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THE TEAM! The Secret Warriors arrive on the scene just in time! The real meat of this episode, however, is the amazing mystery behind which of the team has turned! Enjoy this exciting reaction to an exciting episode!


Agents of Shield 3x17


Christopher simeon

Season 1 ep 17 ward betrays the team Season 3 ep 17 daisy betrays the team Season 1 Raina said that maybe someday ward and daisy could be monsters together


May was injured when iron chef took the Zephyr down in the previous episode, she flew backwards into a glass screen.

Ryan of New York

Don't worry Rana, you'll get used to calling her Daisy eventually. Don't let Hive / NeoSquidWard confuse you


Fun fact: at the end we hear an evil twist on Daisy's theme, that was originally used during her transformation.

Calculatus Eliminatus

And to be clear, Hive is "original blend" Inhuman, "Designed by the Kree to command the Inhuman army". He's not a Kree, or an alien or some other thing. What we see ARE his inhuman powers.

Linsey Morris

lmaooo my dad said the exact same thing about them spending more money on de-aging sam jackson vs clark gregg. HE LOOKED GOOD IN THAT LAST SCENE!! the first scenes tho not so much. that scene with fury and carol talking about coulson honestly made me tear up it was a very sweet little shout out to the coulson we shield fans all know and love. ANYWAYS THIS IS ONE OF MY FAAAAVORITE EPISODES OF THE SEASON!! idk how to explain it but i had a feeling it was daisy the whole time just bc there's this very subtle thing chloe bennet does with her eyes she just makes them look really vacant idk how to exlpain it lol. phenomenal acting from her. i'm kinda bummed the editor cut out your reaction to fitzsimmons. it's one of my all time favorite scenes of theirs and it's what you've been waiting for! i guess i'll just look forward to the uncut version on friday! NEXT EPISODE IS ALSO VERY VERY GOOD!!


Hey Normies, fyi: When Marketa inquired as to when did Daisy become swayed by Hive, you may not have recalled but it didn't happen off-camera... It actually occurred during 1:44 of your Fair Usage Timer...

Derek Willerton

I cant wait to see you guys watch season 4

Kim Carragher

I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, the twist is well hidden with the way they make you first suspicious of Daisy and then believe it was a misdirected since SHE was misdirecting the team. I'm happy you realise she isn't making her own choices, even if she is using her own knowledge to do Hives orders. There still exists people blaming her for this (always on Tumblr) if you can believe it. More on that later... Anyway great reaction! And no,sorry Chris Fitzsimmons did not get down and dirty there. Lmao.


Rana knows what's up!


That last Daisy scene...*goosebumps*. The music is awesome. Chris shipping Fitzsimmons so hard brings me so much joy. I am hyped for the last five episodes of S3 and then you guys moving onto the best season of AOS.


Same. Of all the Fitzsimmons scenes in this episode, I didn't expect that that scene wouldn't make it to the reaction. Friday cannot come soon enough, lol.


A picture...of space.


Im so glad you guys are enjoying this show! It just gets better in season 4. Minus the cutting out the fitzsimmons scene, this reaction was awesome!


Also I fucking LOVE YOU Chris, lmao. I died at the pesto sandwich comment lmao. You're love for Fitzsimmons will just grow. It's why they are fan favorites.

Jonathan Jones

So now I think it’s Ward Sidious and Darth Daisy


Chris... Malick touched homeless dude and it's fair to assume that he saw his own death since that the kind of power he has, but we didn't see it. No idea where you got that, if you are making shit up, if you saw the show already or whatever, but you are making shit up right now... lol

Calculatus Eliminatus

Umm. No.. They clearly showed us the vision that Malick had. He even described it as feeling like every cell of his body was being destroyed. Malick thought it was Hive doing it to him, but he was mistaken. He had seen what Hive did to the management of Transia before and thought that was what Hive was going to do to him. He equated how he "felt" in his vision with that he saw. Given how obvious it was, I have to say, "No idea where you got that, if you are making shit up, if you saw the show already or whatever, but you are making shit up right now... lol"


He’s called Hive for a reason and that’s they are all one


You can also see small hints that its Daisy by the way she uses "we". Like she tells coulson that "we" will be stronger next time etc.

Alvin Cura

"till all are one"? I don't think that's what Optimus Prime meant. (sorry, couldn't resist)


Rana is literally the Fandom!!! Bomb ass episode but can you really be extremely excited with Daisy turned?!!!!? We were all just quietly clapping in the corner while the devastation set in! This is one of my favorite episodes!


Marketa said that she doesn't understand Malik and what was his motive, so i hope maybe this could help her :P For me was something very basic, he was one of the last heads of hydra, so he wanted to bring HIVE back to earth, because he tought it would help HYDRA to dominate the world, that's what hydra always wanted. But he never thought that bringing back HIVE would backfired him directly in his face, losting his own daughter and his life. I really enjoyed the character those last episodes, because you can clearly see he regrets and wishes he never brought him back


The rest of the show, from this episode forward, is just excellent television. Especially from this episode through season 4 episode 15. You guys are in for a nonstop ride of awesomeness.


Daisy really is capable of destroying that base and probably much more. We saw in season 2 that she caused an avalanche. When she's her normal self she shows restraint with her powers and focuses them in a smaller radius, because collateral damage is a thing.


I read a post elsewhere in which it was pointed out that Coulson and Carol Danvers have something in common: they both had memories modified after receiving a transfusion of Kree blood that saved their lives. The poster pointed out that Fury must have gotten the idea to test that technique out from learning what happened to Carol. I felt a little dumb for not thinking of it myself, but I love when people find those more subtle tie-ins btw AOS and the MCU!


i mean, they decided coulsons fate in 2013. I seriously doubt they had Carol Danvers story figured out in 2013... Its not the same as the comics, and it's a story they figured out even AFTER filming infinity war.