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Ahoy Maties, yarrrr.  It's your favorite text based pirate yarrr.  We're continuing on with this adventure.  Though the waters may be a bit shallow right now there's no doubt there's some fine booty at the end of this adventure yarrrrrr.


(No title)



Just continue with it, the payoff from all the world building in season one is so worth it. I like to compare the show to rolling a ball down a hill. At first it will go slow, but soon the momentum builds and just does not stop!


Unfortunately, Black Sails season 1 is somewhat impenetrable on the first watch. It's by design but it does put a lot of people off. I personally only started kinda of enjoying myself on episode 6 and really got into it by season 2 where the quality increases exponentially. ON rewatch, however, season 1 really is fantastic, a lot is being set up that will all be paid off


Dam Black Sails ain't no Spartacus


I'm a big fan of both, but I personally think Black Sails is in a league of its own. Pippa gave a good breakdown, above

Bayan M

It'll keep getting better and better guys! I am rewatching it now and man I love it so much and cannot wait for you guys to get to the realy really good stuff!


Yeah black sails starts slow but once it gets going it offers some of the most complex and interesting characters I've seen

Tom Evans

Season 1 of Black Sails is like Season 4 of Community. It's not bad, it's fine, but it's not on the level of the rest of the show.

Kyle Semenoff

But the difference is that the reason the following seasons are so good is because of the foundations laid down here.


commander erwin lies to his troops all the time is he evil? Manipulation is a leader trait alot

I see most talking about how season one is slow compared to the other seasons, but season 1 got me hooked something chronic! This show is easily on the level of Vikings and early GoT.


Honestly I've only known two people who didn't struggle with first half of season 1, i certainly did, I dont know any who didn't love the show to death and rate it as one of their fave shows after season 2 though.


You dare talk ill upon my GAWD Flint.


How is Flint evil. A little nuance please. And don't you dare stop watching this show. It's miles better than Spartacus.


Okay, come on. From what they have seen, with no context. The dude looks like a crazed killer doing his wives bidding with no care for other people. Let them feel their feelings! lol


If some people want to stop watching just make the group smaller. I don't mind people dropping out but I promise sticking with it is worth it. Please don't all stop watching it.

Erich Bomke

I kind of have to laugh at all the members that dropped out so far. Amateur hour over here!

Erich Bomke

You will have to watch Blind Waves reaction to the series then. Those boys are all in from the start!

Champion Bescos

This episode is much faster than the episodes before it, IMO, not that those episodes were slow (they weren't for me, at least). So I'm confused as to what constitutes as 'slow' for everyone reacting if this is still a struggle for them. By this point, Blind Wave was already super into the show, so my hopes aren't too high that they'll get into this.


This must’ve been recorded late Nahid looks like he’s faded xD