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Agents of Shield - 4x18 No Rag-rets.



Terrigen has never hurt people, that has been mentioned at least 6 times. It was the metal in the diviners that killed people.


I always have a couple of thoughts when watching this episode. People seem to wonder why everyone has an easier time standing up against Hydra or at least appearing to shift, but Fitz doesn't. But we have to remember that I think Fitz has had the biggest life changes in this world. He literally grew up with Aida instead of Jemma and his father (who we know is bad man) instead of his mother (who we know he loved.) I'm a therapist and I think about how if I removed the positive friend and family relationships in my kids lives who I have sessions with and replaced it with those two (AIDA and the father) well the way Fitz is would make a whole lot of sense. I mean he has been shaped to be a whole different person.


It was only the melted down crystals that kill humans. This is because of the metal that contains the terrigen is the part that is deadly to humans. That's why all the normal humans who took the fish oil pills in the real world don't die. (In the scene where it is dissolving you can see the metal sink to the ocean floor.) Sorry about the lengthy explanation, I had to explain this multiple times to my mother.


Im so hyped for you guys to finish this season and start S5! Just FYI the S5 premiere is a two-parter. You still have a long way to go but I just saw the S7 premiere at D23 and it's going to be awesome! Great reaction!


It doesn't affect May because they just synthesized the terragin without the metal material surrounding it. The original ones in season 2 "Skye"'s mom explained to the other director that the crystals they had synthesized still had elements of the gold material mixed in, they couldn't completely separate the 2, and that was the material that was deadly to non-inhumans (the gold shell that turned Xena's arm to stone.


Also I was sad to see Mace go but I think this way that he went out was honorable to his story arc this season. He wanted to be a hero, to save lives, to do what's right. He got to do all of that here.

Trent Bowles

Note the shot when Mace protects that child from the rubble, and the parallels to the photo taken at the UN bombing that started the fictitious story of him being Inhuman. He got to die the hero he had only gotten to pretend to be before. Nice way to wrap up the character.

Linsey Morris

my theory here with fitz and why he's changed so much more than the others is because the "regret" that aida fixed happened so much earlier in his life than the others. his happened when he was a child. instead of being raised by his mother who raised him by encouraging him and being warm and instilling softness into him, he was raised by a father who told him he was never good enough or smart enough and raised him to be callous and unfeeling. a lesson he still has to beat him over the head with even as an adult. AND TRIP MY BOY!! i was spoiled for this bc i saw bj's name in the opening credits lmao but i still cried when i saw him. trip's death is forever the one i'll never get over. he and daisy coulda been something special :(. tripskye 4ever :( notice how his last episode was when daisy got her powers and his return is when daisy got her powers again :'). and the terrigen crystals would only kill may if they were pure crystals. they've since developed how to alter them so they only affect inhumans. kind of like how that guy who could explode took the crystals to senator nadir but came out the only one with powers? nadir was unaffected by the mist. she just died in the explosion.


This seems to be missed by 80% of the reactors. I've just given up at this point. lol


Radcliffe has a line this episode that I think is really important to his character. It’s when he’s talking to Daisy and for his example of life changing sentences he says “We’re having a baby, or, we lost it”. While he could just be using that as an example, its pretty specific, so I took it as meaning that Agnes had a failed pregnancy once upon a time. That and Agnes’ real life sickness (damn, poor Agnes) could explain his obsession for finding the secret to immortality.


It’s the FRAMEWORK, not the “matrix.” ‘Stop calling it that!’ - Agent Gemma Simmons


"and the terrigen crystals would only kill may if they were pure crystals." That isn't correct, pure crystals have no effect on humans, what made the other crystals deadly was they were infused with the obelisk which was harmful to humans. As May had a crystal that was pure terrigen it had no effect.

James Avery

Love the parallel between both times Daisy got her powers. Losing Trip in the real world and getting him back in the Framework.


Just the opposite on the crystals. If they're pure they won't kill you. What killed you was the diviner metal thing that surrounded the crystals in season 2. When Trip died trying to help Daisy he kicked the diviner making it explode into fragments which he got hit with. His death is even sadder because it was pointless since he absolutely could of survived. Also, at the end of season 2 when the diviners fall into the water the crystal dissolve into the water and no longer have the metal element in them. That's why humans could harmlessly take fish oil without risk of dying.


The fused Obelisk in the crystal was what hurt humans, the pure terrigen is harmless.

Alvin Cura

I'm kinda surprised, seeing as how most of you guys are music fans, that you didn't mention that both the Quake theme/leitmotif and the Patriot theme/leitmotif featured in this episode. Bear McCreary has done phenomenal work on this show.


I love Marketa's Tripp reaction- Happy "There's Tripp" , then sad "he's dead" .


Definitely one of the best things (and there are many great things) about this show is the music. Such a shame they’ve never released the official OST for seasons 3-6.

Alvin Cura

Immortal Chris Quote of the Day: "nut up and murder these muthaf*ckaz". Instant classic.

Andrew Courtney

I hated we lost Mace in this episode but I like that it was in a way what he was credited doing in the real world to save a life. He just wanted to be that hero.

Tim Xi

Mace already proved that he was this type of person in the real world (remember his blocker quote?). What he did in the framework is what he would have done in both versions of himself, Inhuman and Human.

Tim Xi

You saying that he was pretending to be a hero in the real world is wrong and honestly disrespectful to him. He already proved in a past episode that he's a hero. The reason he was captured in one of the episodes was because he was a hero. Give him some respect, man. Mace was already a hero before he died in the Framework.


As sad as it is, Mace’s death is perhaps one of the most well written. I love how full circle it is, even down to recreating the “photo” of him in Sokovia.