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My Hero... on Vimeo?  But whyyyyyyyy?!?!?!

I am sure by now you have all heard about our cyber security breach regarding a select few dum dums stealing content from our patreon and ruining our peaceful ecosystem.  As a result we have to start posting to Vimeo now.  It will be a bit of a transition but I am confident we can return to peaceful times again.  please bare with us through this transition.

Now let's get ready for season 3 hype!!!! 



This is "MHA_3x10_Cut" by The Normies on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Lets goo!!!!


Fastest click of my life


Always keep your ideals my friends.


Is this going to be a doble drop? Please be a doble drop.

Aadit Doshi

I think the title is wrong? Game start is the name of the first episode of season 3


If we get a double drop I would cream my pants, but if we don’t I understand lol

Brandon Hughes

Name on the episode is wrong. Just to let y’all know. Any chance we are getting a double drop for this incredible two parter?


Dooooobleeee drooooopp


Yeah, since this is 3x10 and game start is 3x1 I can see where an error might have occurred.


Double drop??

nefi uzumaki

They have to double drop

Stefan Thrane Lund

pls double drop. This is the perfect time for it


Double drop please!


This would be a good time for a double drop.


Damn Teenagers!


If there was ever a time for a Double Drop this is it!


Imma hold out on watching just in case they might bless us with a double drop so I can watch back to back. It's also cool if they don't do it


You can’t not double drop for 3 x 11, it’s in the Bible


Why does Vimeo restart the whole video when I change my screen orientation 😓


no double drop today. sorry for the disappointment. please be patient, double drops will not be frequent for MHA. There is one coming but please be patient.

Liam D

Sad days but totally fine. Thanks for the heads up guys

Neal Cabanos

These two episodes are why I became a Patreon member. So hyped!!! Tears incoming.


Make sure to skip 3x11 its a filler ;)


I can’t wait for next episode man the hype is real

Derek Garrard

Major props to everyone for catching the Shimura connection. It goes over most reactors heads


No double drop lol

Justin Neason

I definietly missed the Shimura thing until the next episode whne it came out. Also, it's crazy how this anime makes a rescue scene stand out so well in the midst of the most powerful villain and hero battling. Even the way they animated Bakugo and Kirashima's hands coming together and the way my guy flew through the air-- it was so extra for such a thing and it made it so satisfying!


Was hoping they'd show the money shot/Sakuga of Bakugo flying through the sky, love that part.


Man, as good as the reaction to this episode is, it's only making me more hyped to see next week's reaction.


Double drop....PLEASE!!!!!!!

Aadit Doshi

Hey, just curious, how do you guys figure out that someone is getting the content from outside patreon? If answering the question can help people steal more easily please don't answer it.

Andrea C.

Rana is a Kiribaku shipper :D

Ji-pi Doyon

God you need a triple drop this week...this is pretty much a three parter at this point !

Ji-pi Doyon

God i just love how All for One just use All might line against him...i don't think so...BECAUSE I AM HERE !!! What a great vilain !


My email said "My Hero Academia - 3x1 Game Start - Group Reaction" so I thought you were reuploading all of season 3 to Vimeo or something. Had I not clicked to see the comments on Patreon I would not have found out that it was actually episode 10. Weird.

Ji-pi Doyon

Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might ?...god i love that line !

Jason Jeffory

Well looks like it won’t be a double drop after all. Damn.


Editing needs to be improved guys how can you not show the best scene(bakugo's) in this episode...stopped watching after that scene i will wait for the full version on friday :(


that's how i felt lmao, you're gonna die, your friends are gonna die, and they're worried about the cop telling them not to use their quirks


Love your guys reaction as always and can’t wait for the full version, ;( you didn’t show some of the best animation of the episode with bakugo flying through the air like come on! Lol, also just like everyone else PLZ DOUBLE DROP, this is like the biggest point in the show.




I can't wait for next episode. This is gonna be great.


Please double drop, these two episodes and episode 23 are the best in the season

Queef Burglar

We definitely needed a double drop this week

The Ultimate Ed

I get chills everytime All for One says "I am here."


Double drop? 🤔


Dude 2018 was a really good year for super hero stuff. The day after Infinity War released episode 4 of season 3 dropped. Truly the comic gods were smiling down on us😊


why would you cut away from bakugo flying............. im so disapointed.....


No double....damn

Jarryd Thompson

Patient 1 more episode until they experience allmight country


Yeah, I was confused about that as well. They could have just cut a lot of Deku talking instead.


You guys never did a double drop for this month guys and yall really should've done it for this one and 11.


please, double drop this week would be so effin perfect :(


No double drop? These 2 episodes have to lol it's the best of season 3


Anyone know how to stream this on tv?


Still not late for a double drop. :)


I know we get spoiled sometimes with the unneeded extra reaction called double drop but I was really hoping for it to be with this one and the next 😔😔😔


So much backseat driving this episode. I know some people enjoy it, but I'm hoping they don't backseat drive too much during the upcoming big moments.


This episode and the next one are two of best in the series!


If there was ever gonna be a time to double drop now would be the time

Lisa Marie

If you have a casting device - download the web video caster app on mobile, open patreon in the web caster browser, then cast video to TV.


I need a double drop! My heart yearns for it 😱


Oof, patrons have been asking for a double drop for these 2 episodes for the entire series... yeesh


we also didn't get our august double drop soooooo.........

Kamina 1

We getting a double drop today?

Dean Cyphers

It would be cool if more people would say thanks instead of begging for double drops. Gotta appreciate the Normies for all the work that they do for us,


Considering the work isn't done for free it isn't an unreasonable thing to ask




Damn i really thought they were gonna double drop this week, since it made so much sense and we haven't had an MHA double drop for a while lmao. Ah well.


Chris Sabat has had some amazing VA moments during his career ( Vegeta final atonement vs Majin Buu) but that speech might be his best. So many chills and emotion the first time i heard it.


Chris Sabat actually cried while recording these two episodes. Thank you guys for always delivering great content! 😀

Erich Bomke

They said no double drop guys. Gonna be a lonngggggg week.

Seth Tolar

All For One can use more than one quirk at once. All For One isn't Shigaraki's dad. Also, Nana Shimura is a woman.

Champion Bescos

Props to Marketa for catching the Shimura connection! She's looking great today as usual. Hell, the whole crew is looking fresh to death! Glad to see after two and a half seasons, the whole original cast of reactors are still attending this show with eagerness. Hope they stick with it together, all the way through Season 4. Also... this episode is fantastic, and the next one is legendary (not to add to the overhype or anything). Can't wait.


People really need to stop spoling stuff in the comments that's literally going to be revealed within a week or two. We get it, you're excited. Just have a bit of patience and let them get to it.


Regarding the comments about double drops, I believe the important distinction here is that as I understand, the contract is as follows: We pay $10 a month for a single episode of MHA every week on Mondays. Any double drop is very much appreciated but not required. To my knowledge, they have not made any prior promises to provide extra MHA content like they do for their other shows. It is fine for us to respectfully request double drops with the understanding that our requests can be denied, but there is a not-so-fine line between that and demanding/complaining/being entitled to double drops. IMO a small majority of these comments as of this comment fall within the former, but there is still a sizable portion of the comments I believe that fall under the latter. It’s okay to feel disappointed, but it’s also important to remember that at the end of the day, The Normies are holding up their end of the bargain, an agreement that we as customers were aware of upon payment.


This really isn't a valid excuse. People steal content because they either can't afford it or can and choose not to. It falls on the individual person's morality and not the content creator.

Michael Diaz

It's not that I think the double drop was mandatory or that paying for it means we should be entitled to an extra video, it's that the double drop was obviously in high demand and they knew it'd make people happy vs the alternative which, obviously, makes people upset. And it isn't just that people are asking for a double drop. It's that they're asking for a double drop but specifically for these 2 episodes. It does give customers a reason to pay since they're happier paying if they feel like the person they're paying for actually cares. After all, patreon is basically charity money. Not a job. But I guess that also means there are less obligations. It's up to us to choose if we want to pay or not. I'm disappointed but I guess as long as they WATCHED it back to back it's fine if I see the reactions separately. Either that or I can just not watch and wait til next week to watch both to get the full experience, since that's the real issue here is that the 2 videos should be viewed together to not break the immersion.


I'm happy with the weekly normies schedule. The only thing I'd change is add Samurai Champloo in there somewhere.

Space Mechanic

Bakugo flying through the air always give me goosebumps


Why do the links not work every time I try and watch them? The past 2 weeks I haven't been able to watch the Naruto or MHA reactions 🤦‍♂️


For some of these people situations like this are the only chances they get to show off some form of knowledge. Good Luck getting them to be considerate.


Feel like the main reason everyone is so disappointed this time, is because the last two weeks maybe 80% of the comments were about wanting episodes 10&11 to be double dropped. So really, with that much of a majority and a full two weeks of notice in advance, I really don't think it is too much to ask from them seeing as we are paying at least 10$/mo just to be able to see free content early.

Michael Diaz

Rana says "Ew ew ew ew" to the dumbest shit sometimes. XD I didn't even know what she was saying ew to this time. lol Also damn every reactor or group of reactors I see always give out hasty ass plans to delicate situations. I guess if you're a reactor to a show you're more likely to die in an intense situation. XD

Jesse Vincente

"I haven't seen anyone die in this" *laughs in Dabi and Overhaul*

Seth Tolar

All For One can't take One For All because it has to be willingly passed on by the user. Also All For One can't take peoples quirks without touching people or he at least has to be in close vicinity.


I don't usually ask for double drops but that discussion part was way too short, might be your shortest MHA video, great reaction as always but wish you discussed the episode more. Hopefully the next one will have an extensive discussion to compansate. For example I wish you discussed the point Rana tried to raise about All for One and Shigaraki's relation before rushing into the next episode.


I have watched this episode so many times and i somehow missed tomura's og name. Just wish your schedule would have allowed a double drop lol. Too hyped up an episode to wait a week. Can't wait for your reactions next week though.


Deku would get curb stomped by all for one lol at his current level. Also his mask was broken. He doesnt have a hole in his face but all might did $#%^ him up pretty bad back in the day though.

Keenan Cummins

10x11 literally perfect for double drop y’all making mfs regret that 10 I give y’all g


Niiiice Marketa made the Shimura connection!

The Pebble

"He can only use one quirk at a time, right?" You literally just saw him name off multiple quirks he used in one attack.


Missed opportunity with this possible double drop. You obviously don't have double drop to as you've never promised to do any specific double drop but....of all the possible double drops of any show, this one was one of the most logical. Oh well


They really didn't do a double drop for the 2 most important episodes of season 3 lol


I admit I was afraid you guys wouldn’t even recognize the Nana Shimura name. Blind Wave completely missed it and they are usually good at not talking when dialogue is on. I was really happy to see Marketa heard it and informed the rest of the group. I was hoping for a double drop, but was also prepared in case you didn’t either. Just a suggestion, but I think you might want to consider putting your descriptions of mentioning in videos that Double Drop for MHA isn’t a scheduled thing like with HxH. I’ve seen a lot of people assume we get one every month even though it is never mentioned in the video itself. Looking forward to next week’s reaction. Not sure if you guys ever thought of this, but if you ever do another collaboration with Blind Wave I would love for you guys to talk about your favorite MHA moments or opinions on the series as a whole once you guys are all caught up that is. It would be a dream if you could all coordinate a season 4 reaction in the future. I understand both parties might not be able to do that though.


I love ur guys reaction to MHA. You guys rock

Shady Mozy

AFO was probably never really truing to kill Jeanist & the rest because he needs them alive to steal their quirks

Chris V

I mean they say they're gonna double drop soon, but for the life of me I can't actully see any two episode that are worth double dropping or go well together until maybe like towards the end of the season. So this was an opportunity wasted imo


Some of y'all in the comments are so impatient. I get that this would have been a good time for a double drop but like who cares? You'll get it next week


I'm a patient person but this whole waiting til next week thing is physically painful now lmaooo


I've said this before with Naruto and important episodes and I'll say it again now with MHA. I would like for them to do double or triple drops, for Naruto, but if they don't, Then I would at least expect for them to watch them in a row. That way they will not come back asking, "what did we leave on?" "who was doing what?" etc etc and we will not feel so out of place seeing them react that way, I just want the hype to be continuous for you guys and for us watching you guys. If you guys do that then I'm totally fine.


fire whoever edited this episode and cut out most of bakugos scene.


yeah it made no sense, the whole episode is geared towards making a plan to save him and it got edited out


Good job marketa for catching that! Definitely something most people miss


Yh no love for my boy bakugo

Logan Prime

This is torture having to wait till next week for the next episode. I was hoping for a double drop this week of MHA but either way love your guys reactions. Oh I didnt get the MHA emails today for some reason

Sou saetern

Great reaction. I just loved it so much.

Amanda B

People have been uploading them on their own YouTube pages and there are very vigilante fans who find those things and let the Normies know

Anthony Mosher

The fact of the matter is is that they promised to double drop at the end of each month for particular shows and this was one of them. They didn’t do it because people told them the importance of this episode with the next and talked about it in a particular video. This is the reason most people are asking for a double drop. It’s not that they’re unappreciative it’s just that they have known since basically them starting season 3 that people wanted this and then they even got people hyped by talking about it and skipping the double drop last week at the end of the month. If you’re not using it here when it matters and when the community explicitly asked for it politely for months then what is the point? It’s not like people just told them to do it today as a side note of the importance of these two episodes and it’s not like asking for something is demeaning or unthankful at all. People have the right to be disappointed in something they are paying for. Using your example if you get fast food and they explicitly say they’re giving honey mustard packets for free with an order and you don’t get any after asking in advanced would you not be disappointed? Same concept if you’re gonna promise something at least stick with the promise or don’t promise it at all. If you do promise it and don’t follow through at least give an explanation or at the very least just tell them it’s not happening anymore and apologize for the inconvenience.


Very true. I mean we are paying them and if they're not willing to listen to us why bother continue to pay? Plus one thing that bothers me is the uncut version. It wouldn't kill them to add a time stamp so one could follow along. But yeah promising something and not following through with it is just a low blow. Especially since we're paying for it.


Another MHA reaction, another comment section full of entitled nerdraging for extra content.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

I know a lot of you are mad, but look on the bright side....The New Orleans Saints just won! Now isn’t that better than a measly double drop?


Nahid’s eyes had so much hate when All for One says the “I am here” line. I feel you bro.


Of all the times to not double drop 10 and 11 is practically a 2 part episode. They're just as vital to each other as 11 and 12 are from the first season

Raul Martinez

And this is why you NEVER do double drops. People just always are going to want more.


No double drop. That's legit disappointing.


First reaction EVER where someone caught the Shimura link.I didn't think much of Shigaraki at first but after reading the manga he's in top 5 for me.


And another rando getting butt hurt about people voicing their opinions on things they pay for. Sounds like you need to get the cock out of your mouth

Tispy Wombat

God!!! I literally cannot wait for the next reaction!

Michael Diaz

Not really. No one is really asking for episodes 3 and 4, or 16 and 17. These 2 specifically are episodes that the majority wanted to see together. It's kinda disappointing to just not do that as if you don't know people will be upset by it. I mean you're half right. I think people are more upset because they've done double drops in the past meaning they could have done it here. It just kinda seems like stubbornness to do that and be like "People will be upset but it'll be fine." rather than you know... going the extra mile to get people to like you on your charity site. lol


Imagine holding your pledge over the gang's head for "not getting what you pay for" when premium access is 9 WEEKS ahead of Youtube uploads.


I love how quick you guys caught onto the Shigaraki reveal...y’all have been paying attention! Even I didn’t get it on my first watch haha. WHAT A HYPE EPISODE!! Of course, the Kiribaku was glorious, but we also got All For One shouting “BECAUSE I AM HERE!!”, so...!!


This is nonsense. If it were vital that they be viewed together, they would've aired together, not a week apart.


9 weeks ahead only matters when you’re someone not fully caught up and you just joined their patreon.. otherwise people are allowed to express disappointment. Nothing you say will stop that lol

Sky Sirak

The first on-screen DEATH was when Stain (very graphically) shoved a knife in a nomu's brain back in Season 2. Because their society has evolved to be very careful about what is classified as "human" and/or sentient, heroes very rarely ever go for the kill; that, and the nomus were confirmed to be normal people from the start. This is in addition to the numerous off-screen kills by Stain and Muscular, and if course, AFO himself. The Count so far: 1532 deaths, 26 unrecoverable injuries (I'm counting the nomu that had its brain fried, the squad of policemen at Site Bravo, and the ENTIRE DISTRICT of at least 1500 innocent civilians that AFO just exterminated.) ...So yeah. They DEFINITELY kill people in this show. xP

Omar Ndayiragije

No one gives Magne credit for chasing Bakugo, that move must have taken crazy aim. To think of using your quirk that way I when you can't make yourself a magnet takes wit! I love that Magne is a scaled down and humbled flip on Magneto's powers.

Brandon chavarria

omg stop using Vimeo is soooooo garbage


How dare you cut that Bakugo launch scene into bits, it's not hard to just show the whole clip like why make it choppy????!


For one you guys are just doing hypothetical guesses there is no evidence of him being Shigarakis mother.. All Might didnt hit Gran torino with a full power punch he held back a bit and redirected it to himself.. Also you and these comparisons "Cell"


Technically All might does die

Alexandre Boutin

Can they let an episode fucking playout, "go do something" every god damn 5 seconds is so annoying.