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What up Losties!! We are back! Here we go to the beginning of a new season!  Hope you all enjoy watching with us!!


Lost 4x1 Reaction



damn they are now releasing the episodes very early


Out of interest, at what point of Lost are Nikki and Rana at as of today? Season 5 yet?


Just a heads up the episode tag within the video is 11 and not 1.

Mark McKeown

Is it my imagination or is the quality (bit rate) lower in this video than normal? Seems slightly more pixelated than normal.


Loving these early uploads


Suraj when charlie came to see hurley you were doing way too much explaining.

Dylan Morgan

I dunno, I was actually happy with what he clarified there and he wasn’t distracting from anything. I loved having Suraj involved when it was just him and Nikki, but I really feel now that three is a crowd and if I had to choose I’d have the two newbies. Plus he can’t really contribute much to the discussion as he’s already seen the show, so he’s kind of just...there.


Why do they think Sawyer is one of the Oceanic 6? Did I miss something?


yeah but they said it was confirmed and I was like we only have 3 confirmed so far.


If you get a chance could you guys record Nicki's reactions to Game of Thrones, if not all then just the best episodes?


Lance Riddick is fucking amazing, love him in everything he does. *cough cough* Fringe *cough cough*


If Nikki doesn't react to GoT, I will riot. Who's with me?


them telling the oceanic 5, and then Suraj unable to contain himself XD


If Nikki reacts to GoT, my life would be complete. Suraj please please make this happens? :teary_eyes:


That Hurley speech where he says he's listening to Charlie is such a good scene. Love this season!


Is this the newest episode that is available for all premium & more members? Why did Suraj say they might be at the episode, "The Constant"?

David Caine

Too bad they didn't react to the webisodes, the last one in particular foreshadows what's in the cabin when Hurley looks in there, and what happens later doesn't completely come out of left field. A couple of others give a little insight into other characters' thoughts on things and plot points. Sigh.


Yeah this is the newest one, he said that because when this video becomes available to everyone on YouTube, The Constant will be up on Patreon.


For someone who claims to hate Ben, Nikki sure does enjoy his jokes... just saying ;)


Or even a compilation of the best moments from each season


she will probably spoil herself, it's too easy

Champion Bescos

Loving these reactions, the girls are so hilarious and on point with certain things (as entertainingly off about others). Season 4 is tied with Season 1 as my favorite season! Can't wait for them to get to The Constant. Suraj, you're doing great. Stay on the couch as long as you'd like.

Michael Harrop

I mean come on how can you hate Ben, hes a hoot 😂 Season 4 Ben is the best Ben. Beaten, broken and no fucks given.

Tiffany Tews (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 09:16:27 I am SUCH Ben Linus trash. He's a horrible person but god, he's just so likable to me
2021-07-19 09:16:27 I am SUCH Ben Linus trash. He's a horrible person but god, he's just so likable to me
2019-04-21 04:31:58 I am SUCH Ben Linus trash. He's a horrible person but god, he's just so likable to me

I am SUCH Ben Linus trash. He's a horrible person but god, he's just so likable to me


Nikki you cannot tell us you will watch Game of Thrones and not react to it on Normies channel ;(( that would be one big tease. please share your journey with us :DD