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Here goes the best episode in all of TV history!  Hope you all enjoy watching this one with us!  See ya next week for the finale!


Breaking Bad 5x14 Ozymandias Group Reaction

This is "Breaking Bad 5x14 Ozymandias Group Reaction" by The Normies on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.





Bruh. I've been refreshing obsessively for the past few hours, lmao. And now, finally, it's here. Let's do this.

Ryan Roach

Finale is next week? Not in two weeks?


This is the one.


Bless you finally i've been bored at work waiting all day. This was awesome. Sorry bout hte burglary. But sitll...been waiting for this like a selfish twat. <3


"I watched Jane die...." Even Satan himself would say damn bro that's cold


Such amazing everything in this episode! Great reactions!


Hannah's analysis at the beginning of the video is TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT!!


Insane reaction!

Andrea C.

I have carne asada tacos waiting for me at home so as soon as I’m off of work I have this and tacos to look forward to and I CANT WAIT

Kenneth thomas

I'm almost as disappointed having to wait a week for the next one after this as I was when I was actually watching Breaking Bad week to week

Jasmin Holmes

That song will forever give me chills. And I always tear up when hank gives walt that last compliment. "Your the smartest guy I know but your to stupid to see that he made his mind up ten minutes ago." That song tho.


Great reaction peeps. Super work from you Nahid, you’ve been an excellent guide for the whole show!

Eric M

FYI, Walt continues to exhibit traits/ideas of the people he kills, Walt finally realizes that barrels can roll, as stated by Hank when he first saw Walt and Jesse steal the barrel of Methylamine back in season 1.


Notice that Walt tells Jesse about Jane's death in the same manner Gus would go and tell Hector about the death of his family members--to exact revenge, provide pain, and show control.

Liam Skoda

My favourite bit of trivia is that in the changing room scene they didn’t know Holly’s actor was going to say anything and Cranston just reacted to it like a pro.


Walt didn’t even wanna look at himself in the rear view mirror


Now go back and read Ozymandias again, it all makes sense. Everything turned to dust.


You wouldn't be human if you didn't need a few minutes to process it!


Good call on Walt falling over like Gus, Nahid. I never noticed that either


You guys realize he’s not actually threatening her... that phone call was him giving her an out for the cops. Making seem like he was treating her that entire time and she wasn’t willing helping him


Also while I don’t agree with Walt grabbing the baby. I can see his side, he just seen his wife and son turn against him. Essentially just lost his family and all he had left was Holly. So he took her

Jarrod Wild

That knife fight was a masterpiece of direction and editing. Oh and I need a Hannah in my life, seriously.


I always thought it was supposed to invoke the imagery from the Ozymandias poem, the statues face half buried in the sand and whatnot, missed the Gus parallel. Now I just think of it as playing double duty.


Finally, I've been waiting for Hank to die since episode 1

Shervell Jones

My only gripe with this episode was how Skylar made herself out to be this abused wife when she was a complicit as Walt at times. She’s the one who decided to start laundering it. If Walt hadn’t made that call and lied that it was all him, she would have went to jail, too. That’s why Skylar was so relieved in that scene.


This was the episodes that made me a patreon member because once they saw the first episode I knew it would lead to this perfect hour of television. I have so much I can say about this episode.


The baby saying momma was improvised the baby saw her mom on set and called out to her. Brian just stayed in character and reacted. The scene of Walt pushing the barrel is representing the Greek mythology Sisyphus who's punishment for his deceit was to push a boulder up a mountain for it to forever fall back down to the bottom. Like where Walt is at the moment. The two birds Jesse sees are suppose to represent Mike and Jane the two people he wants to see in the afterlife. Walt buried the money and in turn dug Hank's grave. Jesse is becoming the metaphor for the Dog he described. Episodes like "Problem Dog and Rabid Dog" so much that he ends broken and beaten on a leash. The show had to get permission from the actors guild to push back the acting credits 19mins into the show. To preserve to emotion of the Hanks death. Which has only happen a handful of times in TV history. George R.R. Martin called "Walter White is a bigger monster than anyone in Westeros" T.V guide has it listed as "The Best Television Episode of the 21st Century" Brian Cranston, Anna Gunn and writer Moira Walley-Beckett won an Emmy for this episode. The opening scene is the last scene filmed for Breaking Bad they waited months for Brian and Aaron's hair to grow back to when they first got the roles and they shot it back at the same location as the pilot episode. Production took the props to preserve them for the Smithsonian.


If you moved the scene with Jesse in chains to the end of the episode.... then this would have been the perfect Series Finale. Imagine the entire show ending with Walt getting Hank killed, losing his empire, losing his family, and having failed to get ANY of the money to his family... and then to top it all off, Jesse is in chains, and the last line of the series would be Todd saying, "Let's cook." Personally, I would've been so here for that.


How about most stressful hour of television?


Rian Johnson directed this episode and also "The Fly" episode.


This reaction was literally perfect. Thanks Nahid for remembering to explain Walt's intentions on the phone. I can't wait for the double drop next week (if you're still planning to do that). Thanks for the reactions despite what happened to you guys this past weekend. Appreciate you all


Still the best episode ever aired on TV. And double drop next week? Still have Granite State to react to before Felina.

Carlos Hurtado

Ya'll are the best bb reactors. you are great at paying attention while giving great reations.

Ryan Roach

Skyler didn’t make herself out to be that way. Walt did. He covered for her. It’s the least he could do, given all he put her through. And one parent needs to be free to raise the children.

Rob Flynn

Wow, I can't believe we're almost at the end.

Ryan Roach

The guy who died was not Gus’s brother. In fact, a lot of people think it was his lover, given Hector’s comments in that episode.


My name is Walter Hartwell White, Heisenberg; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Tom Fehr

oh thank god i was worried he was gonna hype it up like crazy given what he's done before lol :)

Tom Fehr

I believe Max was Gus' romantic partner (speculative, acknowledged by Vince but not confirmed), not his brother

Tom Fehr

yessssss nazi scalps!

Tom Fehr

Surprised they seemed to have missed Walt's intent behind the phone call (or maybe that part was cut due to time. also when they say it'll be double dropped they mean both the last two eps will drop next week?

Sean L.

Honestly, I feel like it would be really cool to hang out with Hannah. Fucking hysterical.


Is there anyway i can go back to watch your earlier reactions? When i click on the breaking bad tag, it only goes back so far


when i first saw this episode, i damn near threw up. not because it was disgusting or anything, it was just, so emotionally powerful. it got me hoping so much that Hank would miraculously survived, but then it dawned on me; this is not THAT kind of series. my world just didn't feel right after watching it, and i got kinda depressed afterwards...

Dylan Maleno

Max was Gus’ boyfriend, not brother. Also, in case there was any confusion, taking Holly wasn’t part of Walt’s plan to exonerate Skyler. That was purely out of anger.


So many parallels between Walt and Gus Gus - "What kind of man goes to the DEA? No man. No man at all" Walt - "Coward" Gus - Starts listing all Hector's family members that he killed to rub the salt in the wound. Walt - "I watched Jane, die" Walt blames Jesse for Hank's death just like Gus blamed Hector for his partners.

Zach Sonnenblick

after seeing the reaction of RTTV and losing such respect for them for their inability to grasp these final episodes, what a refreshing change of pace. great reactions. love you normies


wait, they got to the end first? could've sworn they started later. but yeah, when i first saw them reacting to RATM, that's when i kinda realized they don't exactly read deeply into what they're reacting, let alone discuss of it. that's ok for some people and i'm not gonna ask them to change how they do their reactions, but, it's not really what i'm looking for and the reason i hadn't subscribed to them.


You know, I remember, despite all of the shocking moments in this show, thinking "No way they off Hank right away. There are still two and 9/10 episodes left!" And then Walt offered his money and I thought oh yeah, endgame, Hank decides to hold off on taking Walt in so they can track down the Neo-Nazis or something. They really played with that deus ex trope there. In spite of all the precedent, Hank's death right off the bat truly shocked me.


I remember at the time everyone had a general idea of what was gonna down after the ep title got released, but still no one was prepared for this


I watched Jane die.


I never noticed this before, but the voiceover at the end of the video...is that Badger? lol

Luke Kirkpatrick

Crazy that in The Fly episode, Walt comes close to telling Jesse the truth about Jane because he feels sorry for him (and because he's drugged). And here, he finally does it just to hurt him. Amazing.


Guys i cant watch anything you post in vmeo, it gives me an "ups! Code error" :/

Mike B

Is your browser needing an update? I had the same problem and all I had to do was download an update for Chrome.


I can't imagine watching this episode for the first time and being expected to give an entertaining reaction to it. I totally relate to Rana and Hannah not being able to find words after it ended. I couldn't speak for probably an hour after seeing it. Most brutal (and brilliant) episode of TV I've ever watched

Jarrod Wild

I wish Nahid could have just given them some time to compose themselves, especially Hannah. Easy to edit out the silent contemplation.

Jarrod Wild

I forgot Bryan and Anna both won Emmys for this episode.

Jarrod Wild

Once y'all are done with the series, this video on Ozymandias from Nerdwriter is definitely worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZllwNlyTfLs


Watched it for the first time. Loved his analysis of the episode, thanks for sharing!


I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”


the foreshadowing flashback shot showing the kitchen knife just to be a innocent kitchen tool and becoming a family weapon is just pure art to me.

Nikki Sonrisa

I think Walt blamed Jesse for Hank's death in that moment; that's why he told him about Jane's death because he wanted to hurt him with all he could think to hurt him with in that moment.


Hank just wanted to catch jessie james


Honestly, not catching on that Walt was lying on the phone to save Skylar is just an extra compliment to that performance.

The Ultimate Ed

"YOU'RE GONNA BE DEAD IN LIKE SIX MONTHS ANYWAY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH YOUR BABY?!" Holy shit, I never even thought of that when I saw this scene. Makes it so much worse!

The Ultimate Ed

Gotta be honest. When this episode came out, I didn't immediately catch on to Walt faking insults towards Skylar. Like, something felt weird but it wasn't till some time after watching it and reflecting that I realized what happened. Rewatching it now, it's almost too obvious. I'm embarrassed I didn't catch it sooner.

The Ultimate Ed

I wanna see this "Ben", he sounds interesting.