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Conclusion to the Phantom Troupe arc!! Cant wait til we get to Greed island here soon and see what that is all about!

Vimeo Link: https://vimeo.com/330864294

PW: hxh58


HunterxHunter 58



He literally said he left a dummy behind 3 seconds before and you all go "illumi is here?!"... Cmon...


yea these guys dont like to do a lot of fan service just tell a good story because they could have done way more stuff there we didnt even get a full look at what all the members could do yet. i think they will return later in the season hopefully.


Gon looks better than Killau in a tuxedo


So, normies what do you think. York new's arc is the best arc ever or the best arc ever


Next arch is pretty good also.


The chrysanthemum was referring to the month of November which was Uvo #11. The only prophecy so far that did not occur yet that is still relevant is Kuroro will go East.


I know they've already watched the next few episodes, but I hope somebody told them not to watch the intro for the next arc. It is pretty spoilery


I’m pretty sure they’re watching the openings for all the arcs. I think it’s fine, I don’t think they over analyze intros.


greed island arc is my personal favourite, can't wait for the next set of reactions

Steffen Bauknecht

The flower is "the flower of September, so references the member with the number 9. It blooms in august (8th month) and withers in June (sixth month), so it also refers to those numbers. All in all, thats Shalnark, SShizuku and Pakunoda (It was also mentioned in the show, but there was a lot of information at that time, so it's easy to miss :P)

Edwin Gonzalez

what's great about Hunter X Hunter is that even though this arc is done. The rest of the troupe is still alive. We might see them in the future, which is always good to look forward to.


I think Greed Island is one of the weakest arcs in the show. It's unfortunate that it's inbetween Yorknew and Chimera Ant, two arcs that are amazing.

Aadit Doshi

Even if it is the "weakest" its still really really good. Very creative.

Jules Eris

dammit Suraj, KURAPIKA IS A GUY


please dont replace this show

John FD Lobrano



I think you misunderstood the scene and what they said. Hisoka got Illumi to change his face to Hisoka's with his needles so Hisoka could sneak out without getting noticed.


Avoiding spoilers but.. y'all need to remember the death/nen part. Really important piece of information.


The chrysanthemum line is actually a reference to 3 members of the troupe (9,8 and 6). It is the flower of september, that blooms in august and withers in june.

Knuckle's hair

It’s wired that of all these years , I skipped the greed island arc and Till this day I haven’t watched it

Hachem Hm

You literally don't have to watch the greed island arc, just skip to chimera


I see reaction viewers being impatient and entitled every day but this takes the cake.

Reddd Hunter

People telling you to skip the Chimera Ant arc are missing the point. Greed Island is a fun arc with some serious plot points that are a build up to Chimera. Geez man. People are hella impatient.


Greed island is one of the biggest arcs where our characters actually grow, they introduce new concepts, and as you mentioned serious plot points

Justin Neason

Yeah ignore the comments. Greed Island is overall my 2nd least favorite arc of the show, but it is still really good and VERY important to the plot. So much would make no sense at all if yall skipped it. But we all know u won't :D


Lol Rana and her obsession with white haired boys


It would be dumb if they skipped it regardless why would you even bring that up?

Lavota Carter

I felt sad for Pakunoda but then I also felt a kind of sad sense of justice in it. Squala died when what he revealed didn't do too much, Pakunoda revealed things but it also doesn't do much because Chrollo still has the chain around his heart. So both sides lost a good person that only wanted the best for their side.


chrysanthemum is the flower of November, November is the 11th month of the year which is, in the fortune, pertains to uvo, bloody chrysanthemum smt (cant remember the exact fortune) specifically mean his death. new patreon btw