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Without mentioning or hinting spoilers.... would you give up your greatest pain to become part of the city of light?  Even at the cost of completely forgetting people and events?


The 100 - 3x8 Terms and Conditions - Group Reaction



This is taking place at the same time as the previous episode so lexa is being shot at the same time pike decides that kane is gonna be executed


Sad fact: This is the first episode to not feature my baby girls Clarke and Octavia. *Moment of silence* No worries though becuase they'll both be back in the next episode.


Montys Mom: "It's not really that hard choosing what's best for your people is it?" Bellamy: "No. I do it everyday" CHILLS. Bob Morley kills it!


Oh! I was wondering if this was the "I do it every day" episode 🤣👍💕


Pike hasn't killed any of his own people so far so Bellamy is surprised and pissed off that Pike is going to kill Kane. Also Bellamy hasn't changed his viewpoint on the grounders. Bellamy has just turned against Pike.


Nahid needs to stop reacting to this show. It's not good for him. I don't mean that in a bad way. i just mean he clearly doesn't enjoy the show so if he's being forced to watch it we should let him stop


Just recently Pike put Sinclair in Jail so it's understandable for Bellamy to be surprised that Pike is going to execute Kane

Will Cee

If the show makes you angry it’s because the show wants you to be angry. I can respect that. A show that makes you feel uncomfortable emotions towards characters you love. Let the show challenge you #woketh. Don’t hate the show because it makes you sad lol. Just a thought from someone who has a love hate relationship with this show.


i do get what Mickey is saying about how Bellamy should have seen it coming that Pike would kill Kane but it was in the heat of the moment when Bellamy made the choice to stop the rover and i think as Kane was being let out of the rover Bellamy started thinking about the consequences but since Pike had let Sinclair live i think Bellamy had hope that Kane wouldn't be executed. Pike even made a big statement before about how since they are not the Ark they will not kill their own people.


still to this day the whole Bellamy turning to Pikes side has caused the most uproar in terms of a character making a choice that the audience disagrees with and i wasn't aware of this as i was watching the show live. For me as i was watching it i understood why Bellamy turned to Pike. Because Bellamy had never trusted the grounders since season 1 and then in season 2 he still doesnt trust them but he knows he has to work with them to save his friends. then the female grounder in mount weather helps Bellamy but then she betrays him soon after. And on top of that his girlfriend got blown up as well as other people. Not to mention the grounders betrayed them at Mount weather. So because of all of that i didn't find it hard to believe at all that Bellamy sided with Pike. I was more surprised that other people were surprised. Thats just me personally. And Bellamy does act with his heart so i understood that he was letting his emotions get the better of him. In season 2 Clarke is the main reason why Bellamy tries to trust the grounders. In season 2 episode 9 Clarke says to him "We need to trust them Bellamy"


Can't wait for your reaction to the next episode!

Linsey Morris

bellamy fans understood it but i think a lot of the issues laid with them presenting it as Villainous and Wrong and cutting out every scene where he actually spoke about the why of it there's literally a deleted scene with him and octavia that if they would have left it in no one would have questioned him at all bc he reminds u of how shitty the grounders were to them the moment they hit the ground. and they deliberately did it all to make it look like bellamy and pike were bad guys so lexa could look good even though last season lexa wasn't a Good guy at all. she was more grey last season and they completely did a 180 with her bc they wanted to make her look like some kind of angelic leader who only wanted peace this entire time before her death even tho...that was never her. literally the season started and she had a kill order on lincoln but people love to conveniently forget about that. they woobified the shit out of her character bc they wanted the endear her to the audience before offing her.

Nigel W.

To answer that question in the caption, yes.


I would not give up my pain and take the chip because that isn't really living. you are being controlled when you take the chip so for me it's not worth giving up my greatest pain


We are the sum of all of our experiences, including painful ones. With that in mind, no I would not as I would cease to be exist


It has become clear to Bellamy that Pike is using him. Bellamy doesnt want anything to happen to people he cares for, and Kane is included in that group, with Pike threatening to kill Kane Bellamy is beginning to realize the problem that is Charles Pike. Bellamy doesnt think with his head, he reacts with emotions and this causes him to make poor decisions and get taken advantage of. He doesnt trust the Grounders, but he is finally understanding that Pike is doing this out of self-preservation and fear and is not someone that he should trust either. Pike doesnt actually care about Bellamy, he is terrified of the Grounders and saw Bellamy in mourning and used him to get power so that he could feel safe. If Pooe understood anything about Bellamy and cared about having his support, he would have NEVER sentenced Kane to execution. Oh, and Marketa, as far as Hannah goes (Monty's mom), just keep warching.


i agree with everything you say except that i think pike genuinely belives what he is doing is for the best for his people, which is even scarier cuz he doesnt see the wrong in his doing. pikes character isnt the type to just run off and save himself, he wouldnt hav become the chancellor if he just wanted to live himself. hes blinded by his hatred and mistrust of the grounders because of the past and while its understandable to an extent, hes making moves that literally puts everyone at risk.


Oh I absolutely believe he thinks hebos doing the right, but I also think there is a bit of fear in that as well.