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AOS 5x2 is almost done being edited then both 5x1 and 5x2 will be posted at the same time. Had to watch 5x2 today so that is why the upload is late. Sorry everyone. We don’t want to post the first without the other because it’ll cause more confusion and complaints.



Thanks for the update. I'd try to do these earlier in the day tho. All you would of had to say was you watched that one today and we would of understood right away it being later

Calculatus Eliminatus

Thanks for the update.. I know you told us the 5x2 was iffy a couple weeks ago but Chelsea was going full super hero to get us 5x2 for a double drop. I fully expected it to be late. The only real confusion that could have been cleared up with an earlier message is the choice to release them at the same time. And that choice is fine.


Thanks for the update, loving these reactions.


Thanks for all your hard work. 😊

Christopher simeon

No problem guys. I always consider double drops as gifts not requirements. Don’t let complaining get to you. You guys are great.


For sure. And that was definitely our bad on not updating earlier. Our apologies!

Kamina 1

Thanks for the update Normies.


:( thats okay


A 10 minute reaction video is essentially just a summary clip. It's really not something for people to get bent out of shape over.

Alvin Cura

Thanks for the update fam. Not gonna lie... I'm really looking forward to it. Your MAOS reactions make my Tuesdays good.


After today's uploads the Agents of NORMIES space intro will finally make sense lol


Im still curious why you guys dont have a backload of content of like 2 weeks? Just do the same you do for youtube in a sense, just in case there are emergencies and such. It could also reduce stress for the people working for you. Idk tho, I dont run a business.


i think its weird for someone to get criticized for wanting to see something they paid for.


They do, but had some normies out of town and burned through those banked ones and are now catching up.

Zach Sonnenblick

its 8pm. i cant speak for all but im sure a good # of people were looking forward to your aos reactions today. what if you just drop the one you already have in the meantime? i dont think anyone would be upset with having one while you work on finishing the second. wed have to watch the 10-25 min video b4 the part 2 anyways. def beats having them both drop by like midnight at which point not everyone will even be awake


the right decision


Update! Will be up shortly before 9PM EST


Can you help me with my problem I can not see the content of patreon and paid two weeks ago my membership of $ 10 per month and now I get an email that my payment was not successful and I've been seeing days but today I can not see anything please help me


Memberships only last to the end of the month (e.g. Sept 30th), regardless of which day of the month you start.