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I wouldn't call what Bushy Brow said about Sasuke 'jealousy' bur rather more admiration! It was amazing to see Sasuke's Lion's Barrage at work! Can't wait to see what the rest of this tourney arc has in store for us.

- Suraj


Naruto 39



Excited to watch this! Also just to say it way ahead, I do suggest you watch ep 48-50 in one batch, since it's a 3 parter. I wanted to say it well ahead of it so you wouldn't be rushed to make time for it xP

Ruben Lopez

Please report anyone who uploads the Normies patreon content on YouTube. I seen it happen.


Triple upload 48-50 and watch it the same day!!!


Triple Upload for 48-50


Triple Upload for 48-50 pls!


"I wanna see Kakashi's backstory" ... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Idc if it's a triple upload but you definitely need to watch 48-50 in one sitting


Speaking of Kakashi’s backstory. Technically, the way it was intended, you could watch it right before Shippuden.


It’s gonna be fun watching you guys watch people’s back story and how so many characters are linked


Don’t worry you’ll see Kakashi’s backstory many many times in the future.


The best ‘filler’ in the series involves him


Triple Upload for 48-50


Love the throw back H3H3 reference 😂😂😂


Kakashi never stops getting cooler as the show goes on ;)

Gabriel Moreira

Yeah. My Hero has a PERFECT pacing. Cause its new. Its ok to be boring with the pace of Naruto sometimes cause its really slow, but it was the normal back then. To be able to put the minds of everyone in the show takes time... but its good to see that you guys are liking the show overall

Ji-pi Doyon

Subarachi man !!! Love orochimaru !


Triple Upload 48-50 please, also Kalashi’s backstory is insane, i can’t wait to see u guys react to it when the time comes


Exactly man, sometimes I worry they might stop reacting to show because of the long pacing and how tough it must be to do consistent reactions to them while on top of other shows, but the payoffs for major plot lines are so worth it, i just hope they stick it through


We definitely are going to need that triple upload for 48-50


Micky's right...the pacing is HORRIBLE


If you want a kakashi backstory you can watch naruto shippuden 119 and 120. Dont worry it doesnt have any spoilers because its just backstory. THOSE ARE GREAT EPISODES. Just ignore the opening and ending songs I guess lol


xD Agree with Suraj there, it's totally a Xingise transmutation circle


I’ve never had problems with this ep pacing.


Okay here’s the thing with the my hero comparison. Yes my hero has tremendous pacing but it was created in 2015. This anime was made in 2002 and still holds. I’ll also argue that when Naruto happens (like fight scenes and such) It really happens. My hero seems to be a bit short when they do fight. Naruto isn’t my favourite anime, i think i like my hero better but 100% Naruto highs are just so great.


AND triple upload for 48-50!!!!


My Hero is a seasonal anime and Naruto was always coming out weekly of course it’ll have slower pacing


Everyone is so impatient for a specific fight lol but I'm just here excited for them to see more of Hinata and her story because that's definitely a reaction worthy moment too.


Im laughing at your orochimaru commentary he really is like...just this guy standing in the corner salivating over sasuke and no ones like hey buddy we're gonna escort you out. Also yeah the pacing is trash, this anime had a budget of like $2 and a shoelace especially in its earlier arcs (which doesnt make it any less annoying lol), but I will also keep it 100, it has much higher highs than mha although mha has much better pacing consistency. I'm not someone who think naruto is a perfect show by any means buuut this in particular will become evident imo (and that's why mha's creator was so inspired by naruto)


Chris complimenting on the pacing of MHA, it becomes a drag after 2x17


I agree that Naruto has annoyingly slow pace but it's slow because it was coming out every week all year around. So they had to make the episodes really slow to avoid catching up to the story in the manga. The Naruto manga also released one chapter every week all year, so even though an episode length should be the equivalent of like 2-3 manga chapters they had to make one episode the same length as one manga chapter to keep the distance between the anime and the manga which was not that much further ahead. That is also why Naruto has soooo muuuuuch filler... Now they do anime releases in seasons so the pace gets much better in shows like My Hero. When the season ends the manga keeps going and they never have to worry about catching up.


The hunter x hunter author also was slow at writing so the Naruto manga overtakes it. That means Naruto doesn’t copy hunter x hunter.


I appreciate and understand your thoughts. Nothing but love and understanding fam <3


Ok guys. Let me just say you guys need to stop getting frustrated about the slowness of some parts of the show; I understand that it's annoying at times but, honestly there is nothing you can do about it so you can't keep complaining until the show ends because i'll tell you now that shit is here to stay. Understand that most people like me watched this show when they were kids and kids don't care about pacing necessarily... you guys are watching it when your way older. the show simply wasn't made for your age group and that's why a lot of the time you see very kid-like scenes. and also don't be so analytical about ideas, concept or any logic for that matter in this show like pointing out that people should be able to notice or see something that's happening or "where did that come from" sort of questions.

Keep It Zen

YESSSS! This reaction was awesome. Guys we don’t mind criticism at all, trust us. A lot of us have sat with 700 episodes of this, plus all the movies, and all/most of the fillers. The show is really lacking in some areas, and some episodes can just be plain bad. BUT... what I really love about this reaction, is that you guys (aside from a couple brief criticisms during the reaction - which is perfectly fine) took it all in, everything the show was presenting you, all the information, the dialogue, you made up your mind about the scenes and gave us your genuine thoughts in the discussion. Whether the scenes/episode were great/bad/ or meh, you guys respected the material enough to at least let it show everything it was offering before calling it out on it’s BS. I LOVE that. That’s reaction gold right there regardless of the content at hand. In my opinions that’s much better than bashing on it while it plays out and potentially missing an actual good moment or important piece of information. Again, great reaction. 👏


If I ever complained about someone giving this show some crap about its pacing I’d be the biggest hypocrite ever. This show is just so... damn.... slow.




Lol its funny how it took until episode 39 for somebody to ask how kakashi had the sharingan

Keep It Zen

They can, but I wonder if they should. I’m like 50/50 but let’s not discuss it here. Join the discord or message me if you’d like to discuss

Keep It Zen

No reason to mention this now. They haven’t even heard the names of 3 prominent people in that story, why tell them when it comes and to watch it any time before the first series is over. Backstories are placed in specific areas for a reason

Keep It Zen

I’m willing to say that Naruto’s highs are greater than any other Shonen’s. Imo of course. There’s a reason it the best selling Manga in the west, and top 3 most popular Anime’s EVER, and I’ll tell you, it’s not because of it’s episode-to-episode consistency.


Lol i'm happy you guys will get all the kakashi story one day (400 episodes from now, but it's there!). I didn't see if it was commented yet, but THAT SONG is called SUCCEED. It's what they chant!

Arianne Kay

I'm about to watch this whilst drunk. Wish me luck.

Fadilla Achmad

It just sounds like you're a butthurt fan hahaha. Don't tell them what to do or what not to do, It's their honest opinion. I think you just want someone to praise the show that you watched as a kid...

William Pahau

just wait boys and girls the fighting is worth the wait believe it !


More like inspired. Kishimoto is a big fan of Togashi.


The symbol on Sasuke's back is a fan. The Uchiha Clan is genetically predisposed towards Fire Style, and fans were used like bellows to increase flames


Lolol I love your discussions so much! You guys are hilarious! I wasn't sure what to expect since I read some comments and I was under the impression there'd be a lot harsh criticism of the episode and pacing. But your criticisms were very fair, genuine, and constructive! I love your honesty. I’d prefer that to everyone pretending you loved everything to appease some fans. Micky it’s completely okay to be aware that it’s an older show (at least for the first series) and still be frustrated with the slower progress of the story, especially when you’re used to the modern day structure of shounen anime and just the general digital era we live in where everything is very fast-paced and stimulating. It’s because you see promise in the show and you’re hype that you want things to happen quicker. When I first watched Naruto as a teen I didn't have the level of observational and critical thinking skills I do now and I was simply absorbed in the novelty and basic suspense of what I saw. I did not question my easy suspension of disbelief. But rewatching it now with you when I’m much older I realize all the narrative and pacing flaws within the anime. Like you mentioned, there are a lot of lingering moments and excessive reactionary shots that interrupt the flow or tension of the story. As someone has already said this was an unfortunate, practical result of the year-long, 220-episode anime trying to avoid catching up to the manga. These static scenes that could drag on for minutes actually only took up a few panels in the manga. But I also think it’s one of those ways in which a manga/graphic novel medium fails to properly translate into a tv/audiovisual medium. Reading about the characters’ thoughts and opinions on print, with room for individual imagination, is far more compelling, normalized and brief than watching it all verbalized and animated in linear sequence. Instead of watching Sasuke’s move visualized over and over again within the inner thoughts of characters it would have been one background image to a character or two reacting in the foreground in the manga. I appreciate everyone’s open and rational approach to this though and understanding the necessity of it while still feeling it left something to be desired. I think there’s also an element of personal preference. Some people may enjoy the slow burn, lingering camera gaze, and indirect character/relationship building while others prefer action, condensed storytelling, and more showing than telling. I like a blend of both. And I think for people who have watched the entirety of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden we may have a different view on things because we know the big picture and how all the pieces fit. You do not yet. So I really look forward to seeing how your thoughts and opinions evolve as you watch more of the series and whether or not they’ll change with new developments. Nahid I laughed so much at your comparison of Orochimaru’s disguise to Clark Kent hahaha! While I agree and understand the anime logic of his disguise meant only to be recognizable to us as viewers, objectively it’s undeniably funny how transparent his disguise is. Like Micky said he just changed his clothes and pulled his hair into a man-bun, and that somehow transformed him into a different person undetectable by all the high-level shinobi surrounding him, including the Hokage. He could definitely win out against Clark because at least Clark had glasses and people can look different with and without glasses lol. Orochimaru was barefaced but had an all-power deceptive man-bun apparently. These are the kinds of things you guys catch and comment on that are so fun and hilarious to listen to. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out absurdities, especially when they’re not unique to this show - they exist in all shows - and it’s not as if you hate the show for it. This silliness brings levity I appreciate. I really like how Nahid mentioned the development of the relationships in Team 7 too! I’m glad you noticed that. They’ve definitely become closer, more attentive and considerate of one another throughout the Chuunin exams. They work better as a team now. And Rana, I think Sakura should have told Naruto about Sasuke’s curse mark. I mean from watching any tv show when has keeping secrets ever turned out well for anybody haha? But I also agree Sasuke probably wanted Naruto to focus on the preliminaries without being distracted with concern so he could advance to the final tournament. He understands Naruto’s rash personality. So we’ll see what happens! In hindsight, as an adult, I would say personally the show’s pace really picks up episode 80 onwards. I’m curious if you’ll agree when you reach to that point. But don’t worry Chris, fights long and short are a staple of shounen anime. They’ll come eventually! And Suraj I really like the comments you posted with these Naruto videos! I love reading about what you thought of the episode and things that you enjoyed. I hope you’ll keep writing them if you edit the videos again in the future. Thanks as always! By the way, Naruto episode names can be misleading. I wouldn’t place too much anticipation or lack thereof on an episode based on its title.


Hey is anyone having a issue watching the video?

Gabriel Moreira

Really Well Said. Only thing is, i think in the sub you can see rock lee more jeously. It makes more Sense later with all the "born talent vs work hard" thing that goes with him (and others)


Orochimaru disguise works because for one he's not the main focus and he looks, like a human.. I like how you guys critiqued yourself this episode.. Also you guys are a little to early to be worrying about kakashis backstory.

Danny Hulliung

I can't believe nobody has said this yet but: That song that plays during really awesome moments in the show is called Strong and Strike. The funky tune they play in the beginning of arcs or light episodes is called A Day in Konoha. There yah go ;D