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Hey everyone! We have decided to make special exceptions for some shows that are not being stolen from us. Agents of Shield is one of those for now. Enjoy last week's part 1 finale in the glory of YouTube bandwidth as well as ep 22! Enjoy and get ready for a double drop next week!!

- Suraj

4x21: https://youtu.be/1HPoU5WpdcU

4x22: https://youtu.be/J4Ddw8QE5bQ




Agents of shield is probably the best thing you guys are watching, at least in this very moment.


I didn't get all of that. Are shows being stolen?

Heru Muharrar

Yeah unfortunately ppl try and DL and then reupload them to their own channel for views and shit.

Pervy Sage

YAASSS!!!! Let's GO!


Did You Guys Seriously Cut Out The Scene With Mack's Daughter In His Arms?🤦‍♂️

Linsey Morris

[linda belcher voice] ALRIGHT!! -QUAKERIDER FOR LIFE!!!!! welcome to the ship!! -the daisy/fitz convo there at the end was so satisfying to watch. we got that full circle moment from his speech to her in the beginning of the season and she even referenced that moment to let him know that it did help her. favorite forever. season 5 was finishing up when infinity war came out. season 6 aired after endgame but the writers were being jerked around by abc so they didn't know when they would premiere (they were told it'd be either january or summer so...no middle ground..it eventually aired in may) so they weren't really able to do a huge tie-in, unfortunately. i'll be able to explain it more in detail after you finish s5. but yeah as the series goes on they have less to do with the movies. imo i think it helped them to stray away. the movies always refused to acknowledge their existence anyways no matter how much they pushed the ~it's all connected~ shit. shield is strong on their own. first marve tv series AND longest running!! that's my show!! oh also the ghost rider show is gonna be on hulu and yes gabriel luna will be back as robbie!! hulu will probably allow them to be a little darker than disney+ would lol


Yeah at this moment this is the show in its prime. Black Sails is better overall imo but I absolutely love Agents of SHIELD


Thanks guys!


Great reaction! On to season 5! My fave season! Also yes, Chris, Fitzsimmons is the best ship of all time! PERIOD

Trent Bowles

While this might technically be a spoiler, I know you guys were talking about it, and I honestly feel like it's a spoiler you're better off knowing going into these seasons. AoS doesn't really tie into Infinity War and Endgame. There are some oblique references in Season 5, and zero references in Season 6. No dusting or un-dusting. This was likely due to the fact that Marvel Studios was extremely secretive with the storylines of those films, and the writers didn't have access to the relevant information like they were with Winter Soldier. In fact, I think in Season 6 they took a chance that Endgame was going to undo the snap completely, not knowing that there was a 5 year skip before that happens. Again, I know that's a spoiler, but I really think that bandaid should be pulled off before you start watching these S5/6 episodes hoping that you'd get to see the snap and let the disappointment ruin what is still some great television.


Side note for the Normies. Talbot made mention he had a metal plate in his head back I believe season 1. So, it's not a cop out he lived.


"FitzSimmons is the best ship of all time, period." Preach Chris, preach! Ghost Rider is so cool. Him teaming up with Quake is just awesome.


YEAS! Also: Netflix could spoil things with its Thumbnails. At least other Reactors had the problem... Episode 5.


Now that u completed this season, i challenge u to watch some episodes/scenes from the 1st season & be reminded how much these characters have grown & changed. Especially fitz & daisy.

Christopher simeon

Just like seasons 4 there is no major tie ins but there is space and other themes that go with those movies


Its funny how bent people get off these videos 😂😂 "you didnt react the way i wanted mehhh unsuscribing" lol go right ahead bruh that was always an option😂😂😂

Alvin Cura

Thanks for the reaction fam. One of my favourite things is how this show had to earn your investment in these characters. The journey matters, and I'm glad that you're on it.

Trent Bowles

Many people survive being shot in the head regardless. Rep. Gabby Giffords being one recent example. The human brain is surprisingly versatile.

Alvin Cura

oh LAWD, I love how during the eyeball bit everyone looks disgusted except Micky who looks happy like a kid in the candy store.

Jason Williams

You guys left out Coulson's hilarious fanboy moment with Daisy and Robbie's team up AND the Mack losing Hope in his arms? WTF kinda edit was this? Did they just have no reaction to those scenes?


"Fitzsimmons is the best ship of all time, period" Preach Chris, preach.


We're working on a re edit now!


How ... HOW in the hell did you cut out the entire Yoyo/Mac/Daughter disappearing scene.... I seriously anticipated watching that part of you guys all season and you didn’t even show it .... damn that’s a major disappointment... anyways ..great reaction still


FYI: The Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider show will be a HULU Original! And Agents of Shield will most likely stay on HULU cause Disney owns majority stake in the company and it has been confirmed to host Disney's mature content shows........... Plus Kevin Feige probably doesn't want his Disney+ higher production value Marvel shows to be confused for the lower budget ones.......Anyway Season 5 HYPE!!!!!


Will try to re edit that reaction in but def going to get the Mack scene back in


If Nahid wants education then 1 I believe that framework ending was kinda of a foreshadowing for Infinity War


Just imagine how this show started out real simple and grounded and now it’s complex and (no pun intended) out of this world

Rob Flynn

I was just thinking back to when they first started watching the show and were kinda poking fun at it a little bit / knocking it a bit and everyone else is like.. yeah... you'll see... haha


The Boys At RTTV Are Just Starting Season 2 Of AoS, Maybe After This Blunder Now Is A Good Time To Jump, They Had Some Funny Arguments During The Clairvoyant Storyline. 😡No Mack Scene And We Riot😡


Great reaction Normies, although I’m pretty disappointed the editor didn’t include your reactions to the heartbreaking lost of Hope, (looking forward to the re-edit!). From the look on her face after the cut it looks like Marketa took it the hardest, I’m with you girl, that scene always tear me up. Beside the emotional charge of that scene and how terrifically well it is acted by both Henry and Natalia (AND Jordan Rivera, the adorable little girl playing Hope Mackenzie) that scene is also important in regard to a debate y’all had after 4x20: was Daisy right to leave Mack in the Framework. I personally always loved her for respecting Mack’s choice and one of the reason I believe she did is because, except for Yo-yo, she is the character most emotionally bounded to him, Daisy even said so to Elena in last episode (“ I‘ve known Mack longer than you and he means as much to me as...”) Mack and Daisy have one of the most beautiful non-romantic loving relationship on TV, they really do love each other and it’s been shown again and again last season, specifically when Mack was the first one to completely absolve Daisy of her sins after Hive’s sway. And to me it’s because she love him so much that she let him the agency to decide his own fate. She still pleaded with him, tried to convey how much he means to the others and to her (“You have people who really care about you.. who love you very much”), but in the end she respected his choice. I really do love her for that. Last episode Elena was angry at Daisy and thought, like some of you, that she should have forcibly removed him from the Framework (“Who cares? You knock him over the head, you break his legs, you kick him through the exit!”). But Once yo-yo went into the Framework, actually saw Hope, interacted with her, saw the way Mack looks at her, she understood Daisy’s choice, she understood that because of how he felt about that little girl, however fake she may be, leaving the Framework had to be HIS choice and his choice alone, because to him she feels real. Understanding and Feeling are two different things, and sometimes Feelings can impair Reason. It’s been stated multiple time this episode, Mack knows the Framework isn’t real, but his love for Hope is and even though this Hope is 0s and 1s that doesn’t change how he feel about her. Which echo back to one of my favorite scene this season in 4x20 when Mack justify his choice to stay in Framework to Daisy: “She laughs at my joke, we watch movies together, and when she’s sad... When she’s sad I hold her, no, she’s real to me” (what a superb scene and stellar performance by both Henry and Chloe). Anyway, like Coulson said, it wasn’t Daisy’s choice to make, and in this episode Elena realized it wasn’t her’s either, nobody had legitimacy to make that decision for Mack, it’s a choice he had to make for himself. How far have all our characters come huh?? All of them, but special mentions to Fitz and Daisy, like someone commented up here, those two character are nothing like who they were at their beginning. I think someone else mentioned this before, might be [lins], but Daisy and Fitz are so similar, the scene near the end between Fitz and Daisy does come full circle with a scene in episode 2 of this season, (which, given how much stuff happened feels like it was 3 full seasons ago). In that scene Fitz scorned Daisy pretty harshly for going Goth and abandoning the Team/Family (“Something terrible happened and she didn’t want our help getting through it”). And at the time most of you agreed with him, but she was just doing her best to deal with the guilt she felt because of everything that transpired in the season 3 finale, even though she shared only some of the blame. But now the shoe is on the other foot, and here Fitz was, ready to do pretty much the same thing: carrying ALL of the guilt for what happened this season as a way to deal with his part of the blame in it. At their core, our characters are good people, all of them are, and when your moral fibre is that strong it can prove devastating when, even under the influence of something/someone, you do bad stuff. Good people are the hardest on themselves when they fuck up, and so their first instinct is to bear ALL of the responsibility even when they only bear SOME of it, in some way I think they believe that whatever guilt and pain they feel is not quite enough, that somehow they deserve more of it, so they pile it on themselves, and shoulder a bigger burden than they really should. Daisy did just that at the beginning of the season, and Fitz was about to do the same thing at the end of it... Except Daisy wouldn’t let him, she showed empathy and compassion and immediately absolved him of his sins, because she’s been there before, and she now understand that, like May said, if you are lucky enough to have people who love you, you don’t have to bear that burden alone, that’s what family/friends are for. Obviously I’m very biased, but I think Daisy should get more credits for how much growth she’s shown this season. Also @Nahid, Robbie was smiling while detailing what he had to do to survive in that other dimension not because that wasn’t an horrific ans traumatic experience but because he was talking to Daisy and they are in luuuuv, yeah I’m not ashamed to say I’m a QuakeRider shipper too. I’m so sorry for this long ass rant, and if you read all of this Thank You! Onto Season 5 Normies!!!


jesus, you guys be writing essays. I like AoS but this may be going over the top.

n p

Those guys are morons, they couldn't figure out that the end of season 1 was parallel to Winter Soldier... you know the other time Hydra embedded themselves into Shield and took it over.


oh someone has hardcore fan love for something so yes why don't we rain on their parade smh you really had nothing better todo than type out a response like that bye please exit stage left i hate people like you just let people enjoy stuff without making snide remarks


Ghost Rider was going to has his own show but it got scrapped a few days ago. There’s a rumour going around saying it’s because they want to introduce him in the movies and have Keane Reeves play him, but nothing confirmed. They’ve said it’s due to creative differences.