it in particular! Seeing your reactions to all those remembering moments in the finale and, of course, the all-important Church scene. It was perfect, like the ending itself, and allowed me to relive all that flood of emotions over again through fresh eyes. You crying made me cry even more. And having Suraj there as a devotee who had seen it before was so great - don't listen to those haters, man! The group dynamic for the reactions between you three was brilliant. Nobody does it alone. So thank you again for making this happen, Suraj, having the love and enthusiasm in the first place that made this two year journey possible. And, of course, to Nikki and Ranna for your sincere, open-hearted, enthusiastic and embracing reactions to an amazing, amazing show. I will miss them, Nikki's Kate Hate and all. Much love, namaste and see you in another life, brother and sisters! Ross


This never gets easy 😭😭 Thank you so much to all 3 of you for watching this! I love you all! This was a very special reactions series, one of my favs! I hope we get more of Nikki on the channel in the future.


Rewatching the series through your eyes made the ending so much more satisfying the second time round. It seemed to make a lot more sense as well. Thank you so much for this experience you guys x


wow this is some goood shit

Andy Berwick

Damn, can't believe I missed the surprise upload: One thing I learned - kind of a few things but they tie together: The most important thing in our lives is the relationships we form with other people, and how we use those relationships to help us - and them - grow into better people. Most of us wont win Nobel prizes, cure diseases, lead nations into prosperity and peace and whatever else the famous people of history are known for. However, we can all make a difference to the people around us. We can all choose to allow people into our lives and learn from them and as they bring the best out of us, we can bring the best out of them. Our past mistakes shouldn't define us, it shouldn't make us vulnerable. Not that we should forget, but we should use our mistakes as a lesson to move onward, and to let go.


Beautiful and perfectly explains the philosophy of LOST!


A very powerful LOST finale reaction. Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. I am so happy you saw the greatness of this finale and show.


Okay I buckled and have started rewatching all the reactions to Lost all over again. Nikki's reactions are so good! Love seeing how the opinion changes as we get to know the characters more, especially Sawyer and Jin.


God fucking damnit. It's 8 in the morning and I just cried harder than I've cried in like two years. How can I hate this season so much but love *everything* about the "sideways" universe?


Watching your Lost reactions (and GoT as well) is what got me hooked onto your channel so this is a really emotional end! I hope you three do more reactions together in the future! Thanks for the ride guys!


I'm an atheist and I love the finale :P


Where is The New Man in Charge reaction?

Danny Jasper

I totally missed this last week because of the surprise post. Thank you still.


wonderful reaction, i think the main thing people don't mention when discussing the ending, is that the entire journey of these characters was important, at least in my view. There would be no flash-sideways/purg/after-life to move on to at all had the smoke monster succeeded in his plans. the first protector explained the heart of the island as the source of life, death, and rebirth. Had the island been destroyed, potentially all life would simply exist to be and there would be no after-live to rest in peace in. maybe that's a bit radical, but i think it totally fits. give's some real meaning to the whole journey of these characters in my opinion, which makes it even more wonderful


I want to thank you three for helping me remember. I’m so happy I watched this through with you guys.


so when are you guys re watching lost :D


Thanks for all the good times guys, you have no idea how much watching this show with you guys helped me get through my day to day. I started out as a patreon because of lost and I will stay because I just want to support you guys in what you do. :D Well also because of naruto. Keep being great people!


Please use my Patreon payment for a larger, fluffier shirt for Rana to hide under and ugly cry.

Dave M.

I want to give Nikki and Rana a big hug!!!!! I cried with you. I cry every time I see this show. (You're not alone, Suraj.)

Victor L.

Oh, MAN! I can still remember the indescribable EMOTIONS I was feeling back when this first aired. Right from the very first shots, with the coffin arriving at the airport and the amazing Giacchino music...goosebumps, even today. THANKS FOR SHARING THE AMAZING JOURNEY!!


just great

Chantelle Miles

Did u guys ever get around to watch Lost New Man in Charge mini episode special thing??? Really dying to see ur reaction to that & I was sure u guys were meant to watch that too...did u?