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PRISON BREAK! LET'S RIOT! Agents of Shield delivers another stellar episode this season.


AOS 4x5 Final



Stellar? You haven't seen stellar yet my friend.


Daisy is doing what she is doing because she still blames herself for Lincoln's death. She feels guilty that he died for what she feels is her mistakes.


is there a rule that says you can't post LOST before 11am?

Linsey Morris

i feel like daisy is just scared more than anything. she's also just being incredibly self sacrificing and reckless as well bc she still holds so much guilt from the hive stuff from last season and she shouldn't bc it wasn't her fault! she was under the sway! but that's hard for her to accept bc u know how heroes are. always gotta blame themselves. she thinks she's protecting the team by doing everything herself which is, as we know, incredibly short sighted bc by distancing herself from them she's still hurting them. her head's just not in the right place right now but this tough love from the team will definitely help in the long run i think. and i agree with that comment about fitzsimmons not falling into that annoying jealousy trope! one of my favorite things about how they've handled them as a couple is that they don't really follow the typical ~dramatic~ tropes that a lot of shows feel like they need to put their ships through. like in s2 when fitz was upset with simmons it wasn't bc she didn't return his feelings it was because his best friend left him when he was going through a hard time and he just missed her. i'm forever appreciative of how they're written. how ALL the relationships on the show are written tbh! anyways, great reaction! this refresher of s4 is making me realize that there really isn't a weak episode this season lol

John FD Lobrano

HEAVILY approve of the All Might body pillow. B3

Christopher simeon

It’s not easy for daisy at all to just get over the guilt and pain she feels. I understand not being able to empathize since you may not have ever gone through having an alien parasite in your brain but she is still hurting and it has only been 6 months. The watchdogs are something she can focus on and please give her time to heal.


Daisy through seasons 1-3 annoyed me so much. I actually started liking her as this season progressed. Thought she was awesome in this season.


I wonder if Coulson was outwardly defiant to authority like Daisy has been, would anyone be taking him to task for it? Oh wait he has been for 5 episodes and no one really does.

Kelly Parks

Yeah, you really see the Dr. Strange influence on this season.


I'm so glad you guys are so open to Mace. When this first premiered people sided with Coulson over Mace and blamed Mace for the Senator blackmailing Shield. I thought it was unfair because this episode had Coulson go behind Mace's back and because of it Senator got all the ammo she needed to blackmail Mace with the unsanctioned prison mission. I was really glad the show made the Mace and Coulson conflict grayer than Real Shield and Coulson conflict in season 2.

James Avery

Dr. Strange originally came out between episodes 4x6 & 4x7.


"Daisy needs to get over her shit?" That's like saying "Stop being so negative and feeling sorry for yourself" to a person suffering from depression...it's just not that easy. My take on Daisy is that she's in pain, she's blaming herself for a lot (Lincoln, Hive etc) and feeling undeserving of being apart of the team. In her mind, she was protecting the team by staying away from them. So now that Daisy's been put in a situation where she has to work with the team, she's overcompensating. Every chance she gets to "protect" them, she takes....which is making her reckless and making her mess things up! It feels like yall aren't really getting where her mind is at right now...but other than that, I really enjoyed this reaction lol :D

Justin Neason

Think about it this way Marketa.. That kind of testing is meant to expose people like Ward. Remember in season 1, Ward only got past it by talking about Daisy because his feelings for her weren't a lie.


Yall gotta stop being so hard on daisy, she's still grieving over lincoln.

Kim Carragher

It's nice to see people in the comments have being level headed about Daisy and actually having compassion for her situation. Like, she's an addict for life, is still probably itching for Hive and that probably disgusts her to her core. I know the "hero goes off on their own, to protect the team from themselves" trope is done a LOT in superhero shows, and it can be grating since you want them to be back with the team and stop creating troubke, and many shows would benefit from a scene or two explaining the characters depression. However, this IS a journey Daisy goes through , and no matter how trope -y it's important to know that a big part of her arc is feeling like a dangerous object, something that brings only misery. since season one "death follows her" has been her story.

Calculatus Eliminatus

Well said, to appreciate SHIELD you have to understand that they actually do try to apply principles of literature to the overall story and character arcs. You have to see every persons actions in the context of their overall journey. Sometimes they detour but they usually come back to the primary story line for their arc.

James Avery

No spoilers everyone, thanks.


Anybody else play Mass Effect? Recognize Garrus' voice during the lie detector test? Tripped me out first time!


Here's hoping for a double drop next week.


Well I haven't agreed with Marketa in like... Ever but today is a special day, yes Daisy is annoying it just took you guys several seasons to realize that, she's not the only annoying one though.. Them as a whole are annoying Phil is a Mary sue, Fitz and Simmons are entitled Mary sues, May is the elitist Mary sue, Mack is the strong man but gets his ass kicked all the time but a Mary sue at heart, YoYo cocky Mary sue.. At this point they should call this the Mary sue show.. They keep playing up this role like were the good guys so every thing we say is factual.. There is no reason Simmons should be able to hide anything from the new owner of shield.. I feel like everybody is so stuck up they're in there own little bubble and that was never what shield was about in the first place. Its just rather convient that she would have dirt on Mace Mary sue much.