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Hello all! Here goes your double drop of Breaking Bad!  Apologies we had to use camera audio for this reaction because of mic malfunctions.  For the most part our Editor did an amazing job putting this together so shouts out to Dustin for the work he put in.  Hope you all enjoy the beginning to the last season.


Breaking Bad 5x1 Live Free or Die Reaction


Jasmin Holmes


Kelly Parks

In case you didn't catch it, his (fake) ID was from New Hampshire. The state motto of New Hampshire is, "Live Free or Die."


is the voice recording quality on this one kinda... ~lackluster? It sounds like it's recorded on a 90's tape recorder

Sachal Ali

Ted is honestly kinda ridiculous though. "I told them it was an accident, that I tripped". Yeah lol cause that's literally what happened. He had already complied with the gangsters and was under no immediate threat when he made his run.


Nice reactions the last two episodes. Lots of familiar faces, lots of great discussion. Seeing this episode again, it reminded me of something - you guys HAVE to watch the blooper reels and deleted scenes for each episode. All together should take 1 hour, and you can do a reaction to it, but you guys will appreciate them. In particular - if you thought those last few moments with Walt were cringeworthy, I tell you as a SUPERFAN of this show, the most cringe-worthy, almost disgusting scene I’ve ever watched, of any TV show, is the deleted ending from the next episode. Do yourself a favor and watch it AFTER you’ve finished the series. It’ll make you appreciate their editors even more. Biggest question by far: I am loathe to admit any faults/inconsistencies/gaping holes in the story or production of this show. (Aside from a minor irritation that the events only take place over a period of 2 years… feeling is off) But, BUT - they took the time at the beginning of this season to show Walt rush back and clean all his Etch-a-Sketch to bomb making mess out of the kitchen. Nice attention to detail, EXCEPT, why did they not think this would disturb the neighbor Walt calls in Face/Off to check on his stove/chase away the assassins from his house? Would she not be curious at that scene? Did any of you find that peculiar?

Jarrod Wild

Pop Pop all the way. That's what I find myself calling him now, thanks to Rana and Hannah. :)


i cant hear anything yall are saying. audio could be better


Your three should react to sons of anarchy

Jarrod Wild

But apparently his fake ID had his real DOB on it. Not that it's that big a deal.

Jarrod Wild

I'm going to take a wild guess and say you didn't read the description for the video above.