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Yarrrrrrr, it be The Normies.  It's time to set sail on the high seas of reactions.  It's Black Sails Episode 2 II.


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episode 1 posted last week. is there something wrong with the link?


i accidentally posted episode 1 again this week, deleted the post and uploaded episode 2 as should have been


It's a merkin... IT'S A MERKIN!!!


If micky has to keep watching the 100, than nahid has to keep watching black sails


Justice. But all in all we really are hyped for Black Sails. I think with all the hype surrounding the show we were just expecting it to be balls to wall from the very beginning. It's just starting kind of slow but we all are anticipating for it to pick up by a lot based on how passionate the fandom is. Nahid and me will be there for all of Black Sails for sure.


Holy shit Nahid... is it that hard to believe that maybe, just maybe, people back in the days were forced to have a good memory, since they couldn't just google shit they needed to know?


Love this show and so glad you are reacting to it. Some are saying season 1 is slow and it picks up after that, which is true, but in my opinion it actually starts picking up even sooner, by 1x04/05. I wasn't into the show first time I watched the first episode but then after the praise for season 2 I tried again and it was the 4th or 5th episode when I realized I had been hooked. Me and my girlfriend took a trip to Nassau this past July because of the interest in pirates and pirate history the show created in me =) Right now I'd rank it in my top 10 favorite shows.


The Treasure Island story is that Captain Flint went insane, killed his entire crew, and buried his treasure somewhere. Long John Silver is the only survivor and searches for it years after.

Erich Bomke

To Suraj : Anne Bonny is the Juliette of Black Sails


I liked the discussion a lot in this reaction. I can see that you guys do want it to pick up more but also that everyone is atleast interested and maybe if not as vocal about being into it just being active in conversations about characters and plots shows me that deep down you are already invested 😂😂 I'm just so excited for yall to go on this journey with the characters. Regardless of knowing the treasure island story or not you will be shocked. Cause Treasure Island is just a story. A point of view. This show will show the true story mixed with real pirates. One of the most epic shows of all time with some of the greatest characters I've ever seen on television. So damn good. I'm gonna rewatch Blind Waves reactions now cause I'm hyped again

Erich Bomke

John Silver getting got sure would make Muppet Treasure Island a boring film. No Tim Curry...pft!



The Air Nation

I agree with most people here Its fine not to love the show at first. I just rewatched it myself with a friend the first half of the first season is slow and can get boring. But in my opinion my 1x5 it really picks up. The dialogue is incredible and it is one of my favorite shows. Not everyone needs to like everything but just stick through it. Episode 2x5 is probably my favorite episode of television ever. To me it was like the expanse I watched the first few episodes to see the hype, didn't love it, came back to it after a while and then watched the master piece unfold into one of my favorite shows. Black sails also took a while to hook me but glad I stayed and watched. It's a top 5 show for me by far.

The Air Nation

Also if someone doesn't like the show it's fine. I watch to get their honest opinion on the show. I wish he would stay and stick it out, but it's up to him. I much rather an honest reaction of not like a show I love, then him not liking it and trying to fake it because everyone says this show is amazing.


Nahid seems to be trying to dislike the show. Be fair dude.


People used to have much better memories back when everything wasn't recorded. Also, Silver is very intelligent.


Soo .. asking for real, not picking a fight -- when does it get crazy good?? I'm watching it now, I'm on Season 2 Ep6 and it's good, but still basically political intrigue. The end of Season 1 was awesome but then it went right back to island life. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I'm not getting the crazy hype-love yet..maybe my expectations were too high? Are all seasons primary on the island? If you don't want to answer specifics cuz of spoilers nbd!


he's an awful actor, he's so obvious in that he's hiding something

Frankie H

Nahid should keep in mind that John Silver has had that schedule page for about 2 days. If Silver is smart he would have read it over and over again over those 2 days.

Jackie Green

Lol quite a few of them say they dont like Silver but he has done very little to nothing wrong, he takes the page from the guy who tried to kill because he thinks it might be valuable- he has no allegiance to speak of towards the pirates, he then proceeds to be initiated wherein Max sees he values it and wants in and then he even warns her that he is an opportunist- that when he sees an opportunity he cant help himself and thus she could get hurt. Following this he attempts to sell the page and sacrifices a bum(this is pretty much the only thing he does that can be construed as bad), then he is attacked by flints crew and for his own survival memorizes it then burns it. I dont see any problem with any of that geez, idk where there dislike of Silver is coming from. He is witty and funny, also he is quite nice to people unless his own survival is in question. Valuing your own life doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.


Mickey, Silver didn't mean to belly flop.


I've seen comments this and last week about Luke Arnold's (Silver) terrible acting. I also had this same reaction when I first started the show. I don't know if his cringey mannerisms was intended or it just took him a while to get settled into the role but he does get awesome later when he gets going.


Can't wait for the fruit fruit, tits tits scene.


oMg nO bLaCK sAiLs DoUbLe dRoP??


lol this is one of the most well written shows ever produced. drop nahid from the reactions.

Deviant Parker

Completely absurd statement. The writing is average at best. Leave Nahid alone you simpletons. This show is merely ok. Those of us with brains are allowed not to love it.