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Happy Tuesday guys!! Apologies again.  This will be the last video with the camera audio.  Sadly we could not recover the audio from our mics during this session of videos.  Luckily it was only this the first and second of this season.  The rest of the season will be money.  We plan to finish off part one of season 5 this week.  We cant wait to start the next adventure! - Nahid


Breaking Bad 5x2 Reaction


Eric M

Sucks your mic's f'd up during this session. Thanks to the editor for doing the best with what they got.

Jarrod Wild

Maybe a silly question, maybe not...will you start on Better Call Saul after you wrap up BB?

Jarrod Wild

FYI Nahid someone needs to fix Rana's opening credit card (there's an extra A).


way back, around season 2 i think i remember Nahid said they will start BCS when they finish t his.


A madrigal is a type of vocal musical composition from the Renaissance/ Baroque period, usually varying from 2-8 voices. Not sure how that relates to its use in Breaking Bad, possibly because the meth operation was much more multifaceted than it initially seemed?


The audio really isn’t that bad

Josh B

My girl Lydia! Yay