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Here we go yall!  The Finale to the tournament!! The match we have all been waiting for!


My Hero Academia - 2x12 Bakugo vs Todoroki - Group Reaction



Bakugo ALWAYS has a plan in battle. The point of the tornado was to fight the fire Todo was going to use. I don't think Todo had enough control to even beat Bakugo at this point with the fire.


so yeah, if u think about it, with the whole rivalry between deku, bakugo and todoroki, each of them won a round. Deku won the race, todoroki won the cavalry battle, and bakugo won the one on one fights

Katarina Kurko

Love Rana's reaction at the end 😊

Cpt Adder

Since the moment is past-Put in the hospital=Put into a mental hospital, she did pour boiling water on her son. Endeavor has the pull to make it quiet.


This episode also makes you realize that Midorya and Bakugo are really similar and opposite people, Midorya wasn’t focused on the fight he was only focused on trying to save Todoroki and Bakugo is focused on trying to win the fight and not save Todoroki but they’re both giving it they’re all not holding back and Suraj got it right and wrong and this is the only time I’m comparing the 2 shows but Bakugo and Midorya are like 2 halfs of Naruto, 1 wanting to be the best while the other wants to save everyone

Aadit Doshi

The Naruto and Bakugo comparison is pretty on point. Watching the chunin exam and sports festival made me realize this. Naruto also declared to all the ninjas that he was going to win. (Before the written test). Also Ba Ku Go is very similar to Na Ru To.


Thing is, Bakugo is naruto if he wasn't the protag. You only see the asshole and not the ambitious hero underneath. (Not saying that Naruto is an asshole, I'm talking about Bakugo fyi).

Edwin Gonzalez

interesting enough, in the manga when Midnight was introduced many people thought that she was naked because there is no color the skin tight suit seemed like just skin exposed. basically she looked like she was naked all the time.


Why do you guys think that Bakugou hasn't shined? He's come in top 3 of every fight so far. He's been the team leader. He's dominated every 1v1 matchup he's been in. He's been a savage this whole tournament lol

eric lemieux

midnight is called the r-rated hero, so they are definitely going for a certain vibe. also i dont think they have done the info graphic for her powers at this point in the series


Bakugou came up with that tornado move to counter Todoroki's flames and his flames would have made Bakugou stronger due to added sweat, I don't think Todoroki had him at all honestly


Approaches to their goals aside, they are essentially the same character. This has been a thing since chapter 1/ep1&2. In the beginning: -Deku has no power or talent but is kind and selfless -Bakugo has god gifted talent and a powerful quirk but is mean and self-centered During the sludge villain incident: -Deku is recognised for his altruism -Bakugo is recognised for his strength UA entrance exam: -Bakugo gets 1st place with 77 villain points and zero rescue points -Deku gets 7th place with the highest rescue points which rest at 60 but zero villain points Combat training: -Deku helps his team to win the match but loses his fight against Bakugo -Bakugo ignored his team, beat Deku in one-on-one but lost the match Sports festival (like you said): -Deku achieved his image of a hero by saving Todoroki but lost the fight, resulting in a life long injury -Bakugo won the fight but was unable to achieve his image of hero by failing to prove that he's the indisputable number one, resulting in him being chained up in front of everyone leading to [REDACTED] You don't notice this parallel until KB: Origin. For some people it takes longer (or they forgot) and they learn about it in DVKP2. My favourite thing (besides Katsuki) is the relationship between the protagonist and deuteragonist and how it evolves over time from the beginning to where the story is now. A couple of great characters imo


people don't seem to realise that and always assume todoroki wud win if he used his flames which is BS.

John FD Lobrano

Angry chihuahua is the BEST way to describe Bakugou. XD


It's the Bakugo effect. Despite being a complete savage, the way he talks and acts causes you to underestimate him. Something that Horikoshi actually uses to poke fun at the audience. The underestimation of Bakugo is always used against the people XD


Dude judging from that blast, Im preeeeeeeetty sure bakugou was ready for todoroki`s fire and would have won anyways


Bakugo is my favorite character in this show and I don’t care what anyone says bakugo was going to win this match anyways.


That's actually what most of his fangirls see in him lmao

George Byrd

Same. I just love bakugo. I’m glad horikoshi didn’t do something like bakugo being the bully and then losing to midoriya. Bakugo has always striven to be the best and he always wants to show and prove that.

Omari Bush

Even if Todoroki used his fire it would’ve just made Bakugo sweat more


I mean, especially for battle shounen anime, I'd say it's actually more that they try a little too hard to make fights ideal-based, which is a trope that often gets poked fun of in comedy anime parodying battle shounen. Dragon Ball can kind of be the odd one out sometimes just because it's literally about the fighting for Goku and Vegeta, but even then there's still a lot of ideals evident in their fighting like what it means to get stronger and stuff like that. There's also a lot of ideals when they focus on other characters like the entirety of the Future Trunks arc in Super or Gohan's whole thing against Cell. That said, I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with that, especially when it's done as well as in MHA, but in certain anime, it can be a bit tiresome when every fight has to have some sort of deeper meaning.


Yeah, the language isn't super clear, but the implication is that Endeavor committed her to a psych ward. And to be fair, she DID lash out at Todoroki and pour boiling water on him, so maybe she needed it? But it's pretty clear Endeavor psychologically and physically abused her, so there's a lot of blame to go around.


I’m super shocked at the amount of blind Bakugo fanboys overrating him and thinking he could have won. Sure he’s smart but Todoroki is set up to be the strongest with power in his class. Bakugo knows this is a wall he needs to overcome and still hasn’t. Also I just want to shit on Bakugo stans. Mineta will be the #1 Hero. 🖕🏼


Season 1:Midoriya Origin Season 2:Todoroki Origin Season 3:Bakugo Origin

The Ultimate Ed

I'm so glad I wasn't alone in rooting for Bakugou at for this fight. His drive to succeed is just so powerful and contagious. You can't help but wanna see him get the top stop that he's worked so hard for. (It is especially clear as the season goes on, that he has always been hardworking, even as a kid) I remember being super mad at Shouto for holding back when I first watched it, but after rewatching it like 100 times (well, it really only took one rewatch but I keep rewatching this arc over and over anyways), I can't help but also feel bad for him. Perfect way to end the tournament arc. In the end... nobody gets what they want. I can't wait for the rest of the season. Deku's upcoming training. Getting to see Endeavor in action. The whole thing with Stain. And of course, more on Bakugou and his relationship with Deku and All Might. So excited.


But the gap between them isn't huge tho. At this point their both rank A in terms of power so it's very easy to see why people say Bakugo wins. Although, I would say Todoroki is stronger atm (just my opinion) but not to a ridiculous amount like his fanboys assume. #1 Todoroki #2 Bakugo #3 Midoriya Also, they aren't talking about just raw power when it comes to him winning. It can easily be said that the tornado Bakugo made was to suck out the oxygen to weaken Shoto's flames but at the same time using the heat to increase his sweat volume. Mineta the 🐐 always 😤


Lmfao. Midnights quirk is... Rape? I thought it was toxic B.O 😂


Rana feelin all the feels


Fire makes you sweat.


They know Imon Snow! dope! great reaction btw


21:45 that's basically one piece in a nutshell... except one piece villains ain't too great for the most part.

The Pebble

OP villains exist for you to feel satisfied watching them FINALLY get pummeled after seeing how evil they are lol.


The way I see it, Endeavor basically made her go crazy. Like, you see how many kids they have ? It must’ve been so much pressure on her from both her family and him. I still thinks pouring boiling water on Shoto was f*cked up and I don’t think something like this is forgivable.


Haha, of course they do, she reacted with them a couple of times a while back, they're friends!


Bakugo is actually the no. 1 most popular character in the anime. He won first in Japan and in the West twice in the popularity polls. His character is honestly amazing! Imo too, I think Bakugo would still have beat Todoroki. Todoroki is actually better off fighting Bakugo with his ice. Todoroki's fire would just cause Bakugo to sweat, and the more Bakugo sweats, the bigger his explosions would be. Bakugo is also a master at thinking on his feet and strategizing. He's relentless in the way if one approach doesn't work, he'll still push forwards and switch tacticts. I think the tunnel he also created with the spin was also a counter measure for when Todoroki used his flames. He was already thinking how to counter Todoroki's fire blast, but Todoroki held back and got himself blasted out the ring instead.


Lmao nahid butthurt over the vegeta comparison


i honestly do not understand why people like bakugo so much. AND why people compare to vegeta. Bakugo is a bully and a elitist, he straight up bullied the crap out of midoriya. I just can’t seem to understand why anyone would support a character like that. At least vegeta was conditioned to think lower class saiyans are less than and that genocide is cool (wow thinking about is insane). it isn’t right but it’s what he was taught. BAKUGO LIVES IN A REGULAR DEGULAR SOCIETY and he’s a mean person.

Chris V

Nah, 2x17 and 2x18 are the episode to double drop.

Cristina Totino

I agree with you there. He is a bully and yes he does have some serious anger issues. I think Bakugo is definitely an interesting character because there is a story behind why he is so arrogant what with everyone telling him how amazing he is from a young age. Bit of an ego boost, if you ask me. But considering where he starts in season 1 to where he ends up in season 3 (I hope that's not spoiler-y), I really enjoy his character from a storytelling perspective. Speaking for myself, I think they've done a really good job with his character development throughout all the seasons so far.


"I don't get why ppl like Bakugou" yeah well ya'll might be okay with your straightforward-inescapable-goody-good positive heroes, lightly salted with a drop of mayonnaise, but some people prefer spice


Homeboy Bakugo sweats out nitroglycerin so if he had his grenade part of his suit he could do considerably more damage with it building up




And bakugo sweats nitroglycerin so if todoroki used his fire when grabbing him he would of blow todoroki way because if you set nitroglycerin on fire it explode




(No spoilers) By match-ups throughout this arc. There is no way to precisely deduce between the 3: Midoriya, Bakugou and Torodoki; Which one is better than the other in this tournament.

Lavota Carter

I think a safe bet knowing class-1A that todoroki and bakugou would be the best. Midoriya has raw power but is a casuality to himself. I would have been more upset if he had won the tornament. Todoroki has the power and training from an early age. Bakugou has the power and knowledge of how to pace himself unlike Midoriya. Bakugou is a hothead but he does learn from his mistakes and has a tactical mind when not bonkers angry at Midoriya.

Lavota Carter

But wouldn't making Bakugou sweat make him overdo himself with becoming dehydrated? If Todoroki was able to box him in (not an open platform arena) and make him sweat profusely, it would deplete his strength.

Seth Tolar

He can only create explosions with his palms, not his entire body!!! When will people get that?! lol

Senbu Johns

I love the fact that the author made the 3 main fights so that none of Midoriya, Kachan and Todoroki are the indisputable winner. We don't know who is the strongest out of those 3