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Well.....It truly has been a Long Night for us back here at Normie Headquarters!  I hope you guys are ready for the full reaction on youtube!  It will be going up in the next two hours!


Game of thrones 8x3 uncut

This is "Game of thrones 8x3 uncut" by The Normies on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Yeeeessssssssssssssss! Thanks for the hard work!




8 seasons for this build up and they could have sent Arya, now they could send her to kill Cersei too. Then they could join with Marvel and start Arya the super-hero franchise

Jay (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 18:26:01 Just about to watch so this could get mentioned but I loved in ep1 when Jon & Arya have their reunion and Jon is standing where the Night King was standing, turns and asks Arya "how did you sneak up on me" ;)
2019-04-29 10:35:12 Just about to watch so this could get mentioned but I loved in ep1 when Jon & Arya have their reunion and Jon is standing where the Night King was standing, turns and asks Arya "how did you sneak up on me" ;)

Just about to watch so this could get mentioned but I loved in ep1 when Jon & Arya have their reunion and Jon is standing where the Night King was standing, turns and asks Arya "how did you sneak up on me" ;)

joel bailey

Too many shots of main characters surviving impossible odds- dont mind them surviving, but honestly they need more extras to survive in that case, unless im going to believe gendry and podrick are superior to unsullied and dothraki


Couldn't wait for full reaction...tbh I usually do. But this episode tho


what the hell was Bran doing in this ep? this better be explained later!


Same place Bran gave Catspaw to Arya in Spoils of War too.


Just rename Rana 'Beric Dondarrion' for this episode considering she watched most of it with one eye.

Stephen Mailman

Poor Mickey looked like he was gonna puke the whole time 😂 I know I did


Same move Arya used when sparring with Brienne in that ep too

Aadit Doshi

1:15:15 if ur looking for the headphone warning moment ;)

Aadit Doshi

And Arya established her stealth skills when she was moving through winterfell when the dead were patrolling.

Cisco F

The Dothraki straight up went into the darkness to fight everything all at once. The unsullied basically were sacrificed. Podrick I understand but Sam? Yea he should have died many times. The writers just wanted to get rid off two great forces that could destroy Cersei's army.

Cisco F

Yea it better be. At first I thought he did it to let the king know his location. But that should have been quick right? All he had to do is let him see him. Maybe it was to keep the king distracted by letting him know where he was and that he wasn't moving. That way he wouldn't send his generals to fight and for him to not give instructions to the wights. I can't see any other explanation.


Can you guys do it in 3 parts ala Burlington Bar? (just a suggestion if its too hard to do it in 2 parts)

joel bailey

My extras i mean in the shots with like Gendry and Jaime- as soon as I start seeing 1vs50 Im taken out of it


Lmao at Suraj being the one that’s shaven this week


1:11:20 “Bran we’re gonna need more...than that” Chris sighed, with sadness in his voice, then shook his head in grief.


Theon and Lyanna should worn the plot armor like every other main


"Not enough people died for my taste..." is the world's worst criticism.

rickie woodson

that 7 minues of silence lol if it wasnt for melisandre i would have jumped to the ten minute mark. just as i was about to fast forward the red queen comes out of nowhere lol

rickie woodson

im shooketh. he looks so different in a bad way and im not even into facial hair, im just used to seeing him with it


I don’t he’s ever been FULLY shaved lol. It’s a site

rickie woodson

marketa is so me (minus the crying) i so dont do horry films so all this scary zombie shit was NOT COOL! i was jumping and fast forwarding lol and arya's run through the castle had me near heart attack mode


Its hilarious how Endgame was more ballsy then GOT


suraj is high af

Tom Evans

I was all about to post something making fun of Suraj's shave until I realized he looks good. I think you should keep the clean cut, Suraj.

Rashad T

This was not the longest episode in the show's history. It was 7x07. And it's runtime is matched by the final two episodes of the series.


so how do we time with you?

Dwain Walmsley

Marketa's scream was literally me


Hello normies, I became an Early Normie on your channel and it still doesn't let me watch the full reaction of this episode. Do you know how this problem can be solved?

Wesley Hatton

i cant watch it, can you provide a link please?


Hey guys! Love watching your reactions. Up until recently, I've only been an admiring fan from afar. I decided to become a patron for some specific uncut reactions and this happened to be one of them. However, I don't seem to be able to access it from Patreon :(. I was wondering if I might be able to get some assistance with this? Thanks, guys! Keep up the awesome stuff :D