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Hello everyone! A little headsup for everyone that we are going to move back with publishing these early access and uncut daily links for all early, premium and higher tiers as blocking them off for only early normies has created A LOT of unnecessary confusion. Some of you have expressed the wish to not be spammed by these links as you receive them as premium normies way earlier and this just doubles down on the amount of notifications you get from us. Even though I understand your frustration, it has really become unmanageable for me to respond to all of the confusion in the comments and messages and it is hard for some of our members to find the links that they need. Some of our patrons left because of how confusing and, perhaps unfair, this seems to be. We've made a commitment to build a website where the uncuts will be way easier to find, but that is going to be a work in progress for a while. In the meantime, we don't want to inconvenience anyone any further when trying to access uncut reactions. 

Thank you all for your understanding and without further ado, enjoy the uncut reactions of this week!

Dragon Ball Super 95:  https://vimeo.com/325963349/6430b36c9e 

Dragon Ball Super 96:  https://vimeo.com/326835965/06fcdde5af 

Hunter X Hunter 45:  https://vimeo.com/318259123/19b1c64cf4 

Naruto 1x25:  https://vimeo.com/318529971/cbe965b016 

Naruto 1x27:  https://vimeo.com/320267643/d25d39de25 

One Punch Man 2x1:  https://vimeo.com/329828420/c592cafb1d 



So I just recently became a Normie today 5$, scroll down and follow the chart, came for them Narutos vids, soo these reactions are now at the same time being release at the ones on YouTube am I right, since 27 came out today, wanted to see ahead, came to the 5$ and it’s still 27 right.


Do tou guys think you could explore posting uncut premium access earlier? I’d love to watch the full breaking bad and hxh episodes rather than the cut ones, but since i watch the cut ones first, i feel like ive seen all the important moments in the episodes so no point bothering with full. Just a thought if not its cool

Jasmin Holmes

only problem I have is i keep on thinking its nikki and Steve posting a breaking bad reaction early and its just you guys giving the links lol no offense


I think that's just for the uncut (unedited) reactions. The edited early access reactions are 1 week ahead of Youtube.


somebody clarify. Are they not posting uncut reactions anymore?


For premium? I'm pretty sure they still are, it's just that premiums will get notifications about the early access tier posts.


The only difference for me is one mouse scroll. You're good, fam. No worries.


Honestly, don't know why this isn't the case. Pretty much any other reaction channel I've followed that does uncuts does them in sync with their early access episodes. If this means we're going back to being even further offset from early access videos as uncut viewers, I think I'll just have to call it quits. Too many good Patreon accounts to follow as it is anyway. :P


Someone else clarify. Are premium users still getting uncuts for their week of content? or are they getting the same uncuts as the early reactions


All tiers remain unchanged. Everyone will still get access to everything they've subscribed to. The only difference is that all premium subscribers will also get access to lower tier posts.


Okay, so just to ensure clarity, what's happening is that these uncut posts are the ones that are in line with the Youtube release that I wouldn't have noticed for a while now as a premium subscriber, and those of us that are ahead are still getting our uncuts on Fridays, corresponding to that weeks early access episode?

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen #1

Sorry I just want to express my complaint. Butterfinger BB’s were delicious and should be brought back! Ok rant over


The complaints department has received your submission and is currently under review. lol

Nick R

I understand the confusion and frustration. I am a premium tier because I enjoy the HxH uncuts. The reason I am a premium tier is also because I want to support The Normies, and if releasing the premium uncuts of the week on Friday is easiest for them, then I will wait a few days for the uncuts, like all premium tiers should. I understand that having links constantly in your feed for early access uncuts can be annoying. But what are you really losing? A few extra seconds of scrolling? It's not the end of the world.


How long until the One punch Man uncut gets posted?


the link shows season 2 episode 2 not 1