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Hello our fellow Patrons!

Thanks so much to all of you for your continuing support. You are the bloodline of this channel and we are reminded every day that we would not be able to be here if it weren't for your generosity.

As we're headed towards the end of August, we wanted to let you know that there will be some changes to our video releases here on Patreon. Patreon team recently launched a new integration tailored specifically for creators like us. They worked with Vimeo on bringing new, more secure way to share Patreon exclusive video content. After testing this feature on several videos last week, we decided to move forward and start utilizing this integration for all of our Early access and Premium access content. 

We're incredibly happy that Patreon staff continue to listen to the creators and keep bringing new creator feedback based solutions. We passed your feedback along as well! Seeing that not everyone is pleased with Vimeo integration, we shared your thoughts with our Patreon liaison  who forwarded the message directly to Vimeo developers. We hope that they will work out all the quirks with regards to TV streaming, forwarding etc. as soon as possible!

In the meantime, we thought it only fair to let you know today, as September approaches and with it new pay cycle.  This is a friendly and fair reminder to you so you can make an informed decision about how this new system affects you. 

Thank you all again!

The Normies




Thanks for letting us know, held my breath for a second cuz I thought it was a copyright issue 😅

don’t call me lev

Thanks for letting us know. Can you provide the dbs premium link pls?


Not sure if it is only me but sometimes when I try to watch a Vimeo video on fullscreen through my phone it cuts off the lower part, not by much but when the show being reacted to has a small window on the bottom it gets eaten up.

Aadit Doshi

I approve. Hate people who share exclusive links that cause the need for this system.


Hate it. Vimeo is not even close to the YouTube integration with other devices. To watch on your phone/computer is fine but anything else is awful.

Kevaughn Hunter

Do you have a Vimeo app? Or watch it from the direct link the Normies provide? If I use Vimeo from a direct link, the service can be a bit wonky for me. It works better when I watch Vimeo from my browser, instead. I’m on IPhone, though.

Garrett Gee

whatt are you watching on if nto a phone/computer. your life seems complicated

Heru Muharrar

One of the primary reasons I pay for YouTube Premium is so I can download reactions and watch them on my commute to and from work. Does Vimeo allow you to D/L other people's videos as well?

Doby Greg

It's annoying since I can't link vimeo to my tv to watch the videos on full screens.

Lateralusian (Clem)

Good on you. You deserve to protect your content.

Lateralusian (Clem)

Next thing on the agenda: Patreon needs to create mod roles. Badly.

German M

Does vimeo have an app so I can watch these on TV? Can I download offline videos?

Alvin Cura

I recall what necessitated this enhanced safeguard of your content, and I'm very glad that a solution has presented itself. I have a quick question, and also some feedback to take back. The quick question is: will I need to login with my Vimeo account to watch your content there? I have one, it's not a big deal, but it'd be good to know. (If it's not necessary, maybe you should consider restricting to accounts; because that's the whole reason I have a Vimeo account in the first place. Two actually.) The feedback is: this year, streaming and buffering have been particularly bad on Vimeo at both LTE and wi-fi speeds in my area (and my wifi does 120Mbps). If they could give you access to performance monitors so that you can be informed, it'd be awesome. Finally, I haven't messaged you guys or anything in a while. It's been a busy summer, but I hope you are all doing well and have gotten a chance to enjoy yourselves here and there in between producing all the content you've been putting out. I mean, it's technically the off-season in fact. My best to all of you.

Alvin Cura

Vimeo does allow you to download to local device, but it's not a manipulatable file. It lives in the Vimeo app cache. Which is why it is a protection for the Normies to have that feature.

Alvin Cura

Vimeo works well with Chromecast, if you are willing to consider that option.


Vimeo loads slowly and with pauses. That is really annoying. I have cancelled my membership. Best of luck.

Chris V

ffs where did my comment go? I had typed a long detailed comment of my grievances with vimeo but now it's gone. I'll give the summary because i can't be arsed to type it all out again atm. Vimeo too much bufferring, stops too much for my liking, takes too long to load without a great connection which not everyone of your fans around the world can afford (may lose you some patrons), wonky controls. Will be continuing my support for now.

Big Mike

Ugghhh... now I can only watch on my phone or laptop, damn u Vimeo


I have a 1GB connection, and it still loads like in your description. Perhaps it is because I'm in Denmark. I don't know.

Danny Jasper

I prefer Vimeo over YouTube, but seeing the reactions I might be one of the few.


"I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives. Or should I say, I have." - Vimeo


I prefer Vimeo to YouTube just because other than when I start the video Vimeo doesn’t buffer when I’m using it on my data. YouTube has a bad habit of buffering 5-8 times a video when on data

Calculatus Eliminatus

When I simultaneously stream the uncut with Netflix I regularly have issues where I have to pause Netflix since Vimeo will have several 1 or 2 second buffer.. Then it's fine for five minutes, then a minute of buffer issues. It's always Vimeo doing the buffering. never Netflix.


a good way to deal with that is (if you have chrome) download vimeo downloader and when you click it, it opens the vimeo video in a new window preloaded so no buffering , or you could download it locally with this too


Now all Patreon needs is MODS..

Crosby Taylor

I watch Vimeo on ROKU. works great for me. Note: to be fair I have fiber optic internet service though.


I don't mind Vimeo or YouTube. I'm able to use either to watch on my TV without issues. I will say Vimeo seems to have better video quality.

Keep It Zen

Can you please submit a suggestion to Patreon for the implementation of MOD support? Thank you 🙏


Connect your laptop to your tv? That’s what I do. All it takes is an hdmi cable.


well the integration vimeo into patreon never allows me to watch due to privacy settings, hopefully that gets fixed or you guys are going to have to endure me dm'ing you guys for links.

Fadilla Achmad

Vimeo is blocked in my country. I have to use vpn but that makes the video load really slow :(


Gotcha, i giyta catch up on ur Naruto Reactions


Y'all needa watch STEVEN UNIVERSE (fun fact: Alex Hirsh(Gravity Falls), Butch Hartman(Danny Phantom, Fairly Odd Parents), ect. Are all friends irl


For the times when I've watched some of the things they have posted to vimeo before, there hasn't been a sign-in or anything.

Gerardo Azofeifa

As long as the link works, I don’t mind Vimeo :)

Ryan B

That sucks. Vimeo is wildly inconvenient. Now I can't plug videos I can't watch right away into a playlist with all the other reactions on YouTube. Damn it.


MAshallah alhamdulillah Inshallah better

Luis Contreras

I hate this fuckig update to vimeo. Cant watch shit on my ps4. Ps4 had the YouTube app so it worked

Fadilla Achmad

This is a bummer. Vimeo is blocked in my country (Indonesia) and I've been having trouble with VPN lately. Even if it loads, it takes unbearably long to load. I'm happy that I've supported The Normies for quite a while now, but I guess this is goodbye for now. Thank you for the hard work guys!


Yeah, this change kinda broke it for me. Mainly because vimeo is soo damn slow lading and buffering. Hope u consider changing back :/